Thursday, April 19, 2018

buffy the vampire slayer: part eight

Another season over. And I actually have to take a break now. My brother replaced my bedroom floor. Everything has been in disarray ever since the process started and now I need to clean up from that... I gotta say, though, I'm really enjoying rewatching from the beginning. Seasons 1-3 used to be my least favorites but I'm finding some hidden gems I completely forgot about.

So there are only a couple of things I want to talk about quickly. 

First, is Angel and Buffy. In "I Only Have Eyes For You" two ghosts from a murder/suicide in the 50's are possessing people in the school, replaying their tragedy. There was an illicit love affair between a male student and a female teacher and when she tried to call it off he shot her, then himself. At first Buffy has zero sympathy for the male student. But she and Angel become possessed - herself by the male student and Angel by the female teacher - and Angel survives the gunshot wound and fall from the balcony. Before Buffy can kill herself Angel goes to her and they kiss and make up. Buffy and Angel come to from their possession and realize what has just happened. Angel freaks out and leaves and Buffy has to confront her own bitter feelings over her relationship with Angel and how the murderous ghost identified with her own pain. 

Then Buffy and Willow find the disc that Jenny had translated the ritual to restore Angel's soul. Buffy has to come to a decision - kill Angel or try and restore his soul? In "Becoming," the decision is finally made. Angel is trying to bring about the apocalypse. Buffy decides that Willow should try and restore Angel's soul in the hopes that it prevents the apocalypse but if it doesn't then Buffy will kill him. However, something happens that none of them foresee. Willow succeeds but only after Angel has triggered the apocalypse. Buffy is forced to make the hard decision - kill Angel to stop the apocalypse. 

Meanwhile Joyce finally finds out the truth about Buffy being the Slayer and, understandably, does not take it well resulting in her kicking Buffy out of the house. Things end with Buffy leaving Sunnydale having averted the apocalypse by killing her boyfriend and losing her home.

Then there is Spike. Spike has decided he's had enough of Angel, his relationship with Drusilla, and his desire to start an apocalypse. He turns to Buffy with a deal: he will help Buffy stop Angel but he and Drusilla get to leave town and never return. At first Buffy is opposed to this, wishing to slay Drusilla (for killing Kendra just moments before) but in the end she agrees because she sees no other way. Spike does (more or less) come through for Buffy and leaves town with an unconscious Drusilla. This is worth noting because Spike's storyline is not done. This is actually just the beginning of it. His choice to turn on Angel, his choice to turn to Buffy for help - all of this will have major implications in the future between himself and Buffy, himself and Drusilla, and himself and Angel.

Then there is Xander, Willow, and Oz. The first time Willow tries to restore Angel's soul she fails - because Drusilla interrupts (and kills Kendra). Willow winds up in the hospital unconscious. While there Xander stays with her, panicking because he doesn't know if his best friend is going to ever wake up. Buffy asks him if Oz knows and Xander admits that he forgot to phone him and leaves to do that. Later on Xander is sitting with Willow begging her to wake up. He tells her he loves her. It is never specified if he means love as a friend or love romantically. But Willow does wake up right after his confession and ask for Oz. Oz appears but doesn't let on if he heard Xander or not.

This is interesting because if Xander does mean he romantically loves Willow he doesn't come to this conclusion until she not only has started to get over him but also might not survive. But this also shows that Willow really is getting over her feelings for him because upon waking the first person she asks for is Oz, not Xander. And asking for Xander would be logical - he's been her best friend since they were children. But he isn't the first person on her mind anymore. However, next season Willow and Xander are going to have to finally confront just what sort of relationship they want to have. 

Favorite episode? "I Only Have Eyes For You." Watching Buffy and Angel confront each other about the end of their relationship - even if they were possessed playing out someone else's relationship - was pretty powerful. 

I Only Have Eyes For You - Season 2, Episode 19

Synopsis - The anniversary of a murder/suicide that happened on school grounds comes around, causing the ghosts to replay the events over and over.

Go Fish - Season 2, Episode 20

Synopsis - Something is happening to the school swim team and the Scoobies must figure it out before something happens to Xander, who has gone undercover.

Becoming (Parts One & Two) - Season 2, Episodes 21 & 22

Synopsis - Angel decides to unleash an apocalypse, Spike teams up with Buffy to stop it, Willow tries to restore Angel's soul, and Joyce finds out the truth about Buffy.

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