Friday, July 12, 2019

the hidden kingdom: part five

As Glory listens to the NightWings talk she realizes Deathbringer might have set her and her friends up by deliberately getting captured. Panicking, she tries to escape and is knocked out again. Glory wakes up, finding herself bound and gagged, to a young missing dragonet named Kinkajou. Glory walks to the front of their cave and discovers she is in a lava filled place that is the secret home of the NightWings.

Kinkajou is talkative, but since Glory is gagged she can't get any specific information out of her. Glory quickly becomes frustrated and then even more frustrated as Kinkajou reads all the emotions on her scales. Glory hears a commotion and looks outside the cave. She sees a RainWing, who is so depressed his scales are gray, being carried away by NightWings. Kinkajou tells her this is Gibbon, and the NightWings are especially interested in his venom. Glory tries to plan an escape when some NightWings show up. One of them is interested in how different she is, since she didn't instantly turn green with fear. The others are uninterested in his observations. As they unlock Glory's mouth so she can eat she plans her attack.

The moment her mouth is free she attacks. She quickly gets pinned down but Kinkajou shocks her by joining in the fight. She uses her venom against the NightWings but is very apologetic for it. They subdue their captors quickly but the commotion alerts other NightWings. Glory tells Kinkajou to turn herself into a NightWing and send them away. Kinkajou does this by telling the others that Glory took off. The NightWings leave but Glory knows it is a matter of time before they come back. She cannot get her bindings off and knows if she doesn't she cannot get across the lava to escape. Just then Deathbringer shows up.

Clay arrives right after Deathbringer. He explains that Deathbringer told him where she went and they came here to rescue her. Clay, Glory, and Kinkajou leave. Glory wants to rescue the other RainWings but Clay feels they need to escape first. When Deathbringer doesn't join them Clay explains it away by saying he can't be seen helping them. Glory, however, wonders - especially since the wounded NightWing in the cave overheard their escape plan. They reach the tunnel they need but some NightWings are guarding it. The three dragons fight and get Kinkajou safely away. Shortly after they follow her.

The three dragons burst through the tunnel to find their friends looking for them. Glory tells them about being captured and feels they need to raise a RainWing army to rescue the missing dragons. Leaving Clay and Tsunami to guard the tunnel, Glory and her friends head towards the village. Starflight and Sunny are skeptical of her plan. Kinkajou is excited and wonders how much everyone was looking for her. She becomes upset when she realizes no one was. Glory tells Coconut, a RainWing, to gather everyone for a tribe meeting. She then leads her friends right to Magnificent's hut, cutting past everyone in line. She tells Magnificent that she found the missing RainWings but they need to be rescued. Magnificent feels it doesn't matter and that maybe they should just leave the captured RainWings. She doesn't even care when Glory tells her of the experiments or that RainWings are dying. Glory becomes furious and challenges Magnificent for the throne.

I am suspicious of Deathbringer helping Glory escape. I think he genuinely did not want her captured, but helping her escape is something else entirely. Glory is right, what about the injured NightWings in the cave? They would have heard Deathbringer telling Glory to escape. How is he supposed to talk his way out of that? Short of killing the NightWings I don't know that he can.

And Glory challenging Magnificent!!! I did not see that coming! Tsunami was always the one who wanted to be queen! But good on Glory for standing up for what is right!

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