Lightning Tail points out to Thunder that the kits will never be happy here. He has a plan to distract Tom sp they can safely get the kits away. First they go over and tell the kits how much they will miss them while making the moor sound wonderful and the Twoleg nests awful. Then Lightning Tail deliberately attracts the twolegs by yowling. When they arrive he starts purring and rubbing up against them, allowing them to pick him up. The kits are horrified and Thunder points out that they will have to behave the same way. Tom becomes jealous of the attention Lighting Tail is receiving and heads over to the twolegs. Thunder has River Ripple steal the kits then goes and saves Lightning Tail from the twolegs. Tom follows, angry that they took the kits. The moor cats slip and imply Turtle Tail is dead. Tom intends to use this information to take the kits again, since he is their father, but Lightning Tail points out that it is Tom's fault Turtle Tail is dead - and if he doesn't leave the kits alone, he will make sure the kits know this. They collect the kits from River Ripple and return home.
Gray Wing waits for everyone to return. Thunder and Lightning Tail bring the kits back - as well as news of Turtle Tail's death. The kits are upset over the death of their mother and the loss of Tom, but Gray Wing reminds them that they have him. The group grieves, especially since they have no body to bury. Wind Runner apologizes to Gray Wing for her harsh words. She offers to let him carry Emberkit, and turn the baby's funeral into a funeral for both cats. Gray Wing agrees. After the funeral Tall Shadow tells him and Thunder to rest, as they need to save their strength for tonight.
Thunder gets ready, alongside Tall Shadow and Gray Wing. Gray Wing says goodbye to his kits. Pebble Heart tells him to be careful, as danger lies in the hollow. Thunder is surprised by the kits words and is even more surprised at how seriously Gray Wing takes them. Tall Shadow orders everyone to stay in their camp. Some cats want to set a guard but she forbids it, feeling they must stick to their intentions. The three cats head to Fourtrees. Thunder presses Gray Wing for a meaning to Pebble Heart's words. Gray Wing won't give him that, but he does admit that Pebble Heart has dreams that come true, like Stoneteller. He tells Thunder that he is only telling him this in case he does not come back from the hollow, so that the information does not die with him. They reach Fourtrees and can scent all of Clear Sky's cats around them. While they are still hidden in the grass, Clear Sky calls out to them.
Thunder is leery of a trap, but Gray Wing wishes them to approach the rock. Clear Sky invites them all to come up. Gray Wing and Clear Sky speak, but nothing gets resolved. If anything, things are made worse by Thunder getting so upset over his father's words. Tall Shadow speaks. She talks of the land being there before them, and lasting long after they leave. She speaks of the stars and moon, of borrowing the land, of life continuing on. As she speaks the forest cats start to come out of the trees, moved by her words. Even Clear Sky gives pause. But then a starving Jackdaw's Cry attacks a bat to eat. Petal is furious that he would steal prey from the trees - the fact that this is neutral ground means nothing. Thunder is furious to find out that Clear Sky has been starving Jackdaw's Cry. This leads to Thunder and Clear Sky getting into a fight, in which Thunder realizes just how much his father hates him. Clear Sky gives the order to attack. Vastly outnumbered, the moor cats take refuge on the rock. Gray Wing distracts Clear Sky and his cats so Thunder can escape. He takes to the trees and gets some distance before Clear Sky realizes what has happened. He calls out to his cats to stop Thunder. As Petal and Snake almost catch up to him he dives into a rabbit tunnel, hoping to find his way to camp.
Snake and Petal stay outside the tunnel, mocking him for running away. Unable to go back, Thunder is forced to move ahead. He follows the tunnels, accidentally running into a badger, but he gets away and eventually makes it back to camp. He demands of Pebble Heart to explain his dream, but the young kit cannot. Thunder turns to everyone else and tells them what is happening and asks for volunteers. Everyone but Wind Runner's new kits, Turtle Tail's kits, Cloud Spots, and Jagged Peak go with him - Jagged Peak wishes to go but Thunder points out to him that Cloud Spots will need someone to help him care for and hunt for the kits. Frost, who is doing better, volunteers to go as well. Wind Runner and Gorse Fur are determined to fight as well. The cats leave the camp and reach the hollow. Clear Sky mocks Thunder, claiming he was so scared he needed to get help. Thunder responds that he is there is rescue Gray Wing.
I'm really disappointed in Clear Sky. He deliberately attacked a group of cats that he knew he outnumbered at least 3 to 1 - if not 4 or higher. And he seems determined to kill them. This is his brother, son, old tribe mate (who he has starved), and old leader. How would he be able to live with himself if he succeeded? And how can Falling Feather and Quick Water be okay with this? Clear Sky knew there were no more moor cats nearby to help them, and he did not care. And then he tried to stop Thunder from getting reinforcements, then mocked him when he returned with help. I feel like he really is lost. I appreciate him getting a POV, but he is so twisted it is hard to feel sympathy for him right now.
I liked Tall Shadow's speech. It was a nice one. And it might have worked if Clear Sky hadn't of broken his word about feeding Jackdaw's Cry. And I liked the touch of the moon going behind the clouds. That always happens at Fourtrees when the clans break the truce.
I still have a sinking feeling Gray Wing will not be walking away from this fight. But maybe that will be what saves Clear Sky, realizing he has killed his best friend.
Gray Wing waits for everyone to return. Thunder and Lightning Tail bring the kits back - as well as news of Turtle Tail's death. The kits are upset over the death of their mother and the loss of Tom, but Gray Wing reminds them that they have him. The group grieves, especially since they have no body to bury. Wind Runner apologizes to Gray Wing for her harsh words. She offers to let him carry Emberkit, and turn the baby's funeral into a funeral for both cats. Gray Wing agrees. After the funeral Tall Shadow tells him and Thunder to rest, as they need to save their strength for tonight.
Thunder gets ready, alongside Tall Shadow and Gray Wing. Gray Wing says goodbye to his kits. Pebble Heart tells him to be careful, as danger lies in the hollow. Thunder is surprised by the kits words and is even more surprised at how seriously Gray Wing takes them. Tall Shadow orders everyone to stay in their camp. Some cats want to set a guard but she forbids it, feeling they must stick to their intentions. The three cats head to Fourtrees. Thunder presses Gray Wing for a meaning to Pebble Heart's words. Gray Wing won't give him that, but he does admit that Pebble Heart has dreams that come true, like Stoneteller. He tells Thunder that he is only telling him this in case he does not come back from the hollow, so that the information does not die with him. They reach Fourtrees and can scent all of Clear Sky's cats around them. While they are still hidden in the grass, Clear Sky calls out to them.
Thunder is leery of a trap, but Gray Wing wishes them to approach the rock. Clear Sky invites them all to come up. Gray Wing and Clear Sky speak, but nothing gets resolved. If anything, things are made worse by Thunder getting so upset over his father's words. Tall Shadow speaks. She talks of the land being there before them, and lasting long after they leave. She speaks of the stars and moon, of borrowing the land, of life continuing on. As she speaks the forest cats start to come out of the trees, moved by her words. Even Clear Sky gives pause. But then a starving Jackdaw's Cry attacks a bat to eat. Petal is furious that he would steal prey from the trees - the fact that this is neutral ground means nothing. Thunder is furious to find out that Clear Sky has been starving Jackdaw's Cry. This leads to Thunder and Clear Sky getting into a fight, in which Thunder realizes just how much his father hates him. Clear Sky gives the order to attack. Vastly outnumbered, the moor cats take refuge on the rock. Gray Wing distracts Clear Sky and his cats so Thunder can escape. He takes to the trees and gets some distance before Clear Sky realizes what has happened. He calls out to his cats to stop Thunder. As Petal and Snake almost catch up to him he dives into a rabbit tunnel, hoping to find his way to camp.
Snake and Petal stay outside the tunnel, mocking him for running away. Unable to go back, Thunder is forced to move ahead. He follows the tunnels, accidentally running into a badger, but he gets away and eventually makes it back to camp. He demands of Pebble Heart to explain his dream, but the young kit cannot. Thunder turns to everyone else and tells them what is happening and asks for volunteers. Everyone but Wind Runner's new kits, Turtle Tail's kits, Cloud Spots, and Jagged Peak go with him - Jagged Peak wishes to go but Thunder points out to him that Cloud Spots will need someone to help him care for and hunt for the kits. Frost, who is doing better, volunteers to go as well. Wind Runner and Gorse Fur are determined to fight as well. The cats leave the camp and reach the hollow. Clear Sky mocks Thunder, claiming he was so scared he needed to get help. Thunder responds that he is there is rescue Gray Wing.
I'm really disappointed in Clear Sky. He deliberately attacked a group of cats that he knew he outnumbered at least 3 to 1 - if not 4 or higher. And he seems determined to kill them. This is his brother, son, old tribe mate (who he has starved), and old leader. How would he be able to live with himself if he succeeded? And how can Falling Feather and Quick Water be okay with this? Clear Sky knew there were no more moor cats nearby to help them, and he did not care. And then he tried to stop Thunder from getting reinforcements, then mocked him when he returned with help. I feel like he really is lost. I appreciate him getting a POV, but he is so twisted it is hard to feel sympathy for him right now.
I liked Tall Shadow's speech. It was a nice one. And it might have worked if Clear Sky hadn't of broken his word about feeding Jackdaw's Cry. And I liked the touch of the moon going behind the clouds. That always happens at Fourtrees when the clans break the truce.
I still have a sinking feeling Gray Wing will not be walking away from this fight. But maybe that will be what saves Clear Sky, realizing he has killed his best friend.
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