Tuesday, July 30, 2019

battles of the clans

So, I didn't like this guide quite as much. It actually took me almost a week to read it when it should have taken me just a couple of hours.

The book has Onestar greeting some kittypets that have entered his land. They are curious about the warrior way of life and he takes them around to the other clans so they can introduce themselves. (I suppose my dislike started with this - Onestar would never in a million years be nice to kittpets like this. I understand why he has turned into the cat that he has, but this is a complete break from his current character.) The cats are brought around to speak with each of the deputies about their special battle tactics (without giving anything away). Then two very short stories follow either about the invention of the move or the uses of the move. Skyclan even pays a visit to their dreams so they are not forgotten. From there a tour is given of their home by Tawnypelt, who speaks of some of the greatest battle that have occurred by the lake already. Then, Tigerstar visits them in their dreams to show them the forest and speak of the battles there - as well as hint of battles to come. Some famous battles are touched upon, both in the past and the future (which, is where another grievance of mine came from. In this book Firestar is still alive, Tigertar hints of the upcoming fight between the Place of No Stars and the clans, yet Heatherstar has some short stories from WindClan's POV and since she speaks of Lionpaw being her best friend and how he is from another clan. It is clearly Heathertail.) It was interesting to see snippets  of battles from another cats POV. And the fall of SkyClan from both Redstar and Cloudstar's POV was touched upon after a battle that the starving SkyClan failed to win.

It was a good book. My issue is with the continuity and the choice of Onestar as the friendly cat who gives the kittypets the tour. Oh, but extra points for mentioning Gray Wing as a leader of WindClan!

Sunday, July 28, 2019

the first battle: part six

Wind lives on the moor with Branch. Ever since her mother and sister died, Branch has taken care of her. Wind is hungry, and wishes they had taken up the river cats on their offer of fish. Branch is annoyed with Wind, and tells her that he will hunt for her. Wind smells a dog, but Branch dismisses her, telling her he too scents the dog but it is far away. They spot a rabbit and Branch circles around it. He will startle it so the rabbit runs straight into Wind's paws for the kill. Branch startles the rabbit, and it races towards Wind but the  stops. Branch, too, freezes. Confused, Wind looks behind herself to see the dog. It attacks her, clamping down on her leg. Wind screams out in pain and tells to Branch to help her. He does and they escape to a sheltered area. Wind passes out, worried about her leg. When she wakes up Branch is there with a rabbit. She is not hungry, but he tells her she needs to eat to keep up her strength. Wind is confused by how cold Branch is acting. She assures herself he is just worried. The next few days Wind drifts in and out of consciousness as her body tries to heal. When she finally wakes up the rabbit next to her has rotted and Branch is no where to be seen. Feeling betrayed, Wind resolves to heal and move on.

Time has gone by and Wind is doing well. She lives alone on the moor and her leg has healed. An intense heat has set in and food is scarce. Rain is coming on the horizon, and with it life will return to the moor. Wind catches a rabbit and settles in under a tree to eat it. As she does she hears two kits - Frog and Willow - commenting that they can smell rabbit. Their mother, Tansy, tells them she will hunt for them as soon as she is well enough. Frog resolves to go hunting for his family before they starve. Wind stops him and offers part of her rabbit. The kits are so hungry, though, and she remembers how she almost starved after Branch abandoned her, that she feels bad and gives them all of the rabbit. She tells Tansy that she should move their nest, as the gorse bush thorns is what wounded Tansy to begin with. Tansy offers to share the rabbit, but Wind refuses and leaves. She walks away and another cat speaks to her. He is Gorse, and he tells her that was kind. Gorse tries to be friendly with her and offers to hunt with her but Wind refuses, insisting she hunts alone. Gorse leaves her. She tries to catch a bird but the rainstorm suddenly breaks, scaring the bird away. She realizes the gorse where Tansy and the kits were sheltering is on fire.

Wind races to help Tansy and her kits. Willow is safe but Frog has climbed up a holly tree, which is slowly catching on fire. Frog is too frightened to climb down so Wind goes up to save him. Gorse joins her and between the two of them they safely get the kit out of the tree. Exhausted, Gorse takes her to a place they can rest. When she wakes up Gorse is gone. She is upset but tells herself that there is no reason why he would have stuck around. Gorse returns with prey for them to eat. Wind is shocked to realize this is actually Gorse's den, not just a place for them to take shelter. He invites her to eat with him and she realizes she doesn't have to be alone anymore.

To start with, I really don't like Branch. I wonder if we will ever see him again? From the very beginning he came across as controlling. He wouldn't let Wind eat the fish, he wouldn't let her hunt, when she smelled dog he dismissed her, then when she was attacked by the dog he abandoned her. He wasn't taking care if her - he was using and abusing her. He really is not a nice cat.

I'm glad she found Gorse. I didn't realize she and Gorse were mates until this book. I thought they were just good friends. But, if this is their beginning, I can see why she let herself fall in love with him.

Friday, July 26, 2019

the first battle: part five

Even though they are vastly outnumbered, Thunder and his friends rush into battle. Thunder ends up in a fight with Snake - who is actually trying to kill him. Lightning Tail saves him and expresses shock at how vicious Clear Sky's cats are being. Thunder tells him they will just have to fight to kill as well. However, despite his words, Thunder is upset. He can't believe how easily Clear Sky's cats are willing to kill - even Falling Feather and Quick Water - and he can't believe how easily his friends are willing to fight the same in return. He saves Gray Wing from Petal, who is trying to kill him for revenge for Fox. Fircone attacks Thunder, and when Thunder tries to point out that Fircone didn't want this his old tribe mate responds that times have changed. Tall Shadow kills Fircone. Snake kills Frost. Clear Sky kills Rainswept Flower when she accuses him of being greedy. Horrified, Gray Wing attacks Clear Sky. He tells him he is glad Storm is dead so she doesn't have to see the cat Clear Sky turned into. Thunder tries to reach Gray Wing but Falling Feather stops him. She tries to kill Thunder, but Jackdaw's Cry stops her by attacking her. Thunder desperately tries to figure out how to stop the two sets of siblings from killing each other when Leaf attacks him. Defending himself, Thunder thinks he has accidentally kills Leaf. He is devastated at what he has done and cries out for Dappled Pelt. She arrives and tells him Leaf will survive. Thunder tries to reach Gray Wing yet again when a cry turns him away. He sees Falling Feather and Jackdaw's Cry kill each other. Thunder turns back to Gray Wing and Clear Sky. His father has his uncle pinned down. Clear Sky orders Gray Wing to give up, but Gray Wing refuses. Instead he tells Clear Sky to just do it, to kill him and live forever with the knowledge of what he has done. Clear Sky can't do it. He looks out over the battlefield and sees the destruction. He announces that the battle is over.

Clear Sky tells his cats to go away. He feels he does not deserve to lead since he could not bring himself to kill Gray Wing.  Nettle asks who won, and Clear Sky tells him no one. Confused, Petal tells everyone to return to camp. Clear Sky watches as Thunder, Lightning Tail, and Acorn Fur find Hawk Swoop's body and mourn her. He comments that they are acting like kits. Gray Wing tells them that they are kits, Hawk Swoop's kits, even Thunder who she raised. Clear Sky feels guilty for hurting his son, but pushes the feeling down. The forest cats collect their wounded and leave. Dappled Pelt, Lightning Tail, and Acorn Fur head back to camp for Cloud Spots and supplies. The moor cats refuse to leave, wishing to sit vigil with their dead. Clear Sky is upset. He feels that this battle was supposed to prove how powerful he was, how he could take any land, how he could take care of his cats. Instead all it proved was that the moor cats were willing to fight just as hard as he. He wonders if they all traveled here just to die. River Ripple arrives. He says that he saw the fight but did not join it because it was not his battle. He accuses Clear Sky of bringing death. Clear Sky argues that he just wanted enough prey for his cats. Looking around at all the dead bodies, River Ripple points out that there will be plenty of prey now. Gorse Fur says maybe they should leave the moor. Wind Runner insists they will stay and fight for it. An argument breaks out amongst the survivors over Clear Sky's greed. Much to Clear Sky's shock, Gray Wing speaks up, saying Clear Sky was never greedy in the mountains and that he cannot have changed that much by moving here. Suddenly starlight turns the dead cats silver, and Storm walks into the hollow.

Gray Wing watches as shadows of the fallen cats rise up from their bodies. Hawk Swoop comforts Thunder; Falling Feather and Jackdaw's Cry make up. The former rogues are shocked by what they see. Gray Wing and Clear Sky speculate at this turn of events, feeling that Stoneteller would understand. Turtle Tail and Emberkit arrive. Emberkit assures his mother he is fine, and that he now has Turtle Tail to care for him. Turtle Tail calls Clear Sky a fool for forgetting where he has come from. She and Gray Wing move aside to speak the goodbyes they never got to say. Turtle Tail says they have come with a message and then turns towards Storm, who is loving towards Clear Sky.

Clear Sky and Storm argue as he tries to make her see his side. She accuses him of greed but once he starts talking about Fluttering Bird she realizes, to her relief, it was fear that drove him. Storm asks Thunder if he can guess the message, but he cannot. He also doesn't understand her telling him that now is the time for him to make things right. Shaded Moss dresses down Tall Shadow for her part in the bloodshed but she refuses to agree with him that she holds any blame. River Ripple speaks up, feeling he knows the message. Clear Sky tries to silence him by telling him he doesn't belong, but that angers Storm. She tells Clear Sky that this is his problem, he is too busy trying to tell everyone who does and doesn't belong there. A star falls across the sky. Everyone sees it as a sign. The dead cats tells them that this is their message - unite or die. Thunder speaks up, saying Clear Sky prefers the tree while Gray Wing prefers the moor. How are they supposed to unite? The dead cats insist they must find a way - or die - then leave. River Ripple asks if their ancestors walked among them in the mountains. Tall Shadow says no, just with Stoneteller. River Ripple points out that maybe that is because there was no need for then to in the mountains.

StarClan has officially come! I'm so glad! And, the full moon peace at Fourtrees is being born! I have been waiting for all of this for forever! Of course, that is also because it has taken me months to get to book 3, let alone finish it.

I'm glad Clear Sky received a dressing down from his fallen kin. He was sorely in need of it. I'm also glad he couldn't bring himself to kill Gray Wing. Hopefully peace will now come between the two groups.

When will the other three clans appear? I know Thunder is destined to become Thunderstar but what about everyone else? And when will Pebble Heart travel to the Moonstone? I am so impatient! That is the problem with prequels - at least with me. You already know what is going to happen so you are in a rush to get there.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

the first battle: part four

Lightning Tail points out to Thunder that the kits will never be happy here. He has a plan to distract Tom sp they can safely get the kits away. First they go over and tell the kits how much they will miss them while making the moor sound wonderful and the Twoleg nests awful. Then Lightning Tail deliberately attracts the twolegs by yowling. When they arrive he starts purring and rubbing up against them, allowing them to pick him up. The kits are horrified and Thunder points out that they will have to behave the same way. Tom becomes jealous of the attention Lighting Tail is receiving and heads over to the twolegs. Thunder has River Ripple steal the kits then goes and saves Lightning Tail from the twolegs. Tom follows, angry that they took the kits. The moor cats slip and imply Turtle Tail is dead. Tom intends to use this information to take the kits again, since he is their father, but Lightning Tail points out that it is Tom's fault Turtle Tail is dead - and if he doesn't leave the kits alone, he will make sure the kits know this. They collect the kits from River Ripple and return home.

Gray Wing waits for everyone to return. Thunder and Lightning Tail bring the kits back - as well as news of Turtle Tail's death. The kits are upset over the death of their mother and the loss of Tom, but Gray Wing reminds them that they have him. The group grieves, especially since they have no body to bury. Wind Runner apologizes to Gray Wing for her harsh words. She offers to let him carry Emberkit, and turn the baby's funeral into a funeral for both cats. Gray Wing agrees. After the funeral Tall Shadow tells him and Thunder to rest, as they need to save their strength for tonight.

Thunder gets ready, alongside Tall Shadow and Gray Wing. Gray Wing says goodbye to his kits. Pebble Heart tells him to be careful, as danger lies in the hollow. Thunder is surprised by the kits words and is even more surprised at how seriously Gray Wing takes them. Tall Shadow orders everyone to stay in their camp. Some cats want to set a guard but she forbids it, feeling they must stick to their intentions. The three cats head to Fourtrees. Thunder presses Gray Wing for a meaning to Pebble Heart's words. Gray Wing won't give him that, but he does admit that Pebble Heart has dreams that come true, like Stoneteller. He tells Thunder that he is only telling him this in case he does not come back from the hollow, so that the information does not die with him. They reach Fourtrees and can scent all of Clear Sky's cats around them. While they are still hidden in the grass, Clear Sky calls out to them.

Thunder is leery of a trap, but Gray Wing wishes them to approach the rock. Clear Sky invites them all to come up. Gray Wing and Clear Sky speak, but nothing gets resolved. If anything, things are made worse by Thunder getting so upset over his father's words. Tall Shadow speaks. She talks of the land being there before them, and lasting long after they leave. She speaks of the stars and moon, of borrowing the land, of life continuing on. As she speaks the forest cats start to come out of the trees, moved by her words. Even Clear Sky gives pause. But then a starving Jackdaw's Cry attacks a bat to eat. Petal is furious that he would steal prey from the trees - the fact that this is neutral ground means nothing. Thunder is furious to find out that Clear Sky has been starving Jackdaw's Cry. This leads to Thunder and Clear Sky getting into a fight, in which Thunder realizes just how much his father hates him. Clear Sky gives the order to attack. Vastly outnumbered, the moor cats take refuge on the rock. Gray Wing distracts Clear Sky and his cats so Thunder can escape. He takes to the trees and gets some distance before Clear Sky realizes what has happened. He calls out to his cats to stop Thunder. As Petal and Snake almost catch up to him he dives into a rabbit tunnel, hoping to find his way to camp.

Snake and Petal stay outside the tunnel, mocking him for running away. Unable to go back, Thunder is forced to move ahead. He follows the tunnels, accidentally running into a badger, but he gets away and eventually makes it back to camp. He demands of Pebble Heart to explain his dream, but the young kit cannot. Thunder turns to everyone else and tells them what is happening and asks for volunteers. Everyone but Wind Runner's new kits, Turtle Tail's kits, Cloud Spots, and Jagged Peak go with him - Jagged Peak wishes to go but Thunder points out to him that Cloud Spots will need someone to help him care for and hunt for the kits. Frost, who is doing better, volunteers to go as well. Wind Runner and Gorse Fur are determined to fight as well. The cats leave the camp and reach the hollow. Clear Sky mocks Thunder, claiming he was so scared he needed to get help. Thunder responds that he is there is rescue Gray Wing.

I'm really disappointed in Clear Sky. He deliberately attacked a group of cats that he knew he outnumbered at least 3 to 1 - if not 4 or higher. And he seems determined to kill them. This is his brother, son, old tribe mate (who he has starved), and old leader. How would he be able to live with himself if he succeeded? And how can Falling Feather and Quick Water be okay with this? Clear Sky knew there were no more moor cats nearby to help them, and he did not care. And then he tried to stop Thunder from getting reinforcements, then mocked him when he returned with help. I feel like he really is lost. I appreciate him getting a POV, but he is so twisted it is hard to feel sympathy for him right now.

I liked Tall Shadow's speech. It was a nice one. And it might have worked if Clear Sky hadn't of broken his word about feeding Jackdaw's Cry. And I liked the touch of the moon going behind the clouds. That always happens at Fourtrees when the clans break the truce.

I still have a sinking feeling Gray Wing will not be walking away from this fight. But maybe that will be what saves Clear Sky, realizing he has killed his best friend.

Monday, July 22, 2019

the first battle: part three

Thunder is given the task of making sure Gray Wing rests while Wind Runner has her kits. Turtle Tail sends her kits to play in the grass in the camp and and focuses on Wind Runner. While Thunder is alone with Gray Wing, his uncle tells him that danger is coming but he knows Thunder will see them through it. Gray Wing falls asleep and Thunder thinks on his words. Turtle Tail arrives and tells Thunder that Wind Runner's labor isn't going good. She needs him to get a stick. Thunder leaves and sneaks into Clear Sky's territory to get one, then heads back to camp. He comes back and gets to witness the birth of Wind Runner's four kits. He and Turtle Tail leave her den happy, but when they get outside they cannot find Turtle Tail's kits. Everyone splits up to look for the kits, while Tall Shadow watches over Gray Wing. Jagged Peak's yowl alerts Thunder and Lightning Tail. They race to him and find him at Bumble's grave. Jagged Peak tells them that Tom has taken the kits and Turtle Tail has gone after him. Thunder and Lightning Tail chase after her, telling Jagged Peak to return to camp and give a report.

Clear Sky is patrolling his territory with Snake when they come across a kittypet with three kits just outside their territory. Clear Sky questions him, and doesn't believe Tom when he says the kits are his, but let's him pass on his way anyway. He and Snake head back to camp, where Clear Sky has his cats practice battle moves with claws unsheathed, much to Jackdaw's Cry's horror. Clear Sky also refuses to let Jackdaw's Cry eat while he keeps him hostage. This upsets Quick Water and Falling Feather but they don't push the issue. Later, Clear Sky goes out again and finds Thunder and Lightning Tail following Tom's trail. He refuses to give them any information about a tom with kits, and mumbles under his breath that maybe the kits belong with their father. This angers Thunder since Clear Sky never wanted him. They exchange words and Clear Sky stubbornly insists he knows nothing. They leave and Clear Sky is left with his angry thoughts.

Thunder and Lightning Tail follow the trail but lose it. They come across a rogue named Swift and she gives them a hard time when they ask for information - though she does give it to them in the end. They follow her directions and reach a river. They cross the stepping stones but Lightning Tail slips and falls into the water unconscious. Thunder panics but River Ripple has seen them and dives into the water. He saves Lightning Tail and then resuscitates him. They explain that Tom has stolen Turtle Tail's kits and River Ripple offers to help them. They reach Twoleg place where a monster startles them and almost hits them. Then they see Turtle Tail's dead body.

Thunder and Lightning Tail are upset. River Ripple explains it looks like a monster hit her. They hide her body, unable to bury her or bring her home, and then continue on their journey. River Ripple brings them to Flower, a cat who knows everything. Flower doesn't like wild cats but when they explain that Tom has stolen their kits she agrees to help, since she feels Tom is a bully. She brings them to the area where he lives but refuses to bring them to his exact shelter out of fear of what he would do to her. The three cats quickly find Tom and the kits but are unsure what to do. The kits are complaining about being hungry and Tom tells them they will eat soon. They ask if he will hunt for them but he tells them they don't need to hunt while with him. The kits talk of returning to Turtle Tail soon, but Tom lies to them and says their mother knows they are with him. Thunder can hear something coming, which Tom clearly hears too because he tells the kits to hide for a game of hide and seek. The kits do so and Thunder hopes to snatch them as they come outside but Tom makes them hide in den they are in. A Twoleg comes and drops off food. Tom begs for more and the Twoleg obliges then leaves. Thunder realizes Tom is hiding the kits from the twolegs. Tom calls the kits out to eat, but the kits are upset he didn't try to look for them. Thunder and his friends confront Tom, but Tom refuses to give over the kits. He tells them that he has told the kits the truth, that he is their father, and they belong with him. Thunder is unsure what to do now. He cannot attack Tom and steal the kits if they know the truth. But Lightning Tail comes up with a plan and tells Thunder they should leave for now.

Gray Wing wakes up to find the kits and Turtle Tail missing. Tall Shadow tells him everything is fine but he can tell that his tribe mates are worried. He wants to go after them but Tall Shadow forbids it, feeling that Gray Wing must save his strength for his meeting with Clear Sky. This gives Gray Wing the idea to check out the Fourtrees area. He and Tall Shadow go to scope it out and decide what to do. Tall Shadow tells him that she and Thunder will come with him to the meeting. This upsets Gray Wing, who intended to go alone, but he sees her wisdom. They head back to their camp but still no one has returned. And worse, while they were gone one of Wind Runner's kits died. Gray Wing tries to comfort her by saying maybe the kit is in a better place, but his words anger the grieving mother. She lashes out at him saying he would never understand since he doesn't have kits, isn't a mother, and Turtle Tail's children aren't really his own. Hawk Swoop comforts him by saying Wind Runner doesn't really mean her harsh words. Hurt, Gray Wing settles down to wait for his mate and kits, worried about them.

Of course Tom takes the kits the moment everyone is distracted. And of course Clear Sky refuses to say anything. That one I am disappointed in. Clear Sky should have behaved better - if only to prove he is better then the moor cats, like he is always claiming. And now Turtle Tail is dead - and I blame Tom. His argument of wanting to be with his kits doesn't even make any sense. He was cruel to Turtle Tail so she left. He was cruel to Bumble so she left - and died because she was incapable of surviving in the wild. He attacked Thunder then played victim when Thunder attacked back. He then lied to Thunder about his reasons for wanting to see Turtle Tail and the kits. He tried to kill Turtle Tail when they argued over the kits. And he lied to the kits and Clear Sky when he took them away. If he had not of stolen the kits Turtle Tail would still be alive. Flower is in fear of him. And he is hiding the kits from his twolegs for some reason. I can't believe it is fear that the twolegs will take the kits away, not when he didn't care when Turtle Tail still lived with him. He is throughly bad news. And now part of Pebble Heart's dream has come true - Turtle Tail is dead. I wonder when Gray Wing will follow. Based on his other dream involving kin, I assume Clear Sky will kill him. Which has me thinking. This book is more then half done, and we are moving towards the meeting between Gray Wing and Clear Sky. I assumed the meeting would fail and a battle would follow. But perhaps the battle is between Gray Wing and Clear Sky alone? Perhaps the battle is Gray Wing's death at the meeting?

Anyway, enough speculation. Pebble Heart's dreams prove that he is intended to be a wild cat. StarClan has already started to speak to him. When will they appear?

Saturday, July 20, 2019

the first battle: part two

Clear Sky has taken Alder and Birch out for training, against the wishes of Petal. He takes them racing through the trees, frustrated at their inability to keep up. Privately he thinks they have to do better if they expect to survive. When the kits object to how hard he is pushing them he discounts their concerns. They reach their goal and Clear Sky announces that they will now play hide and seek. He tells Birch to wait while he and Alder hide. He takes Alder to a spot that he has already picked out. He tells her to roll around in some foul smelling mud to hide her scent, hide behind a tree, and attack Birch when he comes. Alder refuses to attack Birch, feeling it isn't fair since Birch won't be expecting it. Clear Sky grows more and more frustrated with her and actually lashes out with his paw. He calms down and apologizes but then Alder hears a dog and races off after her brother. Clear Sky follows and back at the tree where they left Birch they find the dog has chased the young kit up the tree. Clear Sky freezes, unsure what to do. Petal arrives gets the dog to chase her. Clear Sky joins her and they lead the dog away from her kits towards some twolegs wandering around. The twolegs deal with the dog and they return to the kits. Birch and Alder want to go home and Petal tells them they can. Alder admits that Clear Sky wanted her to attack her brother and Petal is angry, feeling that Clear Sky should have shown them how to hide from an enemy before how to attack one. As they head back to camp Clear Sky wonders if he is doing the right thing, and just what Gray Wing, Quiet Rain, and Bright Stream would think. Later on, at the camp, two rogues arrive. Their names are Dew and Thorn and they wish to join Clear Sky's group. All the other cats are hostile, but Clear Sky thinks it might be a good idea. He asks what they bring to the group, so Dew and Thorn speak of their skills. Clear Sky tells them it is not enough so they admit to spying on the moor cats. They tell Clear Sky that the moor cats are practicing battle moves and are even training their kits how to fight. They also tell him that Thunder is with the moor cats. Clear Sky is furious and believes that Thunder was sent by Gray Wing to spy on them. He decides that if Gray Wing wishes for war then he will have it. Clear Sky welcomes the rogues into his group.

Hidden in the mist, Thunder and Jackdaw's Cry wait for the others to arrive. Unable to bear the silence any longer Thunder confronts his tribe mate, since he knows Jackdaw's Cry never wanted him around. Jackdaw's Cry is surprised by Thunder's words, and stands by his decisions. But he also tells Thunder it doesn't matter since Thunder is here to stay. Before Thunder can respond Gray Wing shows up. He asks Thunder and Jackdaw's Cry to go alone and set up a meeting in two days time with Clear Sky at Fourtrees, because it is neutral ground. The two cats are scares but agree. They enter Clear Sky's territory where they are met by a hostile Petal. Thunder tries to remind her of their friendship but she is uninterested. Falling Feather is with her. She is thrilled to see her brother and offers to bring the cats to Clear Sky. They go to the camp.

Clear Sky is furious at the arrival of his estranged son and former tribe mate. Petal makes sure that he knows that Falling Feather led them to the camp. Clear Sky decides to hear their message from Gray Wing, even though he thinks this is a farce, and takes the moor cats along with Falling Feather to a secret location. He believes that the moor cats are lying to him and are trying to deceive him, since they are already training for battle, but he decides to go along with the charade. The cats arguing, with Clear Sky insisting he only wants his cats to flourish. This angers Jackdaw's Cry who points out that Clear Sky crippled Jagged Peak and murdered Misty. Falling Feather speaks on Clear Sky's behalf, much to his surprise. He agrees the meeting with Gray Wing and they head back to his camp. When they reach there he announces that he will meet with Gray Wing at the full moon and that Jackdaw's Cry is willing to stay in the camp as a hostage until the meeting is over. He makes it very clear that whatever happens to him will happen to Jackdaw's Cry. Thunder is horrified since they never agreed to that but Jackdaw's Cry insists it will be okay. As soon as Thunder leaves Clear Sky announces they must prepare for battle.

Worried, Thunder races back to camp. Along the way at cat attacks him. He attacks back and the cat claims he was just playing. Thunder points out that cats who play have their claws sheathed, which he did not. The strange cat introduces himself as Tom and says he is looking for Bumble. Thunder takes him to Bumble's grave. Tom also tries to find out where Turtle Tail and his kits are. Tom goes back and forth between friendly and angry so rapidly that Thunder begins to feel uncomfortable. He deliberately avoids giving Tom any real information but he tells him that he will pass along his message to Turtle Tail. Tom makes Thunder so uncomfortable that when he heads back to the hollow he follows a rabbit trail to do so to hide his scent. He doesn't know why but he feels he must protect the kits from Tom.

Back at camp Gray Wing and the others are impatiently waiting for Thunder and Jackdaw's Cry to return. Gorse Fur offers to go hunting near the border so he can keep an eye out and Tall Shadow agrees, telling him to take others. But before he can leave Thunder arrives alone. Gray Wing is worried, especially after Thunder gives his report. Some cats, including Hawk Swoop, Wind Runner, and Turtle Tail, wish to lead a rescue mission to save Jackdaw's Cry. Gray Wing feels like everything is unraveling and there will be war before peace talks can happen. However, Lightning Tail and Acorn Fur speak up and say their father's wishes should be honored. In the end, Tall Shadow sides with Gray Wing and those who wish to wait. Thunder then tells Gray Wing about Tom. Gray Wing wishes to go chase him off but Turtle Tail says this is something she must deal with. Gray Wing, Turtle Tail, Tall Shadow, and Thunder go to meet with Tom at Bumble's grave. There, Turtle Tail and Tom exchange words, arguing over her refusal to return and her refusal to let him meet their kits. They fight, but Tom is so large he pins Turtle Tail down and starts to smother her. Gray Wing and Thunder attack, helping Turtle Tail. Tall Shadow puts a stop to the fight, telling them to show respect for Bumble's grave. Gray Wing accidentally mentions the area where they live and Turtle Tail tries to pretend she cares nothing for the kits, but Tom isn't deceived. They part ways, worried they haven't heard the last of Tom. As they leave, Tom says it is a pity that Bumble was the one who died, not Turtle Tail. Gray Wing has an attack where he can't breathe and his tribe mates have to help him back to their camp. Cloud Spots gives him herbs and he sleeps. As he sleeps Stoneteller tells him to wake up, that his loved ones are in danger. Panicking, he wakes but he convinces himself it was just a dream. He falls back asleep but then Turtle Tail wakes him to tell him Wind Runner is having her kits.

So much is going on here! First of all, neither side wants war but both see it as inevitable, which is helping to bring the war about. And, the first full moon meeting - which is always a truce - is about to happen at Fourtrees.

Tom is not going to give up on his kits so easily, and I suspect even Stoneteller sees this and that is what her message was about.

Lastly, serious props to Jackdaw's Cry for calling out Clear Sky on his bullshit. However, I do think Clear Sky does care about his cats, I just think he is showing it all wrong. I'm glad he got a POV this book. He is still completely wrong, but it is nice to see how he logically arrives at his decisions.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

the first battle: part one

Gray Wing finds himself in the mountains, watching his tribe mates go about their lives. He misses them and wishes he could let his mother know that he and his brothers are okay. Stoneteller assures him that she will pass that message on. As Gray Wing thinks on the situation between his group and Clear Sky's group, Stoneteller seems to read his mind. She tells him that none of this is his fault, and that those who have gone without for so long and learned the importance of sharing can turn greedy when there is more then enough to go around. She also tells him that change will come born of blood, but it is a beginning and not an ending. Gray Wing is unsure.

Clear Sky watches Thunder leave. He feels frustrated that he couldn't make Thunder understand. He tries to tell himself that he couldn't have Thunder around undermining his authority but that doesn't help. He meets up with Falling Feather and turns his fury on her. He tells her that he knows she considered leaving with Thunder. She tells him yes, but she chose to stay. Clear Sky is furious that she doesn't see what is wrong with this. He feels that loyalty to their group is important before all else. They get into am argument and Clear Sky actually attacks Falling Feather, slashing her nose. They separate and head back to camp. He sees Falling Feather speaking to Quick Water and realizes he has to act fast. He summons a meeting where he talks about the importance of loyalty - and calls out Falling Feather by pointing out maybe she isn't loyal to the rogues who have joined their group. He gets everyone worked up and with Petal and Leaf backing him he declares Falling Feather's punishment to be the lowest cat in their group, subject to the whims of everyone until she proves her loyalty again. Clear Sky also announces that they will begin patrolling the borders and practicing fighting moves to make sure they are ready for anything.

Gray Wing watches as the moor cats argue over what to do about Clear Sky. Everyone is upset and some want to fight. Gray Wing feels that there must be a way to avoid a fight. Gray Wing and Cloud Spots are able to break up the gathering of the cats - but they are unable to fully calm them down. Just then Thunder arrives with Frost. Gray Wing finds that he is actually worried that Thunder might have been sent by Clear Sky to spy on them. He is relieved when he finds out they had to leave. Cloud Spots takes away Frost and Gray Wing pulls Thunder aside privately to find out what is going on. Thunder tells him the truth about Frost's banishment and Clear Sky's actions. He begs his uncle to talk to Clear Sky, feeling only Gray Wing can calm him down. Gray Wing agrees and tells his plan to the other cats. Some cats volunteer to go with him and Cloud Spots ask that they wait a few days, as Clear Sky is very angry at them right now. Turtle Tail is upset with him for delaying the inevitable but he calms her down. They and their kits settle down for the night. Pebble Heart dreaming wakes Gray Wing. The young kit is having a nightmare of kin fighting. He is still asleep and tells Gray Wing that the worst part of the dream was the fact that Gray Wing and Turtle Tail were gone. Uneasy, Gray Wing goes back to sleep.

Thunder comes back from hunting a feels a little unwelcome in the camp, so he decides to bring prey to Frost. While there he gets talking to Frost and Cloud Spots. Cloud Spots says that after lots of rest and herbs, Frost should be fine. He is also shocked to discover that there are no healing herbs used in Clear Sky's camp. Thunder wonders if he is being judged and leaves. Outside he finds Jagged Peak teaching Turtle Tail's kits how to fight. Upset, Thunder puts a stop to it. Jagged Peak is angry, and tells Thunder he has no right to interfere. They end up fighting and Thunder walks away. Hawk Swoop finds him and tells him that the rest of the cats just need time to adjust to his return. She tells him that Lightning Tail and Acorn Fur are happy he has returned. His old litter mates seek him out and welcome him back. But then Wind Runner pulls them away for battle training and Thunder becomes upset again. Wind Runner informs Thunder that no one asked for his opinion on this. Tall Shadow overhears and stands up to make an announcement. Thunder hopes she is going to put a stop to this but instead she fully welcomes Wind Runner and Gorse Fur as part of their group. Turtle Tail pulls him aside and calms him down. She points out that it is better to prepare now - even if there is to be no battle - then to sit around and do nothing. Thunder realizes she is probably correct.

Gray Wing returns to the camp and sees the cats standing around the rock. Tall Shadow informs him of her decision and Gray Wing is happy with it. He sees Thunder is upset and pulls him aside. Thunder explains about teaching the kits battle moves but Gray Wing doesn't see the harm in it. He points out to Thunder if they cannot find a peaceful solution then they may have to fight. Tall Shadow calls him back over where she explains that there is a problem - Wind Runner and Gorse Fur are expecting kits. Gray Wing is happy for them and feels this is not a problem like everyone fears. He and Tall Shadow formally welcome the cats - while announcing the pregnancy - and Gray Wing is happy to see Tall Shadow's fears assuaged as well as the group happily accept the cats. Gray Wing also thinks that maybe one day Wind Runner will lead them and he finds that it is a comforting thought. Later, Gray Wing wakes up to hear Jagged Peak and Rainswept Flower talking in private. They feel that Clear Sky won't listen to Gray Wing because there is too much bad history there. They feel it is best to use someone from Clear Sky's past who would make Clear Sky be embarrassed for the cat he has become. To Rainswept Flower's shock Jagged Peak suggests that she talk to Clear Sky. They go away and Gray Wing is left with his thoughts - and feeling like his tribe mates don't have faith in him.

I wish Thunder had a better welcome, but I can understand why everyone is so upset. He chose to leave them for a cat who is essentially their greatest enemy. But on the other hand, Thunder never wanted to believe how awful his father is, which is completely normal for a child, and deserved to either establish or reject a relationship with Clear Sky on his own.

Aside from the obvious title of the book, a battle must be coming. Things have been getting worse and worse for far too long. An explosive showdown is long overdue. However, the same can be said of Clear Sky's camp. So far everyone has quietly left, but I am surprised it hasn't turned into more then that. I am surprised that no one has challenged Clear Sky. Then again, the rogues are happy to have group protection and there are very few tribe cats left. If Falling Feather or Quick Water isn't willing to step up and challenge him then no one will. And while Thunder challenged him he wasn't willing to fight.

I know this is only book three but I am impatient for the creation of the clans. I am impatient for the introduction of the Moonstone and StarClan. I am impatient for medicine cats and the gift of nine lives. I am impatient for deputies and border patrols. I am impatient for the introduction of the things I am used to. When do they become five clans?

And lastly, is the upcoming battle going to kill Gray Wing? Or is Pebble Heart dreaming of another battle? The "kin fighting" clearly refers to Gray Wing and Clear Sky since the rivalry is wholly between them. Does Clear Sky kill Gray Wing? Will that finally be what makes Clear Sky realize he is acting so wrong? Because for all his talk of protecting his cats, he doesn't. He uses them then discards them once they are no longer useful. Otherwise, he would have cared for Frost who was never anything but loyal.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

the hidden kingdom: part seven

Glory is shocked at there being a blind dragon. She asks Tamarin questions about how she gets around the village. Tamarin admits that she used to have problems but the tribe helped her and now she has everything memorized. This gives Glory hope for her people since they were all willing to help raise a blind baby. Magnificent names the five areas of the competition - fruit gathering, venom targeting, treetop race, camouflage, and a flower hunt. She names Dazzling for the fruit hunt. Glory huddles with her teammates to figure out which task they should each have. It is decided that Mangrove will do the fruit hunt, Kinkajou the venom targeting, Jambu the treetop race, Glory the camouflage, and Tamarin the flower hunt. Glory is worried about using Tamarin for the flower hunt, Tamarin insist she is up for the task. Dazzling and Mangrove leave for the fruit hunt and the treetop race starts. Jambu and Exquisite step forward. The race starts off even but Jambu pulls ahead. However, before he can win, a group of sloths ambush him by tangling him up in a rope.

Glory is furious that Exquisite would cheat like that but since it cannot be proven - and Magnificent denies it - Handsome has to name Exquisite the winner. Next Tamarin and Fruit Bat have the flower hunt. Fruit Bat tears up the arena looking for the hidden flower but Tamarin finds it quickly by using her superior sense of smell. Once Fruit Bat realizes where Tamarin is looking she tries to beat her to it, but she fails and Tamarin is declared the winner. Next is the camouflage contest between Glory and Magnificent. Glory is blindfolded while Magnificent hides. When her blindfold is removed she notices Exquisite and Fruit Bat staring at a tree. Fruit Bat tries to get Grandeur to look at it too but the old dragon refuses with a look of disgust. Glory realizes they are trying to mislead her so she looks to the crowd, figuring out where Magnificent is easily. Magnificent is furious at Glory's easy victory and then is blindfolded herself. Glory instantly camouflages herself before hiding so Magnificent cannot win the way she did. She decides to hide in the very tree Exquisite and Fruit Bat tried to trick her with. Magnificent looks to Exquisite and Fruit Bat for a clue as to where Glory is hiding but they are no help. Instead she decides to rush at Sunny, who is holding Glory's sloth, Silver, for her. Silver becomes startled and runs to Glory for protection. Magnificent finds her easily. Glory is furious with her for deliberately attacking the sloth - and the RainWings in the audience are shocked - but Magnificent doesn't care and is declared the winner.

Sunny and Tsunami are upset by Magnificent's behavior but Handsome assures then that she is the winner officially, though not in spirit. Magnificent is angry at this but says nothing. Dazzling and Mangrove return and Mangrove is declared the winner. Magnificent is furious and almost slips when she says that Dazzling should have brought back 19 pieces of fruit, implying that she had hidden a stock pile for Dazzling to gather. Magnificent denies any cheating on the part of her team and they move on to the final contest - venom target between Kinkajou and Grandeur. Grandeur easily beats her is distance and they move on to precision. Kinkajou is upset, feeling she has lost the competition for Glory. Glory assures her that she has done her best and that even if she isn't declared queen they will still figure out a way to save the RainWings. Glory notices Grandeur listening in to their conversation. Grandeur takes a shot at a target and then Kinkajou has a turn. They move on to the next target but as Gandeur fires a sloth moves in front of the board - and Kinkajou dives in front of it to save it, getting sprayed with Grandeur's venom.

Everyone panics and Glory furiously bemoans the lack of tracking who is related to who. She tells Grandeur to start testing her venom with others and goes first. Surprisingly Glory and Grandeur's venom cancels each other out. Glory uses her venom on Kinkajou to save her. Grandeur is shocked and tells Glory that she is descended from the original line of RainWing queens. She tells her that since none of her daughters were worthy of the throne the royal eggs were mixed in with the common ones, and Grandeur hoped to one day find a dragon who was worthy of being queen. She feels Glory is this dragon so she forfeits, declaring Kinkajou the winner. Magnificent is furious but Grandeur tells her that none of them deserve the throne. Glory is declared the new queen and the RainWings cheer, much to Glory's shock. Tsunami teases her for becoming queen when everyone thought that was Tsunami's destiny. Glory asks her for help in turning the RainWings into an army. Sunny pipes up that she has another suggestion but she doesn't get to voice it. Instead Clay shows up with the news that Starflight is gone, probably to warn the NightWings about Glory's plan.

The false dragonets are sitting around in the NightWing kingdom. They are miserable to be trapped there and don't know what is going on. Fatespeaker sees some NightWings bringing in an unconscious NightWing dragonet. She loudly declares to her friends that she is having a vision, but they don't care. She doesn't either because she knows that the unconscious dragonet is important to her destiny.

So I gotta say, all those queens were pretty lousy. I was beginning to think Magnificent would win the throne, and then maybe the RainWings would choose Glory to lead them. Grandeur forfeiting was a nice touch, though.

Starflight running off to warn his tribe was a dumb move. Everyone has this hope that their tribe is perfect - and then they wind up shitty. We already know the NightWings are shitty between Morrowseer and Deathbringer. And now they have Starflight prisoner. He should have known better, but I understand why he wanted to believe differently.

I am curious what Sunny's plan is. Since the war is about her tribe - and because she is such an odd SandWing - I am betting the key to solving this war is her somehow.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

the hidden kingdom: part six

Magnificent misunderstands Glory at first, thinking she wants a turn being queen. Glory tells her no, she wants to take the throne. Magnificent doesn't understand how this is possible. Glory tells her most tribes fight to the death. Magnificent is horrified at this suggestion, feeling it is barbaric. Glory counters that leaving RainWings to die as prisoners in the NightWing kingdom is barbaric. An old dragon named Handsome speaks up with an ancient tradition to determine queen by contest. Glory agrees and Magnificent demands a day to determine what the contest should be. Handsome says it is traditional so Glory agrees. Magnificent names Handsome the judge of the contest and they leave. Outside Glory finds a couple dozen dragons that Coconut has rounded up. She is disappointed at the turn out but she also knows this news will spread fast. Kinkajou speaks up, saying how this will be a good thing because now they will have a real queen who will save their missing tribe mates. The other dragons are unsure but then Glory speaks and tells the dragons she isn't doing this so she can have the best sun time spot in the village but so that no other dragon will be taken away.

Glory tells Kinkajou to bring Mangrove to her, then she goes over to the healer's hut. While there she admits to Starflight and Sunny that she is challenging Magnificent for the throne. Starflight and Sunny are shocked, but Glory insists it is the only way to rescue the missing dragons. Starflight says maybe he should speak to his tribe before they attack and ask them to return the RainWings. Glory points out that they have the RainWings tied up and are stealing their venom - clearly they don't care about doing the right thing. She realizes that the healers are eavesdropping and there are hidden dragons outside of the hut listening in too. Sunny realizes Glory will have to kill Magnificent but Glory tells her they have a way of taking the throne that doesn't involve killing. Sunny is thrilled by this news and feels all the tribes should adopt it. Glory and Starflight are skeptical but Sunny points out that there could be rules and maybe it would make the tribes happier. Glory realizes, aloud, that being happy isn't everything. She realizes you also have to believe in something and be willing to fight for it. Kinkajou and Mangrove arrive to begin Glory's training.

Mangrove and Kinkajou give Glory a crash course in everything RainWing, then they insist she sleep during sun time. Glory argues against this, feeling she needs to train as much as possible. They point out that she also needs to rest. Realizing she is exhausted, she agrees. She lays down then opens her eyes to find Queen Scarlet standing before her.

At first Glory thinks Scarlet is really there, but then she realizes it is an image. As Scarlet moves and talks Glory can see her horribly disfigured face behind the projected image of her original face. Scarlet tells her that she is still alive and that she is talking to her with the use if a dreamvisitor. Scarlet tries attacking Glory but since she isn't actually there it doesn't work. Scarlet wants Glory to find her and free her or else she will kill her. Glory points out that Scarlet probably wants to kill her anyway so no she won't help. When Glory tries to find out who is keeping her prisoner, Scarlet refuses to say since Glory won't help her. Scarlet leaves as suddenly as she appeared. Glory wakes up full of questions.

The competition is at the arboretum. Glory has questions for Starflight but they have to wait since it is time for her competition. Plus, he and Clay are guarding the tunnel while Tsunami and Sunny have joined her. All the tribe has turned out to watch them. Magnificent arrives with her fellow queens, all of whom look furious. She announces she has decided on five competitions so that way she can include her fellow queens since it is their throne that is under attack as well. This means Glory has to pick four helpers. Glory realizes it is a trick and Magnificent expects her to pick her friends. Glory also realizes she cannot win the throne with the help of outsiders, she must show faith in her own tribe. Glory picks Kinkajou and Mangrove easily. She also picks Jambu, who is absolutely thrilled. She isn't sure who to pick for the fourth dragon. She thinks on the other other RainWings she knows, but that is Liana, Bromeliad, and Coconut - none of whom she can trust. She names Tamarin, knowing only that she is friends with Kinkajou. This choice amuses Magnificent. Kinkajou tries to have Glory change her choice but Magnificent won't let her. It is then revealed that Tamarin is blind.

So Queen Scarlet is alive? And trapped somewhere? I wonder what is going on there. My money is on another NightWing plot. Why are they so interested in making this war turn out the way they want? And what do the captured RainWings have to do with this?

Friday, July 12, 2019

the hidden kingdom: part five

As Glory listens to the NightWings talk she realizes Deathbringer might have set her and her friends up by deliberately getting captured. Panicking, she tries to escape and is knocked out again. Glory wakes up, finding herself bound and gagged, to a young missing dragonet named Kinkajou. Glory walks to the front of their cave and discovers she is in a lava filled place that is the secret home of the NightWings.

Kinkajou is talkative, but since Glory is gagged she can't get any specific information out of her. Glory quickly becomes frustrated and then even more frustrated as Kinkajou reads all the emotions on her scales. Glory hears a commotion and looks outside the cave. She sees a RainWing, who is so depressed his scales are gray, being carried away by NightWings. Kinkajou tells her this is Gibbon, and the NightWings are especially interested in his venom. Glory tries to plan an escape when some NightWings show up. One of them is interested in how different she is, since she didn't instantly turn green with fear. The others are uninterested in his observations. As they unlock Glory's mouth so she can eat she plans her attack.

The moment her mouth is free she attacks. She quickly gets pinned down but Kinkajou shocks her by joining in the fight. She uses her venom against the NightWings but is very apologetic for it. They subdue their captors quickly but the commotion alerts other NightWings. Glory tells Kinkajou to turn herself into a NightWing and send them away. Kinkajou does this by telling the others that Glory took off. The NightWings leave but Glory knows it is a matter of time before they come back. She cannot get her bindings off and knows if she doesn't she cannot get across the lava to escape. Just then Deathbringer shows up.

Clay arrives right after Deathbringer. He explains that Deathbringer told him where she went and they came here to rescue her. Clay, Glory, and Kinkajou leave. Glory wants to rescue the other RainWings but Clay feels they need to escape first. When Deathbringer doesn't join them Clay explains it away by saying he can't be seen helping them. Glory, however, wonders - especially since the wounded NightWing in the cave overheard their escape plan. They reach the tunnel they need but some NightWings are guarding it. The three dragons fight and get Kinkajou safely away. Shortly after they follow her.

The three dragons burst through the tunnel to find their friends looking for them. Glory tells them about being captured and feels they need to raise a RainWing army to rescue the missing dragons. Leaving Clay and Tsunami to guard the tunnel, Glory and her friends head towards the village. Starflight and Sunny are skeptical of her plan. Kinkajou is excited and wonders how much everyone was looking for her. She becomes upset when she realizes no one was. Glory tells Coconut, a RainWing, to gather everyone for a tribe meeting. She then leads her friends right to Magnificent's hut, cutting past everyone in line. She tells Magnificent that she found the missing RainWings but they need to be rescued. Magnificent feels it doesn't matter and that maybe they should just leave the captured RainWings. She doesn't even care when Glory tells her of the experiments or that RainWings are dying. Glory becomes furious and challenges Magnificent for the throne.

I am suspicious of Deathbringer helping Glory escape. I think he genuinely did not want her captured, but helping her escape is something else entirely. Glory is right, what about the injured NightWings in the cave? They would have heard Deathbringer telling Glory to escape. How is he supposed to talk his way out of that? Short of killing the NightWings I don't know that he can.

And Glory challenging Magnificent!!! I did not see that coming! Tsunami was always the one who wanted to be queen! But good on Glory for standing up for what is right!

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

the hidden kingdom: part four

Glory and Jambu are brought straight to the queen while Glory tries to figure a way out of this mess. Blaze is a bit empty headed so Glory decides to tell her that the dragonets are here to meet with her. Blaze is excited and wants to invite them for a feast. Knowing they will probably just wind up prisoners again Glory tells her no. Jambu suggests leaving right now to meet the dragonets so Glory convinces Blaze to leave the safety of her fortress with them - and without her guards. Mangrove is in the throne room and Jambu spots him. After Jambu collects their hidden friend they leave. They fly to their group and drop their disguises. Blaze is thrilled to meet a real RainWing and seems to know nothing about the missing dragons. Glory introduces the dragonets and Blaze to each other.

Blaze is confused as to Glory being their SkyWing. The dragonets question her, asking why she should be queen. Her answers are pretty empty headed. She talks about how nice she is and how Glaicer will continue to secure her throne after she wins the war. Sunny sneaks in a question about curing SandWing poison and Blaze tells her there is a cactus that grows everywhere in the desert that cures it. Deathbringer crashes their conversation. He chides Glory for not telling him the truth that morning. Glory counters that he is there is kill her. He says it doesn't have to be her that he kills and then attacks Blaze, seriously wounding her. Clay attacks Deathbringer but is knocked off. Glory attacks, wanting to know why he tried to kill Blaze. Deathbringer admits he isn't there for Blaze, just some of the dragonets, but he figured he might as well take the opportunity since it presented itself. He also says that if they let him kill Blaze he will let them escape. As Deathbringer and Glory fight, Starflight admits that this is his fault since he was ordered to convince the others to pick Blister and he didn't. Wing beats fill the air and everyone sees Glaicer and her guards in the distance.

Blaze wants the dragonets to stay and meet Glacier but they refuse. They let Deathbringer leave then escape themselves. Before going Glory tries to give some advice to Blaze, but Blaze finds it hilarious that a RainWing is trying to give her advice and doesn't listen. As they fly away Tsunami asks Glory why she didn't use her venom on Deathbringer. Glory hedges, saying she really didn't feel like Deathbringer was trying to kill her. They then talk about the NightWings trying to kill some of them. Tsunami speculates it is because like all the other tribes, the NightWings too want the prophecy to work out a certain way. They get back to the hole but it is gone, buried under the sand. As they dig it out Sunny gets the cactus they need. They travel through the hole back to the rainforest where they find Mangrove. Glory assures him they intend to find the missing dragons and will resume watching the hole to see what happens.

Glory and Tsunami watch the hole that night. They hear something approaching but cannot make out what it is. Then they hear someone else whistling, which scares away the first thing they heard. They attack the one who is whistling and discover it is Deathbringer. He pretends innocence at being in the RainWing forest. Glory asks if he is a mind reading NightWing. He responds by saying she is thinking about how good looking he is. That answer is too close for comfort so she instead asks if he is still going to kill her. Deathbringer gets quiet and says he is trying to find an alternative, but it is not his call. A plan comes to Glory and she gets Tsunami to help her tie Deathbringer up. Glory offers to watch Deathbringer for now and tells Tsunami to send Clay to relieve her. Once Tsunami leaves Glory works on her plan. Deathbringer realizes what she is thinking right away and tries to talk her out of it. But Glory is determined and tells him she intends to use herself as bait.

Glory leaves Clay with a tied up and gagged Deathbringer. She then leaves to try and get captured. Someone sneaks up on her and knocks her unconscious. She wakes up with a sack over her head in what she thinks is the tunnel. Only when they reach a room she realizes this is a different tunnel - but identical. She realizes her captors are dragons and they are taking orders from Deathbringer.

Blaze is clearly not meant to be queen. Burn and Blister were awful and cruel while Blaze is a fool. None of them are fit to be queen. I am starting to wonder if maybe Sunny is going to be queen. It clearly isn't going to be one of the sisters and Sunny is the only other SandWing we have met.

Deathbringer clearly knew what was going on with the tunnels. He got to the rainforest far too quickly, he sent away the "monster" Glory and Tsunami were tracking (nice touch with the dragonet song), and he freaked out when Glory said she intended to use herself as bait. His panic over that last one - as well as his admittance that he was looking for a loophole to spare her life - has me sure that his feelings for Glory are real.

Lastly, it was foolish of Glory to go off on her own. And now she is captured by the NightWings - which is quite possibly the worst tribe to be captured by. I'm sure their contingency plans have contingency plans, to quote Bruce Willis. I wonder what is it they want the RainWings for?

Monday, July 8, 2019

the hidden kingdom: part three

Glory waits for her friends to arrive so the tunnel can be investigated. When they arrive a debate breaks out over who should go, with Glory wanting to go alone. In the end she and Clay enter the tunnel, with a vine wrapped around them that they can tug on if they need help. As they follow the tunnel they debate where it came from, wondering if an animus dragon created it. They are shocked at how short the tunnel is, but they are even more shocked when they arrive at the end of the tunnel and find themselves in the Kingdom of Sand right by Burn's stronghold.

Clay and Glory head back to their friends and tell them of their discovery. Starflight insists it is impossible that the tunnel can lead to a kingdom half a world away. Glory feels the tunnels must be connected to the missing RainWings somehow. Jambu is no help as he doesn't know what an animus dragon is or even what SandWings look like. Sunny feels they should destroy the tunnel and while Glory feels it might be a good idea the other dragons aren't sure that they can - plus they need to find the missing RainWings first. Suddenly Mangrove bursts past them into the tunnel. They call out to him to come back but he ignores them. The dragonets and Jambu follow. When they exit the tunnel they are shocked to realize Glory is right and they really are in the Kingdom of Sand.

The dragons search for Mangrove but do not find him so they decide to settle down for the night. Glory tries to talk Jambu into returning home but he is so excited to be out on an adventure, while refusing to see the danger, and insists on staying. When Glory wakes up before anyone else the next day she decides to do some scouting on her own. She sees a black dragon in a hut. Hoping it is Mangrove she decides to check it out. Only the dragon isn't Mangrove, it is a NightWing.

She makes herself look as close to an IceWing as she can and confronts the strange dragon, accusing him of being on her land. The dragon points out that it isn't actually IceWing land yet, though it is promised to Queen Glacier if she helps Blaze win the war. As he speculates on Glacier and Blaze's plot Glory suddenly remembers that NightWings can read minds. She empties her head of everything but questions for him and resumes questioning him. The NightWing is amused by Glory and her lack of awe for him and he flirts with her. He tells her that he is waiting for some dragons to show up. He also asks her if she has seen the dragonets since rumor has it they are coming this way to meet with Blaze. Glory refuses to give him any information as he keeps trying to get her to like him. Finally she leaves, refusing to give him her name. He calls out his after her, and his name is Deathbringer.

As Glory flies away she realizes Deathbringer is probably there looking for the dragonets. She knows Morrowseer wants her dead, but now she is worried that he might want some of her friends dead too - which makes her wonder how he could want that since it should screw up the prophecy. Glory wakes up her friends and tells them about Deathbringer, leaving out how she finds him attractive. It is decided they need to find Mangrove and return to the rainforest. Glory figures Mangrove might have headed for Blaze's fortress so she wants to go there, disguised as an IceWing, to find him. It is decided Jambu should go with her since he can disguise himself as an IceWing too. They head to the fortress and remain invisible until they determine that there is no way in. They make themselves look like IceWings and approach the guards, asking to speak with Blaze when she returns. Confused, the guards tell them that Blaze never leaves the fortress and offer to bring them right to her.

I was surprised Glory would find a love interest in another tribe, but then I remembered Clay and Peril. I wonder if it is normal for dragons to mate outside of their group? Something tells me probably not. And to top it all off she falls for a dragon who is sent to kill her. I wonder if Deathbringer saw through her disguise? Something tells me he might have. I also wonder if his flirting with Glory was real? I also suspect that this is probably also true. However, my suspicions are colored by the fact that this is a kid's novel so there is less likely to be romantic betrayal and by the additional fact that everyone else found a love interest in their book so it makes sense that Glory should find one too.

Moving away from Glory's love life for a moment I doubt Blaze has the missing RainWings. Since Deathbringer is in the area I am sure that the NightWings are behind the disappearances.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

the hidden kingdom: part two

Glory wakes up to a series of surprises. First she finds a sloth sleeping on herself who Jambu tells her is now her pet. Then Jambu shows her the hatcheries and she realizes that family is not really a RainWing thing and no one even realized her egg was missing. She also realizes that Webs probably knew this which is why he refused to give her information on the night he took her. Then she discovers with a venom test that she and Jambu are siblings. Discouraged with all of this she follows Jambu back to her friends.

Jambu and Glory find Starflight teasing Clay with food in his sleep. Glory feels conflicted about her people. On one hand they have blow darts and a hidden village. On the other hand they didn't even notice her egg was missing. The other dragonets start to wake up. Other RainWings show up and are amused by the friendly bickering of the dragonets. Starflight asks to see Queen Dazzling immediately on important business. This confuses Jambu and Liana, who want to take them to someone else. Glory realizes what is going on just before it is revealed that they have multiple queens who all take turns by ruling for one month at a time. When they discover there is no ruling family Tsunami asks if she could be queen since she is a princess of the SeaWings. Glory is shocked when Jambu and Liana consider this. She overrules them, pointing out that a SeaWing cannot be queen of the RainWings. They bring the dragonets to Queen Magnificent's hut where they can wait their turn. Glory decides to start asking the dragons in line ahead of them why they are waiting. The third dragon angrily informs her that his partner, Orchid, has been missing for three weeks and she is one of at least twelve missing dragons.

Glory convinces Mangrove to let her accompany him when he pleads his case to the queen. She also convinces Bromeliad, who is also there about a missing dragon who is a student of hers, to accompany them. Glory feels that the queen might be more willing to listen to two dragons instead of one. Magnificent listens to their cases and decides that Glory should investigate matters. Just then the dragonets burst in. They convinced everyone else that they should cut ahead. They explain about Webs and Magnificent allows them to ask the healers for help. Before they leave she asks Glory who she is. Glory explains that her egg was stolen six years ago but the queen seems uninterested. Glory leaves, frustrated at the lack of care in regards to anything in the RainWing kingdom.

Clay tells Glory that he and Starflight will help her while the others focus on Webs. First they seek out Mangrove for more information. They find out that even one of the queens, Splendor, is missing but no one seems to care. The general feeling is the missing dragons will return when they want to. Mangrove takes them to where Orchid last was when she went missing. There they find a dying sloth and a mysterious hole in a boulder that looks like a doorway.

The doorway feels wrong to the dragonets. The sloth dies, probably from some sort of poison since he smelled wrong. Glory wants to investigate the hole but her friends stop her, pointing out that they should wait until morning. Starflight leaves to tell the others the plan while Glory and Clay settle down for the night. Glory admits to Clay that she doesn't feel like she belongs in the RainWing kingdom and privately she feels that she got her hopes up just to be smashed. Glory and Clay hear a noise in the trees and quiet down. It heads towards the hole. They fall asleep and when they check on the dead sloth in the morning they find it gone.

So I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that none of the dragonets are going to find what they are looking for at their home. Poor Glory. So determined to prove that RainWings are not just lazy dragons only to find out the truth is that they just really don't care about anything, including a missing queen! It certainly is a peaceful, carefree life but it is a little too carefree.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

the hidden kingdom: part one

Nautilus shows off the false dragonets to Morrowseer but they are just as unimpressive as the real ones. Morrowseer decides that he needs to take the dragonets with him for training which is when he finds out that not only are the false dragonets children of members of the Talons of Peace, but that the false SeaWing, Squid, is Nautilus's own child. Much to Nautilus's horror, Morrowseer implies that everyone who knows the truth that these are not the real dragonets should be killed. Morrowseer then goes on to say any of the false dragonets that do not work out should be discarded. Nautilus begins to wonder what he has gotten himself into.

Glory and her friends work their way through the MudWung kingdom towards the RainWing kingdom. The poison is spreading through Webs and he keeps insisting on breaks. Rain pours down around them and Glary hates it. She is worried what she will find when they reach her home. They hear some MudWings approaching and hide. As Glory listens to them they speak of a monster that is killing them off. She leaves the others to follow to find out more, hears some screams, and when she comes across them again they are dead.

The dragonets discuss the dead MudWings. Out of fear some hint that maybe they should leave. Sunny and Glory argue that the RainWings can't live here and not know what is going on. Webs makes a dig at how lazy and oblivious they are, angering Glory and Tsunami. Tsunami demands he tells her anything he knows about the monster but Webs knows nothing. As everyone talks things over they realize Sunny is missing. 

As they look around for Sunny they realize Webs has disappeared too. Glory hears the wiz of something and watches as Clay disappears right in front of her. Clay is taken too and Starflight dives for cover. Glory places herself in front of Starflight and demands to speak to someone. Suddenly the trees are filled with RainWings. The dragons, led by Jambu and Liana, explain that it is just sleeping darts and this is how they bring intruders to their home. Starflight asks if they are prisoners but the RainWings seem shocked by the idea. Screams fill the air.

The RainWings explain that the screaming is just monkeys. They say the monkeys never used to scream and that it started a few years ago. Glory finds it odd that the monkeys would suddenly make a different noise, and even odder that the RainWings don't care. Glory and Starflight are led to the village while their unconscious friends are carried there. Glory mentions to Jambu that her egg was stolen six years ago. Much to Glory and Starflight's confusion, Jambu doesn't seem to care. Glory is upset that she knows so little about RainWing culture and is frustrated by Jambu and Liana's confusion and indifference. She also feels frustrated that her emotions are playing across her scales, though the same is true for the other RainWings. They explain it is sun time and that all the RainWings sleep during this time of day. The sun charges their scales and fills them. Starflight is excited to realize this is why she always takes an afternoon nap. Starflight also asks after the monster but the Rainwings know nothing. Glory joins them for a nap while Starflight stays with their friends. 

So I think there is more to the RainWings then meets the eye - after all they do have dart guns to knock out intruders - but I am also suspecting that they might be exactly what they appear to be as well. Glory is looking to prove the world wrong with a super special tribe but I have a feeling that while they probably aren't as lazy as everyone says, they probably are very relaxed - and maybe even pacifists.

I'm a bit intrigued by this group that seems so different from every other group of dragons. They don't even care that there might be something out there killing MudWings. Which has me questioning if any if their own dragons are missing. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

diary of a wimpy kid: the getaway

Favorite Scene Honorable Mention: Stealing the clothes from the other family's suitcase and getting chased down by security.

Favorite Scene: The. Spider. In. The. Bathroom.

Least Favorite Scene Honorable Mention: The lack of screens in the windows.

Least Favorite Scene Honorable Mention: Roderick discovering his girlfriend is cheating on him - especially after that sunburn.

Least Favorite Scene: Forgetting Roderick in the water for hours.