Thursday, June 21, 2018

darkness walks: part two

Back with four more chapters. I told you I was devouring this book.

These next four chapters seem to focus on negative Shadow People so I'm afraid this post will be rather short since it is all variations on the same theme.

People discuss shadows that seem to terrorize them and feed off of their fears. They seem to be negative energy that feeds off of your negative energy. Sometimes the power of prayer helps - sometimes it does not.

Then there are the red-eyed Shadow People - who also seem to be evil. There was some discussion over the red eyes - red is usually depicted as the color of the Devil, red is the color of embarrassment, the color of rage, and red is the color of blood. While red is also the color of love and romance it seems to have more negative connotations then positive ones. So there was some debate as to whether or not these Shadow People have red eyes or do we just project that onto them since we ourselves might be terrified of the color red? Either way, red eyes real or not, these all seem to be negative entities.

Buzzing Shadow People were briefly covered as well. Most people seemed to believe they were evil but two little girls held forth the claim that they were not evil, and that people are paralyzed when they see them so they will not hurt themselves or the Shadow People in their panic. This was interesting and was the only time (at least so far) this theory has been put forth. Some people did say they couldn't move and that they weren't overly upset by this, but this is the only time that it was mentioned that this happens for the persons own good. These two little girls were not held down but claim the Shadow People told them why they do hold down others. Lastly, someone else mad another interesting claim. A woman held forth the belief that Shadow People are aliens and what they are doing to people is alien abductions. That was also interesting, but for completely different reasons then the little girls' claims.

Lastly, for now, there is the hooded, angry Shadow People - which hearkens back to images of the Grim Reaper. Except the Grim Reaper isn't evil but these shadows seem to be - with one person even making the claim that they tried to kill him. Another couple makes the claim that they didn't start seeing them until they were driving while severely sleep deprived - and became worried that this was a sign of negative things to come so they pulled off the road and slept. There did seem to be an underlying theme of death this chapter but it didn't touch every story. However, it is true that a dark, hooded figure makes us think of death which in turn makes us scared - whether we should be or not.

More chapters tomorrow?

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