Thursday, September 5, 2019

the blazing star: part one

Gray Wing finds himself in the mountains. He follows Stoneteller into her room, where she tells him that in order to survive he must be flexible. She also tells him that a great future awaits him and the other cats, but that it will not wait for forever.

Tall Shadow announces that it is time to bury the dead. Thunder and the other cats move to action, first digging a hole then filling it. Some words are spoken with the resolve of this never happening again. Clear Sky looks to the future, and the hope that the spirit cats will tell them what to do. Thunder and Gray Wing realize that this was Clear Sky's problem all along - he was drowing under the responsibility of leadership. Gray Wing steps down as co-leader of the moor cats and appoints Thunder in his place, making Clear Sky, River Ripple, and Tall Shadow with Thunder the new leaders. Tall Shadow wants a promise that there will be no more fighting and that any cat who needs help will receive it. Thunder and the others agree.

Tall Shadow announces that it is time for everyone to go home. River Ripple offers to open his home to whoever wishes. Everyone breaks into two groups, and Thunder is shocked to see Acorn Fur join Clear Sky. She tells Lighting Tail and Thunder that she cannot return to the moor when their parents are not there. Both Thunder and Lightning Tail are upset with her choice, but Thunder convinces his best friend that they need to respect it. Thunder wishes to go to the forest too, but he knows Tall Shadow, Gray Wing, and Lightning Tail need him. As they head back to camp Thunder scents some rogues and calls out to them. Three cats (Holly, Mouse Ears, and Mud Paws) step from the trees. They admit to witnessing the battle but give to hint to seeing the spirit cats. They ask to join the moor cats group.

Almost a moon has passed since the fight, and Gray Wing is at Fourtrees. River Ripple finds him there and tells him he needs to move forward. They agree to meet again at the next full moon and Gray Wing heads home. Gray Wing finds life continuing on as normal at the camp, where training sessions are going on. He is upset to hear Holly teasing Jagged Peak, but Cloud Spots intervenes, telling Gray Wing it is not what he thinks. Gray Wing then asks Pebble Heart if he has had any new dreams. The young kit says no, but Gray Wing suspects he is lying. However he doesn't push him, feeling that Pebble Heart will speak when he is ready.

Gray Wing and the moor cats head to Fourtrees on the full moon. Everyone waits for the spirit cats to arrive and they do. Rainswept Flower congratulates them for their peace then warns them that there is still a problem, which she refers to as a "claw" that "blights the forest." The moor cats fear this means secret battles have been going on. Turtle Tail speaks up, explaining that they will understand in time. Everyone ponders their words. River Ripple points out that what will happen will happen so there is no point in fretting on it. Before the spirit cats go they tell everyone to look towards the Blazing Star. Everyone fears another battle might be coming. They had hoped the spirit cats would give them direction, but now they feel as lost as ever. A random female shows appears, interested in what is going on. She refuses to answer Thunder's questions but flirts with him before leaving, much to Gray Wing's amusement.

Nothing much happened here. I am curious what the blazing star and claw are. I am also wondering when the borders will be re-erected. Plus the Moonstone, plus five groups instead of two...

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