Sunday, December 1, 2019

path of stars: part three

Clear Sky has called another meeting so Thunder brings his cats. Everyone talks about how the rogues keep stealing their prey. They share their battle moves with each other so they can become better fighters. Star Flower even shows some of the rogues moves and how to counteract them. Everyone leave the meeting and heads home but Thunder wants to see the rogue camp for himself. He takes Lightning Tail and they hunt, so if they are caught they can claim they are bringing prey. But they get to the camp undetected and are able to spy undetected as well. They see Slash treat his cats horribly, making them starve while he and his friends gorge themselves and fresh prey rots. They see that most of his followers hate him. Thunder also watches as he picks on a cat named Violet, trying to force her to be his mate. Eventually the rogues fall asleep allowing Thunder and Lightning Tail to slip away, but before they do so they hear that Slash intends to attack Wind Runner's camp. They take their prey and leave.

Gray Wing is out hunting with his friends. The past three days he has spent in his nest, struggling to breathe. He feels better now but everyone goes out of their way to make sure he doesn't over exert himself. Everyone is extra vigilant now that they have been warned by Thunder that the rogues intend to attack. As they hunt the rogues do attack. They are badly outnumbered and Gray Wing begins to struggle to breathe. But Reed arrives with the rest of their camp mates and helps drive the rogues off. As Gray Wing tries to get his breath back Slate tells him she is pregnant. 

Thunder wants to go spy on the rogues again, but Lightning Tail sees through him and knows it is because of Violet. However he agrees and they leave. When they reach the rogue's camp they see Violet leading away a hunting patrol. Inside the camp they see Slash training his cats to fight, only he is letting his friends seriously beat them up. As they watch one of the cats who went with Violet, Red, races through the camp with dogs on his trail. Red escapes in the chaos and Lighting Tail plunges in to save the kits who live there. Thunder joins in the fight and they start to beat back the dogs. But when Thunder goes to help a cat cornered by the dogs Slash stops him, saying that the cat needs to prove she is not a burden. Thunder watches as the cat is killed. In the end there are two dead cats and one seriously wounded. Slash demands to know what Thunder and Lightning Tail are doing there and one of his cats accuses them of being spies.

Thunder and Slash get into an argument with Slash mocking his cats and Thunder defending them. In the end his cats turn against him, saying they don't need them and would be better off with the group cats. This shocks Thunder, who never intended to take any cats in. Slash leaves with his followers. Lighting Tail fetches Pebble Heart, Violet and her group return, and Thunder is left trying to figure out what to do with all of these cats.

Lighting Tail fetches Gray Wing and tells him everything that has happened. Gray Wing doubts this will be the end of Slash. He follows Lighting Tail to the rogues camp and helps Thunder figure out what to do with everyone. In the end it is decided that they should spend the night at Wind Runner's camp. They bury their dead and take a badly wounded Frog with them. But Frog dies on the journey and Wind Runner is upset with Gray Wing's decision. In the end she respects it, telling them they can bury Frog then go to her camp for the night.

I feel like this is it. The clans are growing, all the rogues have been absorbed, borders are being established. I'm impatiently waiting for the Moonstone but I'm beginning to doubt it is going to happen. And I'm sure this isn't the last of Slash. When will they become clans? When will they take their names? 

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