Tuesday, May 7, 2019

the dragonet prophecy: part seven

In the confusion Peril helps the dragonets break Kestrel free. Guards show up to stop them and Peril attacks them. Clay saves one of the guards from Peril and he can see how upset this makes her. The dragons all regroup and talk over what to do next. Glory suggest that maybe Peril is the fifth dragon, which excites Clay and Peril. Kestrel tells the dragonets that she isn't. She also tells them how to reach her if they need to and what little she knows about their eggs. She asks Peril to come with her but Peril declines.

Clay invites Peril to join them again but she decides she needs to figure things out on her own. She also acknowledges that she isn't the type of dragon they write heroic stories about. It is decided they will see out Clay's family first so decide upon an escape plan and part ways with Peril.

After placing some distance between themselves and the SkyWing territory the dragonets settle down for the night. Clay realizes Glory is upset with him but she won't tell him why. When he wakes up he realizes Glory is gone. Tsunami tells him it is his fault for wanting to replace Glory with Peril. Clay argues that he never wanted to replace Glory, just add Peril to their group. Glory reappears, having been camouflaged all along. Clay and Sunny are upset over the trick but they move on. They reach MudWing territory and find a field filled with dead dragons.
It is decided that just Clay and Glory (disguised as a MudWing) will go looking for Clay's parents. They ask the first dragon they see but talks to them with words they don't understand. However, she does point them in the direction of Clay's mother. Glory realizes that the MudWings are very militaristic and are only close with those they fight with. They reach the den they were sent to and ask after Clay's mother, Cattail. She comes outside.

While it would have been nice for Peril to be the fifth dragon, I can see why she is not. I just hope her story isn't over yet since she has done some serious growing since Clay has come into her life. And that was a pretty lousy trick on Glory's part. I get that she doesn't feel welcome thanks to their guardians, but the dragonets have never made her feel anything but welcome - despite her continued insistence that she isn't. Really, it is very annoying and needlessly dramatic.

Also, I figured they would meet Clay's family in the next book, which made me wonder how they would do five families in four books, but now it seems to be rushed into this book. Not sure how I feel about this.

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