Sunday, December 8, 2019

path of stars: part five

Thunder and his cats head to Fourtrees to meet with everyone else. They are going ro do a special ceremony for the rogues officially making them members of their groups. The cats are allowed to take on new names if they wish, as well. Everything goes fine but Ember becomes hostile. Slash arrives, mocking the cats, calling them his weakest cats, and Ember asks to join him. Slash allows him and Thunder worries that other cats might switch their loyalties too - but the rest of the rogues choose to stay with their new homes. Thunder tells Slash that they didn't take his weakest cats, but his strongest. Slash makes a comment about how they pay for defying him.

Gray Wing immediately thinks of Star Flower and her kits. He looks to Clear Sky and realizes he is thinking the same thing. But Slash tells them it isn't Clear Sky he wants revenge against, but Gray Wing. Wind Runner realizes this means Gray Wing's kits. Everyone races to their own territory to make sure everything is okay, but Thunder, Owl Eyes, Pebble Heart, and Sparrow Fur join the moor cats. At the moor camp they find Spotted Fur and Slate badly wounded. Two of the kits are safe but Black Ear is missing. Gray Wing's breathing problems start up again and he is forced to stay behind as everyone races to find the kit. 

Thunder, Owl Eyes, and Sparrow Fur race off while Pebble Heart stays behind with Gray Wing. They follow a trail to a den where Bee must have stayed with the kit during the meeting. A fox is there now and they have to fight it. Clear Sky arrives and helps them. After checking on Star Flower he came to help. They follow the path and reach the Thunderpath where they see the rogues with Black Ear. Swallow is carrying the kit, and as the rogues race across the Thunderpath she drops him.

The rogues race away leaving the kit in danger. Clear Sky runs across, grabbing the kit and bringing him to safety, wounding his tail in the process. It is decided they should all head to Tall Shadow's camp so the kit can be warmed up and Clear Sky's tail can be looked at. Sparrow Fur leaves to fetch Gray Wing while everyone else heads to the pines. Clear Sky sleeps and wakes to find everyone has gone home but Thunder, who is watching over him. The two cats talk and make peace finally. A frantic Slate arrives looking for Black Ear. She insists she has to take him home to say goodbye to Gray Wing. 

Though he can barely breathe Gray Wing waits outside for Slate to return with Black Ear. She arrives with Black Ear and Gray Wing gets to be reunited with his kits. He returns to his den with them, then Thunder arrives with Clear Sky, Jagged Peak, and Pebble Heart. Though his kits don't understand what is going on he gets to say goodbye to his family. He names the groups clans and when his kits ask him what their clan is named he says WindClan. He and his kits give all of the clans their names. Bright Stream, her kits with Clear Sky, and Turtle Tail arrive to take him away. He says goodbye and finds he no longer has any problems breathing. 

I am glad their family could heal in the end. Everyone made peace with each other and Gray Wing got to leave knowing that everything was okay and everyone would be just fine.

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