Saturday, February 6, 2016

willow by wayland drew

Go ahead and knock a book off of the Reading Challenge. Here it is, Book #2!

I LOVE the movie Willow, even if it is kinda cheesy. When my boyfriend-turned-husband and I first moved in together over 15 years ago (whoa, I need a moment - that is a long time ago...) he had the novelization of the movie and I was determined to read it. Now, 15 years later, I finally sat down and did it. That's just depressing. It took me 15 years to read a book based on a movie I love...

The book follows Willow Ufgood around as he tries to save an infant named Elora Danan. Elora is prophesied to destroy the evil queen Bavmorda and restore peace to the lands. He receives help from some unlikely sources, starting with his friend Vohnkar who he has to part ways with after meeting Madmartigan. After that Madmartigan (who is in & out of their quest at first), along with two brownies, help Willow find the sorceress Fin Raziel, gather allies, and take on the evil queen.

I have to say, I liked the book more than the movie. I know that's a bit of a running joke for book lovers, but since the movie came first I didn't know how I would feel. The book was more fleshed out than the movie, and backstories were given for Madmartigan, Sorsha, Bavmorda, Fin Raziel, and Vohnkar. The politics of the region were better explained too. And, most importantly, Madmartigan was a lot nicer in the book. Don't get me wrong, he still called Willow names and still did shitty things and still treated people shitty too but he also warmed up a lot better and treated Willow far nicer than he did in the movie. Also, the Madmartigan/Sorsha story line was less ridiculous than it was in the movie. I mean, there was the Dust of Broken Heart that started it out, but after that their relationship was less starry-eyed romance and more doing the right thing by someone you care for.

I gotta say, I REALLY wish I had read this book sooner. You know, like 15 years ago sooner...

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