Wednesday, January 15, 2020

buffy the vampire slayer: part twenty

Let us take a moment to talk about Tara. Up until this moment she has always been an outsider in Team Buffy. Everyone likes her, everyone goes out of their way to make her feel welcome and accepted, but no one really knows her. This is partly Tara's own fault, as she is afraid to open up to other people. She tries to be open about this with Willow, but Willow doesn't understand because she doesn't see it. When Tara's family comes to visit everything is forced to come to light. Tara is terrified that she has demon blood and is terrified that the people she has come to care about will turn against her. This isn't what happens. Instead everyone accepts Tara, she finally finds her real family in Willow's friends, and it comes out that the demon blood myth is just that - a myth used to keep the women of her family in line.

Then there is Joyce. She continues to get sick, and Buffy's desire to be strong for her mom and Dawn's sake continues to drive a wedge between herself and Riley. During the course of Joyce's illness she comes to realize Dawn isn't actually her daughter. During her recovery she confronts Buffy about this and Buffy confirms it. Joyce realizes though that Dawn is important and feels like her daughter. She begs Buffy to care for and love Dawn if anything happens to herself.

Meanwhile things between Buffy and Riley fall apart. Riley wants to be the supportive boyfriend who comforts Buffy, but Buffy feels no one can see her struggle. Then Spike goes out of his way to drive a wedge between Buffy and Riley. Spike starts trying to be there for Buffy during her struggles and, surprisingly, she lets him. Spike uses this to rub salt in Riley's emotional wounds. Riley finds himself turning to vampires to try and understand Buffy (along with her relationships with both Angel and Dracula) better. Spike uses this to break them up. Riley attacks Spike and calls him out on it - causing the two guys share a moment where they have a heart to heart about how they are both in love with a woman who will never love them in return. In the end Riley leaves, rejoining the army with his friend Graham. After a conversation with Xander (where he accuses Buffy of treating Riley like the rebound guy) Buffy tries to stop him from leaving but she arrives too late.

But one good thing does come of this. When Xander and Buffy have their blow up over Riley, Buffy makes some catty comments about Xander and Anya's relationship. This causes Xander to do some self reflecting. He goes home and tells Anya just how much he loves her.

Favorite episode? Honestly, they are all very good. Spike's backstory and offer of friendship to Buffy in "Fool for Love," Buffy and Giles's determination to protect Dawn in "Shadow," Joyce's realization that Dawn isn't her daughter and her determination to love and raise her anyway in "Listening to Fear," Xander doing some real growth and confessing love to Anya in "Into the Woods" - these are all incredible moments. But the best episode is Tara breaking free from her abusive family and finding her real family in "Family."

The episodes:

Family - Season 5, Episode 6

Synopsis - On Tara's birthday her family arrives to take her away.

Fool for Love - Season 5, Episode 7

Synopsis - While fighting with a regular vampire, Buffy gets staked. She seeks Spike out to find out how he took down two slayers.

Shadow - Season 5, Episode 8

Synopsis - The doctors find a shadow in Joyce's head. Meanwhile Glory summons a demon to find the key - and much to Buffy and Giles's horror it does.

Listening to Fear - Season 5, Episode 9

Synopsis - The tumor in Joyce's head makes her see and say things, causing her to realize Dawn isn't her daughter. Meanwhile Ben summons a demon who kills crazy people.

Into the Woods - Season 5, Episode 10

Synopsis - Buffy and Riley's relationship implodes.

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