Saturday, December 23, 2017

100 books & reading goals

I know it's been a while since I've posted and it's one of my goals ( I hate New Years Resolutions so we won't go there) to start posting more so here we go. Last year I read 20 books. That number is depressingly small considering normally I read an average of 130 books a year. But I haven't read that many since Alaska. In Texas, as my life was slowly falling apart, I probably didn't even read 20 books total. So, after life had settled down a little, I made the goal of reading 50 books this year. I failed at that goal MISERABLY. But, I did read 20, which in itself is a HUGE improvement.

So this upcoming year there are two goals:

(1) To read 25 books. I know. Basic, simple, hopefully easy. To meet last years number and hopefully exceed it by a small amount.

(2) As a family to read 100 books. This one is bigger, in my mind. This has me reading, my kids reading individually, and all of us reading as a family. Part of me feels like we should crush 100 books. Another part of me is really worried we won't make it. I don't know. We'll have to see.

Now, Christmas day we will be unwrapping all of our gifts and quite a few of those gifts will be books. Plus, my kids have that week off from school. So I'm starting next years reading goals on the 25th. I don't want us to sit around dying to read our new books but holding off, or holding back, because it's not January 1st yet. So these two challenges will run from December 25, 2017 to December 24, 2018.

And who knows. Maybe next Christmas we will set the goal of 125 books?

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