Friday, October 25, 2019

the brightest night: part three

Sunny meets Smolder's pet scavenger, Flower. They talk about Flower and Sunny is shocked to discover that Flower is actually pretty intelligent and draws pictures to communicate with Smolder. The move up through the tower, passing all sorts of oddities. Eventually they reach a furious and chained up queen Scarlet, who boasts that she has friends who will help her. They pass her to go higher up. Smolder regretfully chains Sunny up but promises to take her out the next day so she isn't trapped in the tower all the time. Flower insists on staying with Sunny.

Smolder arrives earlier then planned to let Sunny out. He shows her the treasure rooms and asks her if she can solve how three tiny scavengers emptied the rooms without wagons. Sunny deduces someone else must have stolen the treasure while everyone was attending to Oasis. She suspects one of Oasis's daughters but Smolder tells her that would be impossible because the war wouldn't even be occurring if that is the case. He refuses to divulge any more but Sunny deduces that owning a certain piece of the treasure must determine who the queen is - therefore one of the scavengers must have it and not one of the sisters. A messenger arrives because they are under attack. Sunny convinces Smolder not to lock her up again by agreeing to a guard. Sunny races to see what is going on and discovers the Outclaws are here to rescue her.

As the battle goes on Sunny sees Peril sneak in. Realizing she is probably there to free Scarlet she and her guard go to confront her. Peril tells Sunny that she cannot let the dragonets stop her. She tries to ask after Clay without making it obvious. Sunny tells her that Clay thinks about her, but privately she realizes probably not the way Peril wishes him to. Peril tells her that Ruby kicked her out of the SkyWing Kingdom, which is why she is here for Scarlet. Sunny has to break the news to her that Kestrel is dead. Sunny convinces Peril to put an end to the battle. Smolder surrenders gracefully. Thorn wishes to kill Addax but Sunny talks her out of it. Thorn then inquires after NightWing prisoners and Smolder tells her of a stuffed NightWing his sister has.

Everyone goes to the tower. Scarlet is cruel to Peril, but obeys her when Peril wants the stuffed NightWing body given to Thorn. It isn't who she is looking for, however. Smolder tells Thorn and Sunny that he has a paper with Thorn's name on it in the library. Peril stays behind (because she could accidentally set the library on fire) as he leads them on. Sunny asks why Thorn is trying to find the NightWing and Thorn admits it is because he is Sunny's father.

Thorn tells Sunny how she met Stonemover and how he is the animus who made the tunnel. She says one day he disappeared and Morrowseer arrived, telling her she would never see Stonemover again. Smolder brings then to the library where everyone starts sifting through the papers. A messenger arrives to tell Smolder someone is approaching. Smolder realizes it is his sister so he quickly locks Thorn and Sunny in the library (while apologizing) and leaves them.

So, not gonna lie, I really do like Smolder. I hope he gets declared king. I doubt that will happen, though. But I am convinced it won't be either of the sisters.

As for Peril, I am glad to see she is trying to change. But Scarlet is not the answer.

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