Sunday, May 5, 2019

the dragonet prophecy: part five

Clay hides Peril and they listen to the trial together. The prosecution is led by Vermilion, who is queen Scarlet's son, and the defense is led by Osprey, an old dragon who is Peril's only friend. As they listen the true story of Peril's birth comes out, how the queen ordered Kestrel to kill both eggs, how Kestrel tried to take them and run away, how the queen caught her and gave her the option to kill one egg and keep the other, how Kestrel killed Peril's brother, how the queen then changed her mind and ordered a trial for Kestrel, and finally how Kestrel tried to escape with her daughter but was wounded by Peril in the process so instead she fled alone. Annoyed, the queen orders Kestrel's death. Peril flies over to the trial, offering to stand for her mother as is her legal right.

Furious that Osprey told Peril about a loophole in the law in which the queen's champion can stand for someone, Scarlet kills Osprey. Unable to help her only friend because if she touches him she will burn him, Peril watches him die. Queen Scarlet decides everything isn't a total waste and says the fight will happen tomorrow. Knowing they are running out of time, Clay wonders if they can plan on Kestrel helping them escape, then decides they cannot and they have to figure out how to get away on their own. Peril never comes back and as the sun sets Clay sees queen Burn and her entourage arrive. Queen Burn angrily circles the three dragonets before going inside. Clay decides he needs to get Peril's attention immediately. They need to leave before Sunny is handed over to Burn and possibly killed. One of the chains tying him down has broken so he plays with it, trying to figure out a way to use it to get Peril's attention. When he moves the chain across another it starts to make music. The only song he knows is the song about the dragonet prophecy so he plays it. His plan doesn't work and he wonders what to do next when suddenly he hears other dragons starting to sing the song. Scarlet and Burn come out, furious with the prisoners. Scarlet orders the three dragonets brought inside.

Scarlet kicks Peril out of her room and moves Clay and his friends in. Burn argues with her, telling her that they should just kill them. Scarlet counters that this way they can destroy the dragonets in the arena because if they just kill them then the people will hold out hope. Burn argues that the prophecy is already broken since there is no SkyWing. Scarlet keeps silent on Glory, and Clay realizes she hasn't told Burn the entire truth. Scarlet locks them in the room by placing black stones in front of the doorway and then setting them on fire. The queens leave and Peril returns. Clay is happy to see her but Tsunami isn't as trusting. Clay convinces her to help them and Starflight announces he knows how they can escape.

Starflight asks Peril to move the black stones and she agrees - though, she does not remove their chains. The four of them sneak off together. Peril keeps asking Clay questions about their plans and how important the other dragons are to him. He is very honest in his answers which annoys both Tsunami and Peril - Tsunami because he is clearly giving away too much information and Peril because she clearly has feelings for him and he is talking about how important his friends are to him. Tsunami tells him he is a "handsome idiot," much to his confusion. They wind their way through the tunnels and pass the feast. The dragonets see Sunny in a cage above the room but are currently unable to help her. Peril sends them along the passage towards a place where they can hide and escape later. When they reach it they hear the queen coming. Clay pushes on Peril, telling her to hide. Everyone is shocked that he doesn't burn. Scarlet arrives and dismisses Peril. Peril leaves, looking upset.

Scarlet sends them back to Peril's room and posts guards outside. The dragonets talk about how Clay must have powers that make him immune to fire. Tsunami and Starflight both believe that Peril has betrayed them. Clay, however, feels sorry for Peril and he is sad that she won't help them rescue Sunny.

I have to say, this is a very dark and shallow world. Queen Scarlet is truly awful, and I feel it is not just her. One tyrant alone would not be able to rule. Others would pull them down since their own rule would be threatened. And with the arrival of Burn and her behavior I am willing to bet all the queens are tyrants. Clay constantly talks about all of them going home and finding their families. I am also willing to bet they won't like what they find when they finally do go home.

However, as much as I don't like queen Scarlet she is correct. She needs to destroy the dragonets, not just kill them.

Lastly, I saw Peril's betrayal coming from a mile away, but I was hoping she would see sense in the end. So much for that. Hopefully she is redeemed by the end of the book.

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