Saturday, October 5, 2019

the dark secret: part two

Mastermind works in a lab and is delighted that Starflight is his son. He excitedly shows Starflight around, with Fatespeaker following. At first Starflight is thrilled to meet his father, thrilled that his father wants him, and thrilled that they are so alike. But then Mastermind tells him about the RainWing prisoners and his experiments on them. Starflight is horrified, and accidentally gives away information on RainWing venom by mentioning seeing it firsthand kill dragons. Mastermind is thrilled by this new information. He then shows the dragonets the RainWing that he is currently torturing.

Starflight is horrified. Fatespeaker, too, is appalled. She insists Starflight get the dragon water. He does, asking her her name. He discovers that she is Orchid. Eager to give her hope, he tells her that Mangrove is coming to rescue her. Orchid is thrilled, turning a pink color, and he realizes he said too much in front of Fatespeaker. When Mastermind sees Orchid pink he asks how Starflight did that. Fatespeaker lies for him, saying that Orchid is just grateful for the water. Strongwings arrives to take Orchid away, and Mastermind talks to Starflight about the need for venom resistant armor. Mastermind ushers them out so he can return to work. Starflight confesses to Fatespeaker that he too is a dragonet of the prophecy. Morrowseer arrives and they ask how they can both be in the prophecy. Morrowseer responds that prophecies are tricky and they are unsure which is the correct dragonet. Starflight points out that he can't do the correct thing if he doesn't know the plan. This causes Morrowseer to think, but in the end he decides that the dragonets cannot be trusted. As Morrowseer leads them away Starflight realizes he does know the plan - or at least part of it. The NightWings intend to take the rainforest from the RainWings and Blister will help them.

Morrowseer takes Starflight and Fatespeaker to the other alternate dragonets of destiny - Flame, Viper, Ochre, and Squid. Starflight is upset to learn they have a real SkyWing. Starflight realizes that Deathbringer was there for all of them but Morrowseer corrects him. He tells Starflight that Deathbringer was there to eliminate Glory then Tsunami - the rest of the dragonets still being "negotiable." Starflight quickly realizes these other dragonets are not very nice - and they clearly hate Fatespeaker, though she thinks they are all friends. Morrowseer orders the alternate dragonets to kill Starflight. They wish to kill Fatespeaker instead, but they do as they are told. Starflight, meanwhile, is told to stay alive - so he runs.

Starflight knows he has to lose the alternate dragonets and fast. He goes to where the RainWings are being kept, startling the guard. He tells the guard that he is there to observe the RainWings for a school project and the guard accepts that. When Flame and Viper follow him in the guard thinks they are under attack and calls for help. In the commotion, Starflight hides in a dark tunnel. Fatespeaker seeks him out. She hangs out in a RainWing cell and talks into the tunnel to coax Starflight out. She succeeds and they return to Morrowseer. Morrowseer tells Starflight that he did good, but he implies that Starflight succeeded accidentally. Flame and Viper have been arrested and Morrowseer needs ro figure out how to get them back. He takes all the dragonets back to the room Starflight woke up in. Exhausted and missing his friends, Starflight goes to sleep wishing he had a way to tell them everything he has discovered.

Starflight dreams of a memory, of him and Sunny looking over a new scroll Webs got him. The scroll theorizes who the dragonets of destiny are. Starflight is skipping around, reading sections, looking for clues when Kestrel shows up and destroys the scroll. Fatespeaker wakes him up. She is unable to sleep and wants to explore. Starflight goes with her and she leads him to the lava destroyed section of the fortress. They enter one of the tunnels to explore and as they talk Starflight discovers that Fatespeaker knows nothing about the animus made tunnels and that she flew to the island. They enter an abandoned room and find two dead dragons.

Well, in the parent department Starflight is doing about as good as Tsunami. Their parents are cruel and manipulative, but their parents do love them and are very tame by dragon standards. However I think Glory has them beat. Even though she doesn't know who her parents are she does have the former queen, who surrendered her throne to Glory.

As for Fatespeaker, she is not like the other NightWings at all. Actually, neither she or Starflight seem like them (Starflight's similarities to his father aside). I have to say, pretty much none of the dragonets are good representations of their tribes. Perhaps because they were raised apart from them? She actually reminds me a bit of Sunny. But Sunny similarities beside, her dragonets are not very nice. I can't believe they actually wanted to kill her - or tried to kill Starflight.

Morrowseer, as always, is awful. Actually, I think he has surpassed awful and moved on to evil. I can't wait for him to get his comeuppance. What I can't figure out, however, is why he is playing with the prophecy. What does he gain from that?

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