Sunday, June 24, 2018

darkness walks: part three

Well, I guess there can't be a new post everyday! I do need to sleep sometime!

So things start off with the last negative chapter involving Shadow People, this one being about Shadow People that attack. This one was more or less the same as the preceding four chapters but there was a couple of noticeable differences. First was a woman who said she felt violated by a Shadow Person who pinned her down to her bed. That was interesting - and somewhat disturbing to read. This woman's mother holds the belief that her daughter was attacked by the spirit of a rapist. Another woman said that the Shadow Person who attacked her was a female - the first claim for this so far. Everyone else either specifically states it is a male or says they are unsure of the gender. Also, in this chapter, another new theory was put forward - namely that these are psychic vampires as opposed to spirits or demons. In the end, all of these shadow attacks were very physical.

Then children who see/saw Shadow People were looked into. This was largely the same as chapters that came before. Some people described good Shadow People, others bad ones. And the idea was tossed around that children are more open to seeing ghosts - and by extension Shadow People - then adults are and maybe that is why they see them so much. Perhaps childhood imaginary friends are a bit more then imaginary.

Shadow Cats were also discussed - however most people who claimed to have seen Shadow Cats didn't actually see them which I found odd. That is to say, they saw small, darting shadows out of the corner of their eye. Very few people actually saw the shape of a cat or even actually saw them full on. Some people saw other animals - the most exotic being giraffes and gorillas. Some thought the Shadow Cats were demons, others that it was their deceased pet back to be with them. Short of aliens and psychic vampires, pretty much every theory that existed for Shadow People existed for Shadow Cats as well.

Lastly Hat Men were discussed. Top hats were mentioned, but the most popular were fedoras and derbys. And these Shadow People were very dressed up. Some people claimed to have been attacked, others just felt fear as they watched the Shadow Man pass through the room, and even others just felt shock at seeing what they believed to be a ghost. One person even claimed his Hat Man was smoking a cigar! In the end it seemed that the Hat Men were just as varied as all the other Shadow People that have walked through peoples lives.

Only four chapters left so I might get the final post up tomorrow night!

Thursday, June 21, 2018

darkness walks: part two

Back with four more chapters. I told you I was devouring this book.

These next four chapters seem to focus on negative Shadow People so I'm afraid this post will be rather short since it is all variations on the same theme.

People discuss shadows that seem to terrorize them and feed off of their fears. They seem to be negative energy that feeds off of your negative energy. Sometimes the power of prayer helps - sometimes it does not.

Then there are the red-eyed Shadow People - who also seem to be evil. There was some discussion over the red eyes - red is usually depicted as the color of the Devil, red is the color of embarrassment, the color of rage, and red is the color of blood. While red is also the color of love and romance it seems to have more negative connotations then positive ones. So there was some debate as to whether or not these Shadow People have red eyes or do we just project that onto them since we ourselves might be terrified of the color red? Either way, red eyes real or not, these all seem to be negative entities.

Buzzing Shadow People were briefly covered as well. Most people seemed to believe they were evil but two little girls held forth the claim that they were not evil, and that people are paralyzed when they see them so they will not hurt themselves or the Shadow People in their panic. This was interesting and was the only time (at least so far) this theory has been put forth. Some people did say they couldn't move and that they weren't overly upset by this, but this is the only time that it was mentioned that this happens for the persons own good. These two little girls were not held down but claim the Shadow People told them why they do hold down others. Lastly, someone else mad another interesting claim. A woman held forth the belief that Shadow People are aliens and what they are doing to people is alien abductions. That was also interesting, but for completely different reasons then the little girls' claims.

Lastly, for now, there is the hooded, angry Shadow People - which hearkens back to images of the Grim Reaper. Except the Grim Reaper isn't evil but these shadows seem to be - with one person even making the claim that they tried to kill him. Another couple makes the claim that they didn't start seeing them until they were driving while severely sleep deprived - and became worried that this was a sign of negative things to come so they pulled off the road and slept. There did seem to be an underlying theme of death this chapter but it didn't touch every story. However, it is true that a dark, hooded figure makes us think of death which in turn makes us scared - whether we should be or not.

More chapters tomorrow?

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

darkness walks: part one

So a little break from Sailor Moon with one of my most favorite collection of "true" hauntings ever. "Darkness Walk: The Shadow People Among Us" is a book by Jason Offutt that explores the supernatural phenomena of Shadow People. Are they real? Are they figments of mankind's imagination? Are they ghosts? Demons? Or just dreams? Sleep paralysis? Well I just finished the first four chapters so lets find out.

The author himself claims to have seen Shadow People and interviews many others who make the same claims - as well as others who claim it is just a bunch of nonsense. He breaks Shadow People down into eight categories which he expands upon in his book:

  • benign
  • negative
  • red eyed
  • buzzing
  • angry & hooded
  • attacking
  • cats
  • the Hat Man
He also explores the various beliefs on who or what they are. Like mentioned before some people think they are real, semi-physical entities. Others think they are figments of our imaginations or that the cones in our eyes are not processing things correctly out of the corner of our eyes. Some people think they are ghosts, others demons. Some people believe they are humans from another dimension who have crossed over into our dimension but are not vibrating at our frequency so we can not fully see them. Still others think they are spirits from another dimension. Some people think they are good, others evil, others curious, and others neutral. Some think it is just dreams or sleep paralysis while others think that sleep paralysis has been misdiagnosed. Yet all those who seem to believe agree that while seemingly vaporous the Shadow People have form and the ability to touch.

He even interviews physicists who says that it is impossible for something to be both solid and gaseous at the same time - that if Shadow People are real they must be one or the other. You cannot have a gas that can either hold shape or push against you or even both. Some people even put forth the idea that Shadow People are just archetypes of our fears - explaining how people from continents all over the world can claim to see the same thing. In the end we are just human and humans are very easily afraid of the dark and/or the unknown. It could even be argued that Shadow Men are just another symbol of the Grim Reaper or Death.

Religion even factors in with an entire chapter dedicated to it. Native American beliefs are mentioned. There is the belief that Shadow People are Medicine Men who abused their power and turned into sigli (witches). Others seem to believe they are ghosts. Islam offers the explanation of Jinn. Christianity offers the explanation of demons. Hinduism of something similar to ghosts. Buddhism acknowledges that there are dark spirits out there but advises just staying away from them and their influence.

Many people have meet benign Shadow People. They describe either single encounters or multiple encounters with either one or many Shadow People. And they attest that the Shadow People are nothing to fear. Some even insist that the Shadow People are just as curious about us as we are of them. Even pets seem to be able to see them. One person talks about their dog chasing these shadows that appear in his house. And just because one person sees a Shadow Person does not mean everyone who is with them or lives with them will see it too. For some reason only some people can see them while others cannot.

However, not many people seemed to have benign stories. For the moment this is it. I'm in the middle of devouring this book, though, so I'm sure I'll be back tomorrow with four more chapters, all of which seem to focus on negative Shadow People.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

sailor moon: part three

So quite a bit happened here. I feel like now that Mercury and Mars have joined Sailor Moon things are really moving along.

First, since there has been no activity from the Dark Kingdom lately Ami suggests everyone investigate anything strange starting with the amusement park Dreamland. People seem to be going missing from there but the park counts the same number of people leaving as entering. Everyone agrees and goes to the park. While there they bump into Mamoru, which Usagi notes is odd. The investigation shows that people are going missing there - and that the Dark Kingdom is behind it. The Sailor Scouts put a stop to things and release all of the abducted people, who were asleep.

Then Jadeite is contacted by Tetis, one of Queen Beryl's Youma's. She has a plan to steal lots of energy from lovers with a fake cruise ship. She also seems to be in love with Jadeite, but he does not return her feelings. They go ahead with their plan. Meanwhile, Rei wins tickets for the cruise ship but refuses to take Usagi (who wants to go) with her. Instead she asks Ami. Jealous, Usagi uses the transformation pen to turn into a reporter and sneak on board the ship. While on board the true nature of the cruise is revealed and the Sailor Soldiers save everyone. Tetis is destroyed and Jadeite is punished for this.

Because of his string of failures Jadeite is given one final chance to stop the Sailor Scouts. This story was different from the others because it focused solely on the fight between Jadeite and the Sailor Scouts. During the fight Tuxedo Mask is wounded and disappears, leaving everyone to fear he is dead. The Sailor Scouts defeat Jadeite and Tuxedo Mask reappears. Meanwhile Jadeite is called before Queen Beryl for his defeat. He offers the identities of the Sailor Soldiers, which he discovered during the fight, but Queen Beryl refuses to listen to him. He is sentenced to Eternal Sleep.

Nephrite takes over the fight, and Zoisite is introduced as another general who is jealous of him. Unlike Jadeite who creates his Youma's from dirt, gives them human form, and uses them to steal energy from multiple targets at once Nephrite implants his Youma inside an object of one person. The person then uses that object over and over with their energy building up as they rapidly become possessed. Finally their energy is released - and so is the Youma. Nephrite also uses the stars and constellations to help him select his victims.

First he attacks Naru's friend Rui Saionji, who is a rising tennis star. Then he attacks Ami's friend Mr Kunitachi, the caretaker of a garden that is about to be demolished. Both plans involve the take over of the person possessed then the unleashing of a monster to be destroyed by the Sailor Scouts.

My favorite episode? Definitely "Usagi is Frantic! Rei's First Date". Upon hearing of the soon destruction of the park Rei decides she needs a date to take there. They bump into Mamoru who is talking to Motoki - turns out they go to college together. Rei decides that Mamoru is who she needs to date and proceeds to pump Motoki for information. She then sets her plan into motion of accidentally bumping into Mamoru to score that date. Why is this my favorite? Because everything that could go wrong does - and Usagi notices Rei's odd behavior and asks Umino out on a date so she can spy on Rei and Mamoru together. This episode is hilarious from start to finish and is, in my opinion, one of the best episodes of Sailor Moon ever. In my eyes only one episode in season five beats it for comedy. 

The episodes:

Usagi vs. Rei? A Nightmare in Dreamland - Season 1, Episode 11

Synopsis - Unsure where the Dark Kingdom is going to strike next, Usagi and company decide to investigate reports of missing people at Dreamland.

Jadeite's Youma: Moolyd (doll)

First Combined Attack: Fire Soul/Moon Tiara Action

I Want a Boyfriend, Too! A Trap on a Luxury Cruise Ship - Season 1, Episode 12

Synopsis - A cruise ship is catering to lovers and everyone wants to go. Rei wins tickets and opts to take Ami, instead of Usagi, with her but things are not as they seem as Jadeite and Queen Beryl's servant Tetis team up.

Queen Beryl's Youma: Tetis (water)

Girl Power! The End of Jadeite - Season 1, Episode 13

Synopsis - Jadeite is given the ultimatum of destroy the Sailor Soldiers or be punished to eternal sleep.

Dark Kingdom Last Appearance: Jadeite

A Powerful New Enemy! Nephrite's Evil Crest - Season 1, Episode 14

Synopsis - Nephrite begins his attacks - but he doesn't target groups of people. Instead he uses the stars and constellations to pick individuals - starting with Naru's childhood friend.

Dark Kingdom Introduced: Nephrite, Zoisite

Nephrite's Youma: Tesuni (tennis)

Usagi is Frantic! Rei's First Date - Season 1, Episode 15

Synopsis - Ami tells her friends about a park that is closing. Determined to bring a boyfriend there before this happens, Rei asks Mamoru out on a date - causing Usagi to ask Umino out on one so she can spy on them.

Nephrite's Youma: Tesuni (plants)

Sunday, June 17, 2018

sailor moon: part two

So where are things at? They actually moved along pretty rapidly. Usagi has two more episodes by herself, then things change with the introduction of two more Sailor Soldiers.

A plan of Jadeite's to steal energy though sound waves is accidentally foiled at a music studio when a tape with the energy stealing sound is mistaken for someone else's work. This story is actually slightly different because no one's energy is being stolen, instead the monster Kurene spends the entire episode trying to get the tape back only to be defeated in the end by Sailor Moon

Then Usagi and Naru decide to become superstars, but things don't go as planned and fighting between them causes Naru to team up with Umino instead and Usagi to strike out on her own. The Cinderella Caravan comes to town looking for new future superstars, but it's actually a lie. The Caravan tells everyone that they are future superstars but in actuality it is a plot to steal energy. Here Usagi faces off against Derela to stop her and save everyone.

After this Usagi finally gets some help. She meets Ami Mizuno, a genius at her school, who Luna thinks is the enemy. However, Ami is actually Sailor Mercury and after Luna helps her transform for the first time she helps Usagi defeat a teacher at her cram school who is actually the monster Garoben.

Ami and Usagi have one more mission alone together. Clocks at a store are causing people to rush around, convinced they are late for everything. These clocks are actually stealing their energy. Usagi and her family fall under their spell, and Ami must help Usagi stop the monster Ramua.

Finally something is going on at the Hikawa Shrine. People who leave by the 6 o'clock bus are disappearing. Shrine Maiden Rei Hino, who is psychic, is trying to figure out what is going on since people are blaming her grandfather, but she is having a hard time with her ability right now. Ami and Usagi observe the bus disappear into a black hole. The next day Usagi gets on the bus, trying to stop it from disappearing. Meanwhile, Rei realizes that her grandfather's new helper (who is actually Jadeite) is the source of the evil. Rei and Usagi fight the monster Kigaan and Rei, transformed as Sailor Mars, defeats her.

Which episode was my favorite? It is a toss up between "Is the Genius Girl a Monster? Brainwashing School of Terror" and "Cursed Buses! Fire Warrior Mars Appears." Both have good story lines and both see a new Sailor Soldier introduced to the group. If I have to pick between the two of them then Mars wins because she is my favorite.

The episodes:

Protect the Melody of Love! Usagi is a Cupid - Season 1, Episode 6

Synopsis - Usagi helps a young pianist who is in love and tormented by a monster.

Jadeite's Youma: Kurene (vampire bat)

Usagi Learns a Lesson! The Road to Stardom is Tough - Season 1, Episode 7

Synopsis - The Cinderella Caravan comes to town looking for people who want to be superstars so Jadeite can steal their energy.

Jadeite's Youma: Derella (glass)

Is the Genius Girl a Monster? Brainwashing School of Terror - Season 1, Episode 8

Synopsis - Luna suspects Ami Mizuno of being an enemy but she is actually Sailor Mercury.

Sailor Soldiers Introduced: Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury

Jadeite's Youma: Garoben (plant)

Ami's Transformation Introduced: Mercury Power Makeup

Ami's Attacks Introduced: Bubble Spray

First Time: The Sailor V Game at the Arcade is a communication device that Luna uses to contact someone

Usagi's Misfortune! Watch Out for the Rushing Clocks - Season 1, Episode 9

Synopsis - Usagi falls under the spell of a cursed clock, which is the latest of Jadeite's schemes to steal energy.

Jadeite's Youma: Ramua (space/time)

First Time: Sailor Mercury's Supercomputer

Cursed Buses! Fire Warrior Mars Appears - Season 1, Episode 10

Synopsis - Usagi and Ami investigate a shrine that people are going missing at and Luna finds Sailor Mars.

Sailor Soldiers Introduced: Rei Hino/Sailor Mars

Supporting Cast Introduced: Grandpa Hino, Phobos, Deimos

Jadeite's Youma: Kigaan (crow/raven)

Rei's Transformation Introduced: Mars Power Makeup

Rei's Attacks Introduced: Fire Soul

First Time: Rei's psychic abilities

Friday, June 15, 2018

sailor moon: part one

I really thought that I would be back to blogging regularly by now, but no such luck. Which really sucks since I've been wanting to get back to The X-Files for forever now. However, I find myself currently watching Sailor Moon by request. Which is fine. I like Sailor Moon.

So, what I am going to do here is, aside from a synopsis, mention when main characters are introduced, detail who the main bad guy is, name their monster for each episode (as well as the monster's theme), and touch base on the overall story line - as well as anything else I feel is relevant. So, let's begin.

The story so far:

Usagi discovers a black cat with a crescent shape on her head on the way to school. At school we meet her best friend Naru as well as Umino - who is in love with Usagi. After school Usagi meets Mamoru for the first time - and the two of them instantly clash. Later on, Luna, the cat from before, tells Usagi that she is actually Sailor Moon and it is her job to fight the forces of evil and help Luna in her quest to find the missing Moon Princess. Usagi transforms into Sailor Moon and fights her first Youma (monster), Morga, who is disguised as her best friend Naru's mom - and is attacking Naru. Tuxedo Mask makes his first appearance here helping Sailor Moon when she becomes overwhelmed (and Sailor Moon promptly falls in love with Tuxedo Mask). Morga turns to dust when she is defeated. We also find out that the evil forces are being led by Queen Beryl, who is currently tasking Jadeite with stealing human energy to fulfill their dark purpose. This starts Usagi's career as Sailor Moon.

Next, she fights against Bam (who is also one of Jadeite's monsters) who is pretending to be a fortune teller, but is actually possessing people who come to her for their future to be read. Umino fell under her sway before Sailor Moon saved him. We also meet Motoki, who Usagi is in love with.

Then she fights against Flowa who is helping Jadeite steal energy from people who write in to a non-existent radio show that Jadeite controls. Both Naru and Miss Haruna are being drained of energy after their letters are read on the radio show. After defeating Flowa she faces off against Jadeite himself but is quickly defeated. Tuxedo Mask again comes to her aid but the powerful Jadeite leaves instead of fighting two opponents. This episode also has a moment of foreshadowing when Naru and Usagi are talking about future boyfriends and Usagi promptly bumps into Mamoru.

The following plot has Jadeite controlling a gym and stealing energy from people who are trying to lose weight. Once again Naru and Miss Haruna are two of his targets and once again Sailor Moon stops him.

Finally, she fights against Iguara, who is using fake animals called Chanelas, to steal energy from people. Her younger brother Shingo is being controlled by this monster. She stops this plot as well.

My favorite episode of these five is "Mysterious Sleeping Illness, Protect the Girls' Hearts in Love" for a few reasons. First, it is amusing how many times Miss Haruna and Naru (especially Naru) are attacked by the enemy. Second, we have our first moment of foreshadowing that Usagi and Mamoru, not Usagi and Motoki, are going to end up together. Third, this episode really embodies what Sailor Moon is all about. Sailor Moon introduces herself as a warrior for love and justice, and this episode is all about love (with love letters not delivered) and justice (for those are being taken advantage of for their love).

The episodes:

Crybaby Usagi's Magnificent Transformation - Season 1, Episode 1

Synposis - Usagi Tsukino discovers from the cat Luna that not only is she Sailor Moon, she must also fight monsters who are seeking to steal energy from humanity. She also joins Luna on her quest to find the Moon Princess.

Sailor Soldiers Introduced: Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon, Luna, Tuxedo Mask

Supporting Cast Introduced: Gurio Umino, Naru Osaka, Mamoru Chiba, Ikuko Tsukino, Shingo Tsukino, Mayumi Osaka, Miss Haruna

Dark Kingdom Introduced: Queen Beryl, Jadeite

Jadeite's Youma: Morga (Jewelry/disguised as Mayumi)

Usagi's Transformation Introduced: Moon Prism Power Make Up

Usagi's Attacks Introduced: Moon Tiara Action (she also hears Naru's voice when she is in danger - though this ability has no name)

Places Introduced: School, the Arcade

Mentioned: Sailor V

Punish Them! The House of Fortune is the Monster Mansion - Season 1, Episode 2

Synopsis - Everyone is going to see a new fortune teller who is actually one of Jadeite's minions.

Supporting Cast Introduced: Kenji Tsukino, Motoki Furuhata

Jadeite's Youma: Bam (Tarot Cards/Fortune Teller)

Mentioned: Silver Crystal

Mysterious Sleeping Illness, Protect the Girls' Heats in Love - Season 1, Episode 3

Synopsis - Everyone is writing love letters in to a non-existent radio show that is actually being controlled by Jadeite.

Jadeite's Youma: Flowa (Flower/DJ)

First Time: Moon Power Disguise Pen, Sailor Moon and Jadeite fight

Foreshadowing: Usagi & Mamoru's future relationship

Usagi Will Teach You How to Lose Weight - Season 1, Episode 4

Synopsis - Jadeite takes over a gym so he can steal energy from people.

Jadeite's Youma: None, he was just controlling three men

A Monster's Scent! Chanela Steals Love - Season 1, Episode 5

Synopsis - Everyone becomes obsessed with owning Chanelas, only the Chanelas are hypnotizing people and stealing their energy.

Usagi's Attacks Introduced: Moon Tiara Stardust

Jadeite's Youma: Iguara (Lizard/Pet Store Employee)

Saturday, June 2, 2018

100 books: may 2018

I know, I know. Where have I been? Well, let's just say that May was a pretty crazy month. Pretty much no tv that wasn't Vikings was watched, some personal stuff completely irrelevant to this blog was going on, I selfishly read two Wheel of Time novels, and then my laptop died. It's working now, but it took a couple of days for the battery to die so it could reset itself.

Now, we are way past 100 books - and by way past I mean WAY PAST - but I didn't want to rename the blog series in the middle of it. Plus, the goal was just 100 so why should I rename it? Next year's can have a different name. So on the poster board where I keep track of our books I changed our goal to 200 but... On the note of just how far past, we hit 150 this past month. So, yeah, we are doing pretty freaking good and will definitely surpass 200 before the end of the year - and hopefully before the end of summer.

May's books:

  1. To Ride a Silver Broomstick: New Generation Witchcraft - Wandering Falcon
  2. Joey Fly Private Eye in Creepy Crawly Crime - Vampire Kitten
  3. Warriors: The Rescue - Vampire Kitten
  4. Warriors: Beyond the Code - Vampire Kitten
  5. Warriors: The Heart of a Warrior - Vampire Kitten
  6. Warriors: The Rise of Scourge - Lone Wolf
  7. Warriors: The Lost Warrior - Lone Wolf
  8. Catwings - Little Legs & Wandering Falcon
  9. The Path of Daggers - Wandering Falcon
  10. The Heroes of Olympus: The Blood of Olympus - Wandering Falcon
  11. Warriors: Warrior's Refuge - Lone Wolf
  12. Warriors: Warrior's Return - Lone Wolf
  13. Billions of Bats - Vampire Kitten
  14. The Scariest Places on Earth: Tower of London - Lone Wolf
  15. The Scariest Places on Earth: Alcatraz - Lone Wolf
  16. The Scariest Places on Earth: The Bone Chapel - Lone Wolf
  17. Skylanders: Spyro and Friends - Vampire Kitten
  18. Welcome to the World of Sonic - Vampire Kitten
  19. Tiny Titans: Titans in Space - Vampire Kitten
  20. Tiny Titans: Meet Tiny Titans East - Vampire Kitten
  21. Tiny Titans: Sidekick City Elementary - Vampire Kitten
  22. DC Super Hero Girls: Date with Disaster - Vampire Kitten
  23. DC Super Hero Girls: Hits and Myths - Vampire Kitten
  24. Miss Annie: Freedom! - Vampire Kitten
  25. Dream Jumper: Nightmare Escape - Vampire Kitten
  26. Warriors: The Rescue - Lone Wolf
  27. Warriors: Beyond the Code - Lone Wolf
  28. Humphrey's Creepy-Crawly Camping Adventure - Little Legs & Wandering Falcon
  29. The Sisters Grimm: The Unusual Suspects - Wandering Falcon, Vampire Kitten, Lone Wolf, & Little Legs
  30. Winter's Heart - Wandering Falcon
  31. Mal and Chad: The Biggest, Bestest Time Ever! - Vampire Kitten
  32. Curses! Foiled Again - Vampire Kitten
  33. Welcome to the World of Sonic - Lone Wolf
  34. The Unexplained: Bigfoot - Lone Wolf
  35. Red's Planet - Vampire Kitten
  36. Humphrey's Creepy-Crawly Camping Adventure - Vampire Kitten
  37. Star Wars Adventures: Han Solo and the Hollow Moon of Khorya - Vampire Kitten
  38. Star Wars Adventures: Luke Skywalker and the Treasure of the Dragon Snakes - Vampire Kitten
  39. Warriors: After the Flood - Lone Wolf
  40. Warriors: Shattered Peace - Lone Wolf
  41. Warriors: A Clan in Need - Lone Wolf
  42. Monster Chronicles: Bigfoot - Lone Wolf
  43. The Christmas Party from the Black Lagoon - Little Legs & Wandering Falcon
  44. Dracula - Vampire Kitten
  45. Amulet: The Stonekeeper's Curse - Vampire Kitten
The breakdown:

Little Legs: 1.75
Wandering Falcon: 5.75
Lone Wolf: 15.25
Vampire Kitten: 22.25

Total stats:

Total Books Read: 150
Little Legs: 5.50
Wandering Falcon: 26.50
Lone Wolf: 51.50
Vampire Kitten: 66.50