Monday, January 6, 2020

200 books: final notes and stats

Here we go with another breakdown of stats that no one but me cares about!!! Now, what were our goals? A minimum of 200 books with a minimum of 100 read by me, 50 read by Vampire Kitten, 25 read by Lone Wolf, 13 books read by with Little Legs, and 12 books read as a family. We surpassed these goals!

Total Books Read: 340

Total Number of Books Read as a Family: 16

Broken Down By Person
Little Legs: 49
Lone Wolf: 50
Vampire Kitten: 107
Wandering Falcon: 118

Now, more interesting stats

Graphic Novels Total Read: 136

Total Number of Graphic Novels Read as a Family: 0

Broken Down By Person
Little Legs: 3
Lone Wolf: 28
Wandering Falcon: 39
Vampire Kitten: 66

Chapter Books Total Read: 204

Total Number of Chapter Books Read as a Family: 16

Broken Down By Person
Lone Wolf: 22
Vampire Kitten: 41
Little Legs: 46
Wandering Falcon: 79

This year chapter books won by a landslide! Last year's count was slightly different as Family did not have its own category. But from a rough glance I read roughly the same number of books as last year and Vampire Kitten read more! Little Legs and I read WAY more books together then we did last year. I've already decided that next year we are going to do something completely different.

The "awards":

Most Books Read: Wandering Falcon with 118

Most Graphic Novels Read: Vampire Kitten with 66

Most Chapter Books Read: Wandering Falcon with 79

New post about 2020's goal soon!

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