Sunday, September 15, 2019

the blazing star: part four

Clear Sky heads back to camp when Petal confronts him, feeling there is something wrong with Alder. Clear Sky dismisses her concerns, feeling that Alder is just tired, but Petal is unconvinced. One Eye appears, telling Clear Sky that he said this would happen. Clear Sky realizes his cats are not standing up to One Eye, and One Eye declares that he has taken over the group. One Eye let's Clear Sky leave, feeling that this will hurt more then a fight. Unsure that his cats even want him there, Clear Sky heads out. On his way, however, he breaks Sparrow Fur out of a makeshift prison that One Eye has her in. Together, the two cats race from the forest.

Gray Wing realizes it is time to go home, so he leaves River Ripple. On his way he meets Wind Runner, who tells him that she is starting her own group. She admits that right now it is just her, Gorse Fur, and their kits but she hopes more cats will join them. Her friend Slate is visiting her. Slate walks Gray Wing part of the way home. When he gets there Tall Shadow is happy to see him, but he is unsure that this is where he belongs.

Thunder is out hunting with Lightning Tail and Owl Eyes. Owl Eyes is worried about Gray Wing, and feels it is his fault his adoptive father won't come home. After catching some prey the cats head home. They run into Star Flower, who wants Thunder to spend some time with her. Lightning Tail becomes upset when Thunder agrees to go off with her. Star Flower shows Thunder a secret spot to watch the sunset. He asks her about the blazing star and Star Flower says she knows all about it, and that it is a healing plant. Thunder feels so happy watching the sunset with her, but once it is done she becomes very brisk and leaves him. He heads back to camp to find Gray Wing and Clear Sky there with the news that Clear Sky has been kicked out of his own group. Jagged Peak interrupts them to say that Holly is sick.

Clear Sky is forced to admit to everyone not only how awful One Eye is but also that Sparrow Fur was in a trap. Thunder tells everyone that the blazing star is a healing herb. Everyone wants to go off after the blazing star and One Eye at once. Gray Wing calms everyone down and points out that it is too soon to go after One Eye - he will be expecting it. Gray Wing says the priority is gathering the flower. Thunder admits that Star Flower told him it is a healing herb and Lightning Tail is furious, feeling that Star Flower is probably lying. Thunder wants to lead the expedition to get the flower but Gray Wing tells him no, he is needed to protect the camp. Instead he makes Jagged Peak leader of the expedition, much to Clear Sky's shock. He also realizes just how badly he has damaged his younger brother's self esteem. Jagged Peak wants to stay with Holly, but she insists he go. Gray Wing also picks Lightning Tail. Clear Sky realizes this is because the young cat is on edge and will be on the lookout for trouble. Clear Sky volunteers to go as well. Gray Wing is unsure, but tells Clear Sky he can on the condition that he understands this is Jagged Peak's mission. Clear Sky agrees, but privately he has reservations.

Clear Sky stays in Gray Wing's den, sleeping, until it is time to go. As they make the journey Clear Sky and Jagged Peak start to heal the rift between them by talking about Jagged Peak's upcoming kits. Clear Sky even apologizes to Jagged Peak for kicking him out of their group. Lightning Tail is still upset, feeling that Star Flower is lying to and using Thunder - though, he does admit he can't figure out why. The cats make it safely across the Thunderpath to collect the flowers, but on the way back One Eye and his rogues attack them. Acorn Fur attacks the rogues, giving her brother and friends a chance to escape.

Things are moving along here. One Eye was never going to go away. Clear Sky should have been better prepared for this. He did the right thing by saving Sparrow Fur, however. He is starting to change as a leader and that is good. And he is working to heal things between himself and his younger brother. This is also good and shows a lot of growth on his part that he can admit his own shortcomings.

As for Star Flower, part of me feels like Lightning Tail is overreacting but another part feels like he might be correct. However, I can't see how Star Flower is a bad guy. So far all she has done is pretend to be mysterious and flirt with Thunder. But her briskness after watching the sunset confuses me. Is she actually flirting with Thunder or is she just leading him on? If she is flirting she is acting odd. If she is leading him on I cannot figure out why.

On a final note, two things. One, it looks like Gray Wing might have found a new mate. Two, Wind Runner might have left the moor cats but she clearly isn't ready to forget all that she has learned. I am convinced she is the Wind of WindClan, but she has left the group so clearly she needs to return. Or maybe the moor cats will leave? I suspect Tall Shadow wishes to leave.

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