Tuesday, June 19, 2018

sailor moon: part three

So quite a bit happened here. I feel like now that Mercury and Mars have joined Sailor Moon things are really moving along.

First, since there has been no activity from the Dark Kingdom lately Ami suggests everyone investigate anything strange starting with the amusement park Dreamland. People seem to be going missing from there but the park counts the same number of people leaving as entering. Everyone agrees and goes to the park. While there they bump into Mamoru, which Usagi notes is odd. The investigation shows that people are going missing there - and that the Dark Kingdom is behind it. The Sailor Scouts put a stop to things and release all of the abducted people, who were asleep.

Then Jadeite is contacted by Tetis, one of Queen Beryl's Youma's. She has a plan to steal lots of energy from lovers with a fake cruise ship. She also seems to be in love with Jadeite, but he does not return her feelings. They go ahead with their plan. Meanwhile, Rei wins tickets for the cruise ship but refuses to take Usagi (who wants to go) with her. Instead she asks Ami. Jealous, Usagi uses the transformation pen to turn into a reporter and sneak on board the ship. While on board the true nature of the cruise is revealed and the Sailor Soldiers save everyone. Tetis is destroyed and Jadeite is punished for this.

Because of his string of failures Jadeite is given one final chance to stop the Sailor Scouts. This story was different from the others because it focused solely on the fight between Jadeite and the Sailor Scouts. During the fight Tuxedo Mask is wounded and disappears, leaving everyone to fear he is dead. The Sailor Scouts defeat Jadeite and Tuxedo Mask reappears. Meanwhile Jadeite is called before Queen Beryl for his defeat. He offers the identities of the Sailor Soldiers, which he discovered during the fight, but Queen Beryl refuses to listen to him. He is sentenced to Eternal Sleep.

Nephrite takes over the fight, and Zoisite is introduced as another general who is jealous of him. Unlike Jadeite who creates his Youma's from dirt, gives them human form, and uses them to steal energy from multiple targets at once Nephrite implants his Youma inside an object of one person. The person then uses that object over and over with their energy building up as they rapidly become possessed. Finally their energy is released - and so is the Youma. Nephrite also uses the stars and constellations to help him select his victims.

First he attacks Naru's friend Rui Saionji, who is a rising tennis star. Then he attacks Ami's friend Mr Kunitachi, the caretaker of a garden that is about to be demolished. Both plans involve the take over of the person possessed then the unleashing of a monster to be destroyed by the Sailor Scouts.

My favorite episode? Definitely "Usagi is Frantic! Rei's First Date". Upon hearing of the soon destruction of the park Rei decides she needs a date to take there. They bump into Mamoru who is talking to Motoki - turns out they go to college together. Rei decides that Mamoru is who she needs to date and proceeds to pump Motoki for information. She then sets her plan into motion of accidentally bumping into Mamoru to score that date. Why is this my favorite? Because everything that could go wrong does - and Usagi notices Rei's odd behavior and asks Umino out on a date so she can spy on Rei and Mamoru together. This episode is hilarious from start to finish and is, in my opinion, one of the best episodes of Sailor Moon ever. In my eyes only one episode in season five beats it for comedy. 

The episodes:

Usagi vs. Rei? A Nightmare in Dreamland - Season 1, Episode 11

Synopsis - Unsure where the Dark Kingdom is going to strike next, Usagi and company decide to investigate reports of missing people at Dreamland.

Jadeite's Youma: Moolyd (doll)

First Combined Attack: Fire Soul/Moon Tiara Action

I Want a Boyfriend, Too! A Trap on a Luxury Cruise Ship - Season 1, Episode 12

Synopsis - A cruise ship is catering to lovers and everyone wants to go. Rei wins tickets and opts to take Ami, instead of Usagi, with her but things are not as they seem as Jadeite and Queen Beryl's servant Tetis team up.

Queen Beryl's Youma: Tetis (water)

Girl Power! The End of Jadeite - Season 1, Episode 13

Synopsis - Jadeite is given the ultimatum of destroy the Sailor Soldiers or be punished to eternal sleep.

Dark Kingdom Last Appearance: Jadeite

A Powerful New Enemy! Nephrite's Evil Crest - Season 1, Episode 14

Synopsis - Nephrite begins his attacks - but he doesn't target groups of people. Instead he uses the stars and constellations to pick individuals - starting with Naru's childhood friend.

Dark Kingdom Introduced: Nephrite, Zoisite

Nephrite's Youma: Tesuni (tennis)

Usagi is Frantic! Rei's First Date - Season 1, Episode 15

Synopsis - Ami tells her friends about a park that is closing. Determined to bring a boyfriend there before this happens, Rei asks Mamoru out on a date - causing Usagi to ask Umino out on one so she can spy on them.

Nephrite's Youma: Tesuni (plants)

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