Sunday, April 1, 2018

buffy the vampire slayer: part three

So I wrapped up season one of Buffy last night. Now I need to replace the remaining seasons so I can continue watching, but that is a problem for later. Right now I want to look at Cordelia.

Despite being in the credits Cordelia is barely in t.v. show until the last two episodes. Prior to these two episodes she is just portrayed as the popular and rich mean girl who runs the school. Her attempts to befriend Buffy backfire because Buffy decides she doesn't want Cordelia - a feeling you figure she probably isn't too accustomed too. However, in "Out of Mind, Out of Sight" (which, incidentally is my favorite of these four episodes) you get a closer look at her. You get to see her though her own eyes. She knows she comes across as shallow and cruel, but she doesn't care. She sees the world as a lonely place, and she sees her life as a lonely one. To quote her, she can be surrounded by people who are so busy adoring her and agreeing with her they don't even hear what she says. When Buffy asks her why she would want to live like that she responds it is better to be alone surrounded by people then to just be alone. And that is what Cordelia is. She's alone surrounded by people who she knows aren't really her friends. And despite how she acts, she is smart. When she realizes she is in trouble and that someone is out to get her she runs to Buffy. Of course, she says it is because she thinks Buffy is a gang member but she does realize that Buffy is strong and that Buffy helps people. She knows she can't handle this - whatever it is since her attacker is invisible - and she does know that Buffy can handle this and will handle this because this is what Buffy does. She saves people. And despite Cordelia's cruelty towards Buffy she knows Buffy is a hero. In the end, after she and Buffy have a heart to heart, and Buffy saves her, Cordelia tries to be publicly nice to Buffy, Willow, and Xander. But she's not allowed to be. Her friends catch her and she lies for her reasons talking to them and mocks them. Xander voices his regret in saving her but the truth is it's really very sad. Cordelia doesn't actually hate Buffy and her friends. If anything she might actually like them. But she's not allowed to like them because she knows she is on the top of the Sunnydale food chain and they are on the bottom. And she can't risk falling to the bottom with them - most likely out of fear that she will be equally unhappy there. While she's unhappy at the top she is, at least, on the top. Of course, all of this comes to a head in the next season when Cordelia has to ask herself what she really wants. Then, in "Prophecy Girl," Cordelia is fully thrust into the world of vampires. Yes, she turned to Buffy in the previous episode for help with an invisible assailant, but this episode she actually finds herself facing off against vampires along with Willow, Giles, and Jenny. Actually, she finds herself saving Willow and Jenny from the vampires first. Cordelia could have easily just driven off and left them to their fate but she helps them, only to find herself fighting for her life alongside them. And earlier in the episode she was being nice to Willow. Yes, Willow called her out on it because Cordelia wanted her help with the upcoming dance but Cordelia doesn't have to ask nicely. And, even after asking nicely she doesn't have to continue being nice. Instead of being her usual bitchy self she actually comes across as human these two episodes. A very flawed human, but still human all the same.

The last thing I want to talk about is how Xander hates Angel. This is two-fold. One, he hates Angel because he knows Angel is competition when it comes down to Buffy. As a matter of fact, in "Prophecy Girl" he finally asks Buffy out only to be turned down - and he accuses Buffy of turning him down because of Angel. Two, Angel is a vampire. Xander is the only character who consistently hates vampires. Whereas Willow accepts Angel and hopes Buffy finds happiness with him and Giles has actually befriended Angel in a way Xander has nothing but hatred for him. And Xander will have nothing but hatred for any vampire that comes into their lives. While the others will have mixed feelings for vampires that come and go, warring between hatred, respect, love, and acceptance Xander will only ever hate. And it is interesting for many reasons but for now it is just here between him and Angel. It is interesting to note before going further in the series and meeting more vampires that Xander does hate Angel.

So, favorite episode? Like I said, "Out of Mind, Out of Sight." While the "bad guy" was actually pretty weak she did have a very good story line. A girl so lonely, a girl so overlooked, the Hellmouth turns her invisible. So she of course decides to take revenge on Cordelia. Like I said, weak on one hand. But actually really good on another. However, she is not the whole reason why I like the episode. Well, her backstory at least since her current story is weak. No, I actually like it for the look inside of Cordelia it offers. I won't rehash everything I already talked about above but I like this episode so much because of how human it makes Cordelia look - and how tragic. You can't help but feel bad for her as you realize just how lonely and miserable she really is. Of course, as the final scene comes along she chooses that loneliness but you are left wondering if she does it because she knows no other way or because she is afraid of losing all that she has for the chance of gaining nothing. But, like I said before, that all comes next season!

So the last four episodes?

The Puppet Show - Season 1, Episode 9

Synopsis - Buffy, Willow, Xander, and Giles are roped into a talent show production against their will. Meanwhile, someone is bumping off talent show contestants so they can be human.

Nightmares - Season 1, Episode 10

Synopsis - A comatose child's nightmares are taking over the town. Buffy and her friends must navigate the nightmare world and convince the child to wake up.

Out of Mind, Out of Sight - Season 1, Episode 11

Synopsis - Cordelia is to be crowned the May Queen, but an invisible girl seems determined to ruin her.

Prophecy Girl - Season 1, Episode 12

Synopsis - Giles finds a prophecy stating that the Master will rise and Buffy will die, While he and Angel fight over the prophecy Buffy overhears them and quits being a slayer. However, after Willow and Cordelia find some classmates dead - killed by vampires - Buffy decides she needs to stop the Master even if it means dying herself.

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