Wednesday, January 27, 2021

tawnypelt's clan: part two

 Tawnypelt, Dovewing, and Shadowkit make their way through the mountains. Eventually they run into some Tribe cats who bring them back to the cave. They confer with Stoneteller about Shadowkit's condition, then leave the two cats alone. Tawnypelt is happy to see Brook and Stormfur again, and questions Stormfur about how he feels living amongst the tribe. Tawnypelt wrestles with her place and where it is when Shadowkit runs to her. She acknowledges she does love the tiny kit. Everyone settles in for the evening meal and at first Tawnypelt is content. But then all she can think of is how this used to be ShadowClan until Darktail came. Everyone sleeps but Shadowkit wakes them all up in a panic, insisting that a tree is coming right now and will kill them all.

Everyone assumes Shadowkit is having a bad dream but Stoneteller supports him. They leave the cave and go to the waterfall above where Shadowkit insists they have to make a damn. No one wants to but again Stoneteller supports him. They work on the damn but the tree appears and Tawnypelt wonders if they have done enough to save the Tribe. 

The tree gets caught in the damn and Shadowkit passes out. Everyone starts to go back down to return to the cave when the tree starts to move. Everyone becomes frozen in fear as no one knows which area is safer - down below by the waterfall or up with the damn and tree. Suddenly lightening strikes the tree and destroys it.  

The next day it is decided a feast will be held for the Clan cats. Shadowkit stays with Stoneteller so the wise cat can help him. Tawnypelt dreams of Rowanstar. She admits questioning where her place is and if she should even return home. Rowanstar forces her to realize her place is with her kin and clan. Then he tells her she needs to let him go. She wakes up, feeling better now that she knows her place. The clan cats feast with the tribe cats then leave.

They return to ShadowClan, unsure of their welcome, but Tigerstar is happy to see them, He and Tawnypelt make up. Then Tawnypelt steps down as deputy. This upsets Tigerstar but she tells him he needs a deputy who can help build his vision of the clan, not one who sees the past. She settles down in the warrior's den, feeling at peace and at home.

The story had a happy ending. While I do feel Tawnypelt is being unfairly judged by some of her clanmates, she is correct - Tigerstar needs to build his vision without her. Especially since the clan now has rogues in it who also need to find their place and acceptance. And I am glad she chose her kin over the simplicity of the Tribe. 

I ordered A Vision of Shadows because clearly I am missing key information, so I think reading that book series is my next goal.

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