Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Lost Rainforest: Mez's Magic

Hi I'm a guest blogger. Its bean about a month so sorry if details are incorrect.

It all starts when Mez talks about how she on the wrong side of the veil, the thing that keeps Daywalkers and Nightwalkers apart. When shes awake she sees a boa constrictor  and follows it. After she catches up to it and it talks, witch freaks out, she runs away and sees an eagle with her sister but the constrictor killed it.

The constrictor, Auriel, told Mez shes a Shadowwalker and that she should come with him to stop The Ant Queen and save Caldera. They go to meet Lima a tiny bat, also a Shadowwalker, who was at first worried they would eat her. One they reassure her they won't eat her they go to meet Rumi. 

Once they get there they see Rumi is getting chased by another frog, named Rumi. Once they get Big Rumi to leave they finally headed off on their journey. After that theirs a lot stuff I can't remember, sorry.

They got attacked by a lot of things like monkeys and owls who call them unnatural.

When they make it the bridge that leads to the this mole says she can help them across, so they start to cross the bridge they get attacked by hornets which sting Mez so much she passes out. After she wakes up this monkey who can shoot fire, Gomi, explains that after she passed out Lima liked her wounds to heal them.

A couple days later Rumi asked Mez to study some signals with him. Once they can't find the right signal they start, looking under ground with Lima and Gomi. They get separated Mez found the right signal. They all got to each other and saw the Ant queen.

After they escaped that night Auriel wanted to talk to Mez, he said that there was a traitor in the group.

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