Thursday, October 17, 2019

the dark secret: part six

Starflight, Fatespeaker, and Glory head to the hidden tunnel. The island suddenly seems unstable. They run into princess Greatness there, who tells them that every dragon is needed for the attack so they need to join the others. Glory, while invisible, speaks up saying that they are going to talk to the queen now. Terrified, Greatness leads the dragonets to Battlewinner. Starflight grabs the map tapestry on the way. They find Battlewinner arguing with Mastermind. He has special armor for her, armor that will completely encase her and be filled with lava, but he insists it will not work. Everyone interrupts this meeting so Glory can deliver her demands - mainly that the NightWings leave the RainWings alone and stop trying to interfere with the prophecy. She also informs Battlewinner that they have already freed the prisoners. Battlewinner refuses Glory's terms and says she will kill her. Greatness is desperate to find a new home for their people and Mastermind is confused as to why they can't take the rainforest away. Starflight has an idea. He tells Glory she should allow the NightWings to move into the rainforest so long as they accept her as their queen. Battlewinner is furious with this idea - and even more furious that Greatness is considering it. Battlewinner refuses the offer but Starflight points out that she doesn't have any say because she is going to die. To prove him wrong Battlewinner leaves her lava cauldron, but she rapidly starts to turn to ice and dies.

The volcano about to erupt, everyone races away. Glory and Starflight head for the dungeon (Starflight getting the key location from Greatness) and Fatespeaker and Greatness head to the NightWings to tell them of their new home. They break Deathbringer and Splendor out of the dungeon and race away. They reach the tunnel to see the RainWings guarding it to prevent the NightWings from entering.

Starflight tells the dragons of Battlewinner's death and Glory's acceptance of them so long as they swear to her. The dragons are shocked but Greatness backs him up. The NightWings race through the tunnel, swearing loyalty to queen Glory. Mastermind asks Starflight what he should do. Starflight tells him he should ask Glory for forgiveness and accept any punishment she hands down. Mastermind agrees and leaves with the fleeing NightWings - and the map tapestry that Starflight gives him. Everyone gets through and Starflight, Tsunami, Clay, and Sunny are left facing Morrowseer. Morrowseer is furious and believes that the NightWings will betray the RainWings. He then reveals that the entire prophecy is a lie that he made up.

Morrowseer proceeds to tell them how he and Battlewinner made up the prophecy after they realized they needed to move. Starflight thinks about the words in the prophecy and realizes it can also be all about the NightWings finding a new home. Sunny is devastated by this news. Tsunami tries to comfort her by pointing out they can all live their lives now but that just makes it worse because Sunny deeply believes in the prophecy and wishes to make it come true. She takes off down the tunnel, crying. Morrowseer moves to follow her but Starflight stops him, telling him he is unwanted. Tsunami and Clay back him up. Morrowseer can't believe they will actually stop him. Fatespeaker makes her presence known by saying she will help her friends. But before Morrowseer can attack the volcano explodes. Fatespeaker runs and Starflight shoves Tsunami into the tunnel. He sees the lava swallow Morrowseer and gets hit by it himself. Then Clay picks him up and carries him away. Starflight is badly wounded and feels when they exit the tunnel. He feels Sunny pressing up against him but is confused when he hears Fatespeaker's voice instead. Someone knocks him out with a sleeping dart and he sleeps.

Blaze and Glaicer meet to discuss the dragonets. Glacier decides she needs to meet them - and possibly kill them. Blister is at yet another scavenger den at Morrowseer's insistence and she doesn't understand why. Nautilus and Squid arrive for their meeting with Morrowseer. Blister is furious that she appears to be losing allies and she can never find Morrowseer when she needs him - he completely controls their relationship. Blister blames the dragonets for Morrowseer missing their meeting and swears revenge on them. Burn gets an update from her brother, Smolder. She is frustrated with her new ally, Ruby, who seems more worried about the SkyWing kingdom then Burn's war. Burn wishes to kill someone. Smolder suggests their prisoner, Scarlet, but Burn says she intends to do away with the dragonets and the prophecy.

Now that I know Morrowseer staged the entire prophecy it all makes so much more sense. Poor Sunny. This news really devastated her.

I do wonder why Morrowseer is sending Blister around to scavenger dens - is it to find the queen's treasure? And if so, why? That won't really help Blister gain the throne. Not unless there is something in the treasure that we don't know about. At least he is dead now. That is one good thing about all of this.

I wonder how badly Starflight was hurt. And I still have a feeling Sunny will end up queen.

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