Friday, January 29, 2021

shadowstar's life: part two

Shadowstar and Raven Pelt go to see Skystar to tell him about the territory they scouted out when they smell Quick Water. Shadowstar goes straight to the ThunderClan camp to confront Thunderstar. He refuses to kick Clear Water out and believes her over Shdaowstar. Shadowstar is furious and worries they may have to fight over this.

Shadowstar calls a gathering to tell everyone what Quick Water did. Riverstar believes Shadowstar must be mistaken. Thunderstar defends Quick Water and accuses Skystar of abandoning her. Skystar relents and tells Quick Water she can return. Windstar believes Shadowstar would not make a mistake about who tried to kill her. The gathering breaks up with the clans divided.

Everyone leaves and Shadowstar and Windstar talk in private. Shadowstar believes they must fight over this. She feels she cannot leave a murderer in the forest after she has lost her final life. The next day she goes around camp, making her final goodbyes without saying so. She tells Raven Pelt that he is ready to lead the clan if she dies. She settles down that night wondering if tomorrow will find her in StarClan.

The next day ShadowClan and WindClan go to SkyClan. Shadowstar has resolved to kill Quick Water. Thuderstar shows up with his cats to stop them and Skystar shows up with his. Skystar refuses to exile Quick Water and a fight breaks out. Shadowstar meets Quick Water on the battle field and Quick Water delivers a killing blow. Everyone looks on shocked as Shadowstar falls. Determined not to die yet, Shadowstar attacks Quick Water who collapses. As she lay dying, Quick Water confesses to her attempts on Shadowstar's life. She explains she was desperate to save SkyClan and begs everyone to forgive her. 

Shadowstar and Quick Water wake in StarClan. Quick Water is worried about her future but Shadowstar tells her she is forgiven. Sun Shadow and Gray Wing greet them. Gray Wing shows them the future - the destruction of SkyClan's land generations from now and SkyClan's exile. He tells them that eventually all of the clan cats will be driven from the forest. Then he shows them the lake, with all five clans together again around it.

This story was depressing. Quick Water resorting to murder in a misguided attempt to save SkyClan, the clans divided over the truth, Quick Water and Shadowstar killing each other in battle, then the depressing future revealed to the two dead cats... This story was just plain sad. At least Shadowstar was able to leave her clan in a better place with a good leader. 

Thursday, January 28, 2021

shadowstar's life: part one

The Gathering is over with and Shadowstar is trying to calm down Skystar, who believes twolegs are trying to take his territory away from him. Shadowstar thinks he is overreacting. Eventually she and Sun Shadow leave to head home, long after their clan has left. They scent dogs. Worried that the dogs might be tracking them and attack their clan they verve away from their camp. They fight the dogs and Shadowstar loses a life. She tells Sun Shadow to run, but he doesn't and dies. As she dies she sees cat eyes staring at her from the darkness. Shadowstar and Sun Shadow wake in StarClan, where Sun Shadow finally gets to meet his father. As Shadowstar only has one life left, Gray Wing warns her that no one knows what will happen when she dies - it might destroy the clans. 

Shadowstar wakes with Sun Shadow's body. She can hear her clan calling for her. They take Sun Shadow home. Cats vie for his position as the new deputy but Shadowstar doesn't know who to name - and the competition between the cats is getting so out of hand nothing is getting done. Shadowstar knows she has to deal with this but she worries it is one of her clanmates who watched from the shadows as she and Sun Shadow fought for their lives and died. 

Shadowstar confides her fears in Pebble Heart, her medicine cat. She confesses she doesn't know who to name deputy since she doesn't know if she can trust anyone. He comforts her and tells her she will make the right choice. At the next Gathering Shadowstar still has not named a deputy. An argument breaks out over Skystar's worries. Thunderstar is okay with redrawing the boarders, but only if everyone agrees. Windstar and Riverstar are against it. Shadowstar suggests looking for a new territory for SkyClan beyond her own.

Shadowstar, Pebble Heart, and some warriors are off looking for a new territory for SkyClan when someone attacks her and knocks her onto the thunderpath in front of an oncoming monster. The monster misses her and she lives, and everyone sees Quick Water running away. Shadowstar realizes the SkyClan cat might have also set the dogs on her. 

Shadowstar and her cats go straight to SkyClan territory to accuse Quick Water. The SkyClan cats are outraged by the accusation and Quick Water denies it. Shadowstar accuses her of doing it so SkyClan can take ShadowClan's territory. Quick Water cannot supply an alibi so Skystar banishes her. Back at camp Shadowstar finally names Raven Pelt her deputy. That night Pebble Heart dreams of the forest, and of all the trees falling down.

It will be generations before SkyClan loses their territory, if I remember correctly. I wonder if Pebble Heart's dream is about that? Or if it is about the eventual destruction of the forest many, many generations away.

Meanwhile it is sad that Quick Water is trying to kill Shadowstar. They came from the mountains together. While creating territories has stopped one fight, it seems to have started another. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

tawnypelt's clan: part two

 Tawnypelt, Dovewing, and Shadowkit make their way through the mountains. Eventually they run into some Tribe cats who bring them back to the cave. They confer with Stoneteller about Shadowkit's condition, then leave the two cats alone. Tawnypelt is happy to see Brook and Stormfur again, and questions Stormfur about how he feels living amongst the tribe. Tawnypelt wrestles with her place and where it is when Shadowkit runs to her. She acknowledges she does love the tiny kit. Everyone settles in for the evening meal and at first Tawnypelt is content. But then all she can think of is how this used to be ShadowClan until Darktail came. Everyone sleeps but Shadowkit wakes them all up in a panic, insisting that a tree is coming right now and will kill them all.

Everyone assumes Shadowkit is having a bad dream but Stoneteller supports him. They leave the cave and go to the waterfall above where Shadowkit insists they have to make a damn. No one wants to but again Stoneteller supports him. They work on the damn but the tree appears and Tawnypelt wonders if they have done enough to save the Tribe. 

The tree gets caught in the damn and Shadowkit passes out. Everyone starts to go back down to return to the cave when the tree starts to move. Everyone becomes frozen in fear as no one knows which area is safer - down below by the waterfall or up with the damn and tree. Suddenly lightening strikes the tree and destroys it.  

The next day it is decided a feast will be held for the Clan cats. Shadowkit stays with Stoneteller so the wise cat can help him. Tawnypelt dreams of Rowanstar. She admits questioning where her place is and if she should even return home. Rowanstar forces her to realize her place is with her kin and clan. Then he tells her she needs to let him go. She wakes up, feeling better now that she knows her place. The clan cats feast with the tribe cats then leave.

They return to ShadowClan, unsure of their welcome, but Tigerstar is happy to see them, He and Tawnypelt make up. Then Tawnypelt steps down as deputy. This upsets Tigerstar but she tells him he needs a deputy who can help build his vision of the clan, not one who sees the past. She settles down in the warrior's den, feeling at peace and at home.

The story had a happy ending. While I do feel Tawnypelt is being unfairly judged by some of her clanmates, she is correct - Tigerstar needs to build his vision without her. Especially since the clan now has rogues in it who also need to find their place and acceptance. And I am glad she chose her kin over the simplicity of the Tribe. 

I ordered A Vision of Shadows because clearly I am missing key information, so I think reading that book series is my next goal.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

tawnypelt's clan: part one

Tawnypelt dreams of ShadowClan and Rowanstar, before ShadowClan was destroyed by Darktail. She wakes and leaves the warrior den where she sees Dovewing, a former ThunderClan cat, with her kits. Juniperclaw snaps at Dovewing and Tigerstar, formerly Tigerheart, intervenes. Tawnypelt feels sad at the state of her clan. There are strange cats in the camp, rogues that are now a part of ShadowClan, and she can feel the unease and resentment over Rowanstar's failure to keep their clan together. She is Tigerstar's deputy now but she doesn't want the position and doesn't feel like any cat respects her in that position - including Tigerstar. She wants to go hunting but Tigerstar insists she stay in camp and help rebuild it. She tries to offer advice to the cats she is working with but they deliberately ignore her. Frustrated, she leaves for some air and Tigerstar follows her. She tells him of her worries and feelings but he brushes her aside, telling her he will make the cats in the camp respect her. They are interrupted by Dovewing, who is crying for help as her and Tigerstar's kit, Shadowkit, is having a fit.

Shadowkit is moved to the medicine den. When he briefly wakes up he tells Tawnypelt that something is falling and cats will die. Tawnypelt believes it to be a bad dream but Dovewing believes it to be a vision. Puddleshine, the medicine cat, is stumped and goes to Leafpool for help. Shadowkit has his vision again and Tawnypelt believes he is seeing the Tribe of Rushing Water.

Tigerstar doesn't agree with her and Dovewing is unsure. Their argument leads Tawnypelt to ask why no one will listen to her when she is deputy. This leads to a clan argument as resentment comes to the surface over the way Rowanstar handled Darktail's destruction of their clan. Tigerstar forcefully ends the argument but Tawnypelt is left to wonder if ShadowClan is her home anymore. Leafpool arrives and is unsure how to help Shadowkit. Tawnypelt voices her belief that the vision is of the Tribe. Leafpool concedes that this could be true. Tawnypelt wants to take him there but Tigerstar is furious and forbids it. He becomes even more angry when Dovewing sides with Tawnypelt. He declares that as leader he forbids a trip to the Tribe.

That night Tawnypelt decides to sneak Shadowkit out of the camp. She almost succeeds when Dovewing catches them and raises the alarm. This leads to another argument between the three cats in which some very harsh and cruel words are exchanged between Tigerstar and Tawnypelt. He accuses her of sabotaging his attempts to save ShadowClan and she accuses him of being a tyrant like the previous Tigerstar. Dovewing breaks up the fight by saying she is taking Shadowkit to the Tribe because it is the right thing to do. Tawnypelt and Dovewing take Shadowkit and leave, leaving behind a furious and hurt Tigerstar.

As Tawnypelt and Dovewing travel to the Tribe the two cats bond over Shadowkit and being mothers. Tawnypelt begins to realize that she actually likes her son's mate, even if she was born in ThunderClan.

So, I clearly should have read A Vision of Shadows before this series. I know nothing about Darktail, the destruction of ShadowClan, Dovewing leaving ThunderClan, the death of Rowanstar, etc. However, I will say Tawnypelt has a rough path, currently. Her clan is clearly broken and some cats clearly blame her for this. However, just as clearly, others don't. She seems to be wrestling with leaving but I hope she does not. Her only remaining child is Tigerstar. And now she has grandchildren. And, she is clearly starting to bond with Dovewing. I do not think she would be happy anywhere else - except, perhaps, with Rownstar in StarClan...

And I am curious how Dovewing ended up here. She was in love with Tigerclaw but she had moved forward with her life. In the end it was implied she found a mate in her own clan. And, she looked back on Tigerclaw as being reckless and her love for him as reckless. Yet, here she is. She is a bit fluffy in this story, while she was a loyal warrior before, but I will chalk this up to Tawnypelt's very blatant bias and crotchetiness.  

Monday, January 25, 2021

redtail's debt: part two

Redtail is upset about the upcoming battle, but Tigerclaw gives him a pep talk pointing out that they need to protect their borders and no one will get hurt as everyone will be out of the camp hunting and patrolling. They are just going there to destroy the camp. This reassures Redtail, who is worried that Stagleap will feel betrayed by him. However, when they get to the camp to destroy it, Tigerclaw has no problem attacking the undefended cats. Much to Redtail's horror Tigerclaw wounds a queen and threatens her kits right after another ThunderClan warrior had just reassured her. As the camp gets wrecked Bluefur refuses to let her warriors attack the medicine den. Tigerclaw calls her soft but Bluefur stands her ground. WindClan's warriors return, led by Stagleap, and a fight breaks out. Redtail feels guilty at the disappointed look Stagleap gives him. Bluefur becomes badly wounded and is unable to call a retreat so Redtail calls one. Tigerclaw is furious with him but Redtail stands his ground. As the ThunderClan cats leave Tigerclaw calls Redtail a coward. Redtail sees what Tigerclaw truly is for the first time. He tells Tigerclaw he no longer owes him anything. He realizes he is loyal to ThunderClan, not Tigerclaw. 

Time has passed and Bluefur is now Bluestar with Redtail as her deputy. Tigerclaw is furious that Redtail called a retreat in battle over Sunningrocks but Redtail stands by his decision and Bluestar supports him. Later, Redtail overhears Tigerclaw as he tries to undermine Redtail by convincing Bluestar to let him mark Sunningrocks as their own again. Bluestar gives him permission for this, but specifically tells him not to fight. Tigerclaw realizes Redtail overheard everything and tells him not to try and stop him. Redtail says he doesn't want to stop him, he wants to help him. Tigerclaw is surprised by this but Redtail has two motives - marking Sunningrocks and keeping an eye on Tigerclaw.

Dustpaw begs Redtail for permission to go, pointing out that Ravenpaw is going. Redtail refuses his apprentice and worries about taking Ravenpaw along. He makes a comment to Tigerclaw about this but Tigerclaw mocks Redtail and rubs it in that Redtail should know he would keep an apprentice safe. The three cats head out to Sunningrocks, and Redtail talks with Ravenpaw. He hears echos of Tigerclaw in Ravenpaw's chatter about being a warrior and resolves to talk with Bluestar when they return to camp. They reach Sunningrocks and start to mark their territory when a RiverClan patrol led by their deputy, Oaheart, finds them. It seems like a fight will break out and the ThundClan cats are outnumbered. But Redtail and Oakheart seem to reach a temporary agreement. The cats are about to part ways when Tigerclaw attacks.

Redtail tells Ravenpaw to run, but Ravenpaw refuses stating Tigerclaw was right about Redtail. Redtail feels momentarily annoyed that Tigerclaw is badmouthing him to an apprentice but shifts his focus back to the fight that is breaking out. Redtail realizes Ravenpaw is in danger and places himself between the RiverClan warriors and the apprentice. He tells Ravenpaw to run but the apprentice refuses. He gives him an order to go back to camp and get help, but Tigerclaw undermines him by taunting Ravenpaw into joining the fight. Oakheart threatens to kill Ravenpaw so Redtail attacks him, accidentally killing him.

Tigerclaw voices surprise at Oakheart's death, stating he didn't think Redtail had it in him. But Redtail is furious and privately blames Tigerclaw for the death of Oakheart. The fight momentarily broken up Redtail orders Ravenpaw back to camp. Ravenpaw refuses again, stating he owes Redtail. Angry, Redtail insists that Ravenpaw owes him nothing. Tigerclaw backs Redtail and insists Ravenpaw leave. Tigerclaw goes to resume the fight but Redtail declares it over and the remaining RiverClan cats flee. As Redtail watches them go Tigerclaw strikes, killing him. As he lay dying Tigerclaw says it is for the good of the clan, as they need a real deputy, and that Redtail should have been loyal to him since he saved his life. Redtail awakens in StarClan, where Sunstar greets him. Distraught, he begs Sunstar to send him back as his clan has no clue a murderer lives amongst them. Sunstar says he cannot send him back, and takes him to a pool so he can see what is happening at camp right now. He sees Tigerclaw giving a report and wonders what lies he is telling now. Then he sees a stranger amongst his clanmates. Sunstar tells him this cat is about to be named Firepaw. The words of the prophecy "fire alone will save your clan" come to mind as he realizes Firepaw, not Tigerclaw, is his clan's future. And he knows his clan will be just fine without him.

When Redtail died before it meant nothing. I'm not sure Rusty even met Redtail. I think he only met Bluestar and Lionheart before joining the clan. He was just an announcement when he was first taken to the camp - that Redtail was dead, killed by Oakheart who Tigerclaw killed in revenge. Redtail was never anything more than a name used to fuel Tigerstar's ambition. It was nice to see him get some backstory, to have his character fleshed out. And, it gave some backstory on Tigerstar. His justification for killing Redtail further explained. It wasn't just a desire to be deputy. Tigerstar felt that Redtail had betrayed him. He saved Redtail as an apprentice so Redtail should have been just as loyal as Darkstripe and Longtail.

It was good to see Redtail stand up to Tigerclaw, even though it was obvious it was coming. And it was especially nice to see Redtail reject Ravenpaw's feeling of indebtedness. He was probably thinking of his own supposed debt to Tigerclaw, and didn't want Ravenpaw manipulated the way he was when he was an apprentice.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

redtail's debt: part one

Redpaw and Willowpaw, siblings, are doing chores in the camp while they talk about Tigerclaw. He has been named a warrior and he is striving to be the best at everything. Willowpaw thinks he is arrogant and full of himself while Redpaw idolizes him because Tigerclaw really does seem to be the best at everything. Redpaw watches as a hunting patrol that includes Tigerclaw and Sparrowpelt, his mentor, return. They immediately go to a meeting with Sunstar and Tawnyspots, the deputy. Redpaw listens as Sparrowpelt and Tigerclaw report on Sunningrocks and the endless argument with RiverClan over who that land belongs to. Tigerclaw wants a battle while Sunstar wants to avoid one. In the end it is decided to divide the warriors with a show of force at RiverClan's camp led by Sunstar and a couple of warriors with the apprentices as a reserve force if needed. Tigerclaw is upset that he will be left with the apprentices. Redpaw is both excited and terrified to be in his first battle. 

The two groups head out. Redpaw is nervous and unsure but Tigerclaw gives him a pep talk about being a warrior. Redpaw knows some of Tigerclaw's advice sounds wrong, but he is in awe of the older warrior who is so brave and sure of himself. As they wait in their position Tigerclaw and Bluefur argue over waiting. Tigerclaw wants to attack as Bluefur reminds him they are a reserve force. When they hear sounds of a battle in the RiverClan camp they start to head in that direction but a hawk attack forces them to turn back. All the apprentices run but Redpaw, who freezes in place. 

The hawk focuses his attack on Redpaw when Tigerclaw appears, taking on the hawk by himself. The distraction is what Sparrowpelt needs to save his apprentice. Tigerclaw chases the hawk off and Redpaw thanks him, stating he is in Tigerclaw's debt. Sparrowpelt stays behind with Redpaw and Willowpaw as everyone else goes to see how the battle went. Willowpaw is so grateful Tigerclaw saved her brother she says the older warrior can be as arrogant as he wants. The warriors return with news that the battle is over and ThunderClan lost. Redpaw is upset as he feels he is to blame. Tigerclaw tells Redpaw not to worry, as he didn't deliberately sabotage the plan and that no matter what the other warriors say, he will stick up for Redpaw before Sunstar. Redpaw is now even more upset - and even more grateful for Tigerclaw.

Redpaw and Willowpaw have their warrior ceremony, and are renamed Redtail and Willowpelt. Everyone celebrates but Redtail notices Tigerclaw isn't. He can't stop thinking about the mistake he made as an apprentice and wonders if Tigerclaw doesn't find him worthy to be a warrior. Tigerclaw invites Redtail to go hunting with him and Redtail accepts. While they are out hunting a WindClan apprentice, Sorrelpaw, accidentally crosses into their territory while chasing a rabbit. She is separated from her mentor and vulnerable, and Tigerclaw manipulates Redtail into attacking her. Redtail accidentally hurts her more than he means to while Tigerclaw goads him on to hurt her further. Redtail is horrified at how rapidly events are getting out of hand when her mentor, Stagleap, shows up. Stagleap is horrified over how his apprentice was treated by two warriors and is about to get into a fight with Tigerclaw, who acts as if they haven't done anything wrong, when Sorrelpaw gets to her feet. He decides instead to take Sorrelpaw back to their camp and report on the situation to Heatherstar. Redtail knows he was only defending their territory but he feels that he has done something wrong.

Back at camp they report to Sunstar what happened but Tigerclaw completely lies, making it sound as if the entire thing was WindClan's fault and they are out for a fight. He tries to pressure Sunstar into attacking WindClan and pressure Redtail into backing him up. Sunstar says he will bring this up at the Gathering that night and see what happens. At the Gathering Sunstar and Heatherstar discuss what happened, both saying they heard different versions of the story. Redtail hopes it will blow over but Tigerclaw deliberately makes a comment, loud enough for Sunstar to hear, that Heatherstar is trying to make Sunstar look weak. Sunstar takes on a more aggressive stance and Redtail worries a battle could erupt right there. The other two clan leaders break up the Gathering before things can go any further. Redtail seeks out Stagleap to ask after Sorrelpaw. Stagleap tells Redtail that there is more to being a warrior than fighting. They agree to talk to their leaders to see if they can calm the situation down. But as Redtail rejoins his clan he sees Tigerclaw speaking with Sunstar and Bluefur and realizes he might be too late. Back at camp the announcement is made that tomorrow they attack the WindClan camp. Redtail is devastated knowing that now he cannot undo anything. He tells Tigerclaw this is wrong, however Tigerclaw disagrees with him and is looking forward to the battle.

It took me a moment to remember who Redtail is - he is he deputy that Tigerclaw murders. This story actually strikes me as kind of sad. Not just because I already know Redtail's fate, but because of how clearly he is being manipulated by Tigerclaw. The backhanded compliments, the implications that Redtail is inferior, the constant playing on Redtail's emotions, the goading of Redtail, the lying he forces Redtail to be a part of. The bonus is Redtail is starting to question Tigerclaw and his motives and advice. But will he get out from under Tigerclaw's thumb before the end? I imagine so. He manages to become deputy, assumably in his own right, before Tigerclaw becomes deputy. And, like I said, he is starting to realize there is something wrong with Tigerclaw and he is starting to reject it, even if it is just in his private thoughts. Reaching out to Stagleap was a huge step in the right direction - and listening to Stagleap's advice about Tigerclaw instead of outright rejecting him is pretty huge as well.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

3 books & reading goals: 2021

I've decided for this year that we are just sticking to our 3 book goal. We have to finish book 8 of The Wheel of Time. I'm hoping we do that as well as read books 9, 10, & 11. If that happens, next year our goal can be 12, 13, & 14 leaving just A New Spring to be finished whenever.

I am also only going to focus on my own reading goals for this year. Currently I have a goal of 12 books. I think I am going to run with that idea and break the year (including the few weeks of last year) into five 12 week blocks. Each block the number of books I aspire to read will be different. I think this will work for me for this year. What I will do in 2022 I'm not sure. Hopefully things will be somewhat back to normal by then.

So, the 5 blocks are:

  1. Tuesday November 24, 2020 - Friday February 12, 2021
  2. Saturday February 13, 2021 - Monday May 3, 2021
  3. Tuesday May 4, 2021 - Friday July 23, 2021
  4. Saturday July 24, 2021 - Monday October 11, 2021
  5. Tuesday October 12, 2021 - Friday December 31, 2021
I am also looking forward to returning to blogging! I made the goal a couple years ago to not start any new book series, but instead finish off all the series I am currently working on. I'm almost done with Mrs Jeffries (I didn't blog about those) and I'm looking forward to putting a serious dent in the Warriors series. Apparently I'm two hexalogies behind - not counting super editions and novellas! There is also always Wings of Fire. And there are other series that I am looking to sink my teeth back into (Ranger's Apprentice and The Last Apprentice pop into my head - I started them years ago and never finished).

So, here are my tentative goals for 2021. Talk to you soon!

*(This post has been edited. I did not realize I screwed up my math and made block 2 only 8 weeks long until I went to do a post about block 2. I had to redo my math and to finish 5 blocks by the end of 2021 each block is only 11 1/2 weeks long. I'm still sticking with the "12 books in 12 weeks" theme, however. Alliteration, after all.)