Tuesday, October 29, 2019

a character exits: principal snyder

Principal Snyder is a bit of an odd character full of contradictions. He hates children yet he is principal of the high school. He clearly knows what is going on in town and helps the police cover it up - usually by blaming drugs - but yet at the same time he seems to hate magic and demons. He is clearly on the mayor's team, yet is furious at the mayor's lack of respect for law and order.

Principal Snyder takes over after principal Flutie is eaten by the hyena pack. From day one he makes it clear he hates the students and has no respect for them. He functions more as a source of keeping order to the Hellmouth seal and covering up demonic activity then anything else. It is stated that he was specifically brought in for the job because of his unique qualifications (which were never discussed or named) for these types of situations. He is obsessed with the schools image and shows this obsession through the sports teams. Yet, he doesn't care about the students on those teams, just about the image of the school when they win. He is constantly terrified of lawsuits being brought up against the school and urges wounded students not to sue.

He hates Buffy and strives to make her life - and the lives of her friends - miserable. He even goes so far as to expel Buffy from school. He is forced to overturn this decision later on, which clearly makes him unhappy.

As much as he hates supernatural activity he is loyal to the mayor and helps to cover up his crimes. Yet, when the mayor does his ascension at the high school graduation this upsets Snyder, who lectures the mayor about order and discipline. The mayor rewards the years of Snyder's loyalty by eating him.

The last thing worth noting about Snyder is when he ate the candy that turned him into a teenager. He was nothing like his adult self. He was very laid back, nice, friendly, and thought Buffy and her friends were absolutely great and cool.

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