Saturday, April 21, 2018

a closer character look: darla, angelus, drusilla, & spike

Unlike the post about The Master, this one really won't be complete. Why? Well, The Master has maybe another three episodes ahead of him, whereas Darla (despite being dead) and Drusilla have many more episodes ahead of them - and Angel and Spike have many more seasons ahead of them! And all of those episodes will expand upon their backstories individually and together, along with their very bizarre family unit, friendships, and love for each other. Unlike all the other seasonal main villains, these four will always be there.

The one thing I do want to say is that they are a collection of extreme emotions. They love each other. They hate each other. They are loyal to each other. They betray each other. The one constant theme, end of the day, is that they can't stay away from each other. They are one big, dysfunctional family - but they are just that. One big, dysfunctional family. Angel might have killed Darla, but that doesn't change the fact that he loved her. Drusilla might love Spike, but that doesn't change the fact that she was probably sleeping with Angel and physically attacked Spike for betraying him. Spike might look up to Angel and consider him a good friend, but that doesn't stop him from betraying him. Angel might consider Spike part of their family and on some level care for him, but that doesn't stop from sleeping with Drusilla or mocking Spike. Darla might love Angel but that didn't stop her for framing him for a crime he didn't commit.

End of the day these four might love and hate each other at the same time, might be loyal and betray each other in the same moment, but they always come back together because they are family and that means something to them.

And this theme, until now, has run through their entire history together. They have a huge future (and past) planned out for them in future episodes, but it will be shown that Angel gaining his soul changed everything forever and changes their family in ways they would once have never have been able to see or understand. And the further complication of Buffy entering their lives will have an even bigger impact upon their family - a far bigger one then Angel falling in love with her. She will inadvertently destroy their family.

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