Saturday, January 8, 2022

12 books in 12 weeks: block 5

I got my own audible account! So, my list these 12 weeks is semi-impressive because of this.

So, let's see... Covid worked it's way through our house. There was a LOT of sleeping. I started a new job, which comes with a parking pass. This means no more reading on the bus to and from work anymore - now it is audiobook time instead. We (FINALLY) bought our house. I would not recommend the bank I used, even under pain of death. My kids visited my ex for Christmas and there was chaos/drama with the flights. I used the time they were away to do some much needed revamping of the house so now I'm feeling exhausted and burned out. I know my recap of the last 3 months is super short, but I've got a lot going on here... Hopefully I will do better when I start posting for 2022!

  1. Dune
  2. Pride and Prejudice
  3. Sense and Sensibility
  4. Emma
  5. A Christmas Carol
  6. Dracula
  7. Her Royal Spyness
  8. Hercule Poirot's Christmas
  9. A Royal Pain
  10. Midwinter Murder
  11. The Witcher: Sword of Destiny
  12. Lady Susan
  13. Wings of Fire: Moon Rising
  14. Wings of Fire: Winter Turning
  15. Wings of Fire: Escaping Peril
  16. Wings of Fire: Talons of Power
  17. Wings of Fire: Darkness of Dragons
  18. Frankenstein
  19. The Murders in the Rue Morgue
  20. Macbeth
  21. Beowulf
  22. Everyday Witchcraft
  23. The Witcher: The Last Wish

Saturday, October 23, 2021

12 books in 12 weeks: block 4

I read books! Okay, so it was mostly Sailor Moon so while the list is semi long it really isn't that impressive of a list. But, if you exclude Sailor Moon, it is more than 12 books. So, I guess there is that win.

We did return to the office for one day a week. This did not increase my reading time as much as I thought it would. The transition into the office via public transportation has actually been pretty stressful. Some days the bus is so packed there are no seats. And, I started getting into audio books - as in I FINALLY read (listened to) the entire Kane Chronicles!!! And since I ended up hooked on those I did that on the bus ride some days (but, this was kind of hard because the bus is loud). We also did not start a new Wheel of Time book. Between returning to work, trying to buy our house from our landlord, and now one of my twins (Vampire Kitten) has tested positive for covid... and my other two kids need to quarantine... while I am supposed to actually go to work... we have a lot going on. I am hoping to start the next Wheel of Time book soon, but even if we do I don't foresee finishing it by the end of the next 12 week block. 

Anyway, my books:

  1. Sailor Moon 1
  2. Sailor Moon 2
  3. Sailor Moon 3
  4. Sailor Moon 4
  5. Sailor Moon 5
  6. Sailor Moon 6
  7. Sailor Moon 7
  8. Sailor Moon 8
  9. Sailor Moon 9
  10. Sailor Moon 10
  11. Sailor Moon 11
  12. Sailor Moon 12
  13. Warriors: Tigerheart's Shadow
  14. The Adventure Zone: The Crystal Kingdom
  15. The Kane Chronicles: The Red Pyramid
  16. The Kane Chronicles: The Throne of Fire
  17. The Kane Chronicles: The Serpent's Shadow
  18. The Green Witch
  19. Everyday Witch Book of Rituals
  20. Spellcraft for Teens
  21. The Book of Spells
  22. Witchcraft on a Shoestring
  23. The Wicca Spellbook
  24. Morgan Le Fay's Book of Spells and Wiccan Rites
  25. Pagan Rituals

Saturday, July 24, 2021

12 books in 12 weeks: block 3

 So... I didn't make it to 12 books. 

I'm not quite sure what went wrong. I started these 12 weeks off strong, but somewhere along the way... I started feeling burned out... then I stopped reading... and things kind of fell apart... As a matter of fact, we didn't even crack open the new Wheel of Time. I guess I really just needed a break.

Plus I played both castles in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. That might have had something to do with it.

But, I did read 10 books! They are:

  1. Warriors: Crowfeather's Trail
  2. warriors: The Ultimate Guide
  3. Practical Prosperity Magick
  4. Little Guide to Protection Magic
  5. Warriors: Firestar's Quest
  6. Mrs. B's Guide to Household Witchery
  7. Norse Magic
  8. Warriors: Skyclan's Destiny
  9. FF Dot: The Pixel Art of Final Fantasy
  10. The Natural Psychic
So, I am bummed that I only read 10 books, but truth to tell... I am going to be returning to work soon. It is definitely happening. As of August, I will be reporting. No one knows how much - full time or part time - just that it is happening. 

I have a lot to do. I have to get back in the groove of actually reporting to work. My kids will (hopefully) be returning to school full time in the fall. Fingers crossed, no more hybrid schedule. I may or may not have a hybrid schedule when I return to work - but I will definitely be at work. All the sudden our life is changing drastically (back to what it used to be). Meal prep, meal plans, packing lunches, all major chores on the weekend - all of these things will go back to being our norm after not having to do them for over a year and a half. Family time will really just be on the weekend once again, thanks to everyone's busy schedule. Our life is suddenly shifting in a major way after a year and a half of having the freedom to sleep in and worry about things later. Plus, I've been a bit heavy into video games. After Castlevania the Final Fantasy book inspired me to play Final Fantasy 1 again. I haven't played this game since (I think) middle school! And I'm remembering that I love it!!! I'm actually thinking about making a series of posts about a walkthrough... something I have been considering for the video game The Legend of Dragoon, one of my all time favorite games. So my blog might be branching out even more in the future!

But, my reading should increase. I mean, my bus ride is 30-60 minutes to and from work each day. That is a LOT of reading time! You have seen my old lists - 20 books a month is nothing!

But for right now, as we spend the next month or two adapting, I foresee almost no reading. We shall have to see. For the moment I will aim for 12 books for my next goal. After all, I just bought the 12 Sailor Moon mangas to read and they are very easy! I am so excited!!! I've always wanted to read the entire series! I know Sailor Moon is kinda cheesy but I've always really enjoyed it. I'm hoping Sailor Moon Crystal will do the fifth arc since that was never officially released in the US.

Monday, May 3, 2021

12 books in 12 weeks: block 2

This was a struggle. I almost didn't make it to 12 books - especially when I realized I had to bump the end date of these 12 weeks up by a week! 

So, I cheated.

When I first realized I was struggling - I had read 2 easy books in 4 weeks - I decided to "read" two reference books. You really can't read a reference book. You can, however, read the introduction, skim the couple sections you are curious about, and then move the book from your TBR pile to your Completed pile. 

Boom. 4 books in 4 weeks. 

Then it took me another 4 weeks to read 2 more easy books... So I knocked out 3 short graphic novels I was holding off on reading until I had read the 2 books that came before them.

Boom. 5 books in 4 weeks.

Yeah, those last weeks were a struggle. But I got it done just in time. The most frustrating part? They were all books that I really wanted to read and were deeply into, I just didn't *feel* like reading. But we did finish another Wheel of Time book. And, I decided to pull out my Ranger's Apprentice books (posts to follow soon) and start those up again. They are not as well written as I remember but I still enjoyed them.

So my 12 books? They are:

  1. Warriors A Vision Of Shadows: Shattered Sky
  2. Warriors A Vision Of Shadows: Darkest Night
  3. The Magic of Flowers
  4. The Magic of Trees
  5. Warriors A Vision Of Shadows: River of Fire
  6. Warriors A Vision Of Shadows: The Raging Storm
  7. Warriors SkyClan & The Stranger: The Rescue
  8. Warriors SkyClan & The Stranger: Beyond the Code
  9. Warriors SkyClan & The Stranger: After The Flood
  10. Ranger's Apprentice: The Ruins of Gorlan
  11. Ranger's Apprentice: The Burning Bridge
  12. The Wheel of Time: Winter's Heart
  13. Warriors: Tales from the Clans
In the end, I got back in the swing of things in time for the 12 weeks ending. However, I am in no rush to increase my reading goal. I briefly considered decreasing it, but I am back in a reading mood again so I will see where these next 12 weeks will take me first.

Monday, March 8, 2021

darkest night: part two

Alderheart tries to eat but everything going on in the camp either annoys him or makes him sad that Twigpaw is gone. Hawkwing and Violetpaw arrive and Alderheart excitedly asks after Twigpaw. He is upset to learn she is still an apprentice. Hawkwing asks for help in finding their former clanmates. Bramblestar doesn't want to send a patrol but Hawkwing only wants one cat to led them to the gorge. Alderheart volunteers but is told no. Molewhisker offers his help and Alderheart is upset, as he knows Molewhisker doesn't want the SkyClan cats here. The SkyClan cats leave and Alderheart wonders how happy Twigpaw can be as a SkyClan apprentice. Later he and the medicine cats go to the moonpool. RiverClan never shows. Puddleshine says SkyClan needs help and he is needed in his clan. Alderheart volunteers but Jayfeather tells him no. It is decided Leafpool will go. The cats dream of StarClan and Alderheart sees both Purdy and Echosong among their ranks. Leafpool is thrilled to see Hollyleaf. Echosong gives them a new prophecy and the cats wake up. Alderheart wonders where Needletail is as she wasn't amongst StarClan's ranks.

Violetpaw, Hawkwing, Blossomheart, Rabbitleap, and Molewhisker go on their journey. They travel for days and one night while sleeping Violetpaw has another nightmare about Needletail. Unable to fall back asleep she leaves their shelter. While wandering the trees she sees Needletail. She runs to her friend, only to discover she is dead with no stars in her pelt and worries that Needletail is in the Dark Forest now. Needletail will not tell her why she is there, then walks away then disappears. Violetpaw cannot find her way back to their camp. She decides to settle down for the remained of the night where she is when Hawkwing finds her and brings her back to their nest. 

Twigpaw helps Dewpaw and Reedpaw work on the nests. Dewpaw is worried about Finpaw and how depressed he is. He says Finpaw will not see him, and suggests Twigpaw try. When they are done Twigpaw enters the medicine den. Leafpool isn't there and Finpaw doesn't want to see her. She tells Finpaw how upset she feels for what happened. Finpaw opens up and the two cats hang out for a bit. Leafpool arrives and changes Finpaw's bandages. Twigpaw realizes how happy she is to have found Finpaw and hopes he feels the same.

The medicine cats have a meeting to discuss the prophecy and how their leaders are reacting to it. Leafpool never shows and they wants Leafstar's opinion so they go to the SkyClan camp. While there Alderheart gets to see Twigpaw but she is distracted by Finpaw. He is sad that she is settling in so well and secretly wishes she misses ThunderClan. The medicine cats leave, leaving Leafpool behind, and go to RiverClan where they run into a patrol. However, the patrol will not let them pass and is openly hostile, refusing to let them see Mistystar, Mothwing, or Willowshine. Alderheart is shocked as at the gathering Mistystar said the borders were closed, but cats were still allowed to bring important information. Unable to convince the warriors to let them pass they leave. Alderheart is worried that none of the clan leaders care about the prophecy. Rowanstar and Harestar's response to the prophecy is to do extra border patrols, Bramblestar is indifferent until he gets more information, Leafstar is more worried about setting up a camp, and they cannot even get to Mistystar to tell her about the prophecy. 

Hawkwing has taken the lead from Molewhisker as he recognizes the territory. He brings everyone to see a loner named Barley who lives in a barn. They discover Cherrytail (Hawkwing and Blossomheart's mother) and Cloudmist (their sister). Violetpaw feels overwhelmed to have so much kin now. The cats catch up but Cherrytail doesn't want to leave. They decide to spend the night then head to the gorge, stopping back on the way to the lake to get Cherrytail's decision. 

Twigpaw really is settling into SkyClan! Maybe she did make the right decision after all.

As for Mistystar, I am surprised. I was surprised when Mothwing and Willowshine didn't appear for the meeting, but I'm even more surprised by the refusal to let the medicine cats cross the border. Even Onestar did not go to that extreme.

I am glad Purdy is in StarClan where he belongs, but Needletail clearly is not. I hope she is not in the Dark Forest like Violetpaw worries. And why did she visit Violetpaw just to refuse to tell her why? And lead her away from the SkyClan cats and get her lost for no apparent reason?

Sunday, March 7, 2021

darkest night: part one

A tom anticipates the coming change of seasons when he sees fur flash. He calls out to the cat and recognizes Needletail. He is happy to see her as it has been a while. He greets her and realizes she is sad. She tells him that she trusted the wrong cat and needs help making it right again. As the tom talks to her, he realizes Needletail is dead.

Twigpaw is out hunting with her clanmates. She listens as they argue over SkyClan. She realizes some cats are upset she has brought SkyClan to the lake. They feel there isn't enough room for a fifth clan. The argument drags in more cats when they return to the camp. Upset with what some of the cats are saying, Twigpaw leaves them. Ivypool follows her and the two cats make up. Ivypool admits she was just worried about Dovewing and Tigerheart and that she why she argued against looking for SkyClan. A new argument breaks out when Owlnose accuses ThunderClan of not feeding Mosspelt, a RiverClan elder. While most of the RiverClan cats have returned to their camp the badly wounded and elders are still with ThunderClan. Twigpaw is confused as Mosspelt had been sleeping and there is still plenty of prey. Mistystar arrives and puts an end to the argument. She thanks Bramblestar for his hospitality but says it is time for all of the RiverClan cats to leave. The leaders part peacefully. 

Alderheart tends to Tinycloud, the SkyClan queen, and tells her that her litter will be the first SkyClan kits born beside the lake. When they leave Leafpool tells him he should not have said that as not every cat believes SkyClan belongs here, and if SkyClan were to stay it means someone must sacrifice land. Alderheart is upset by her words, and becomes even more so when he realizes Sparkpelt feels this way. When he confronts Sparkpelt she tells him that StarClan only wanted SkyClan found and that they said nothing about SkyClan moving to the lake. She feels that SkyClan should return to the gorge. At the gathering Alderheart realizes there is still much hostility between the clans. The leaders take their places but Leafstar and the rest of the SkyClan cats sit with ThunderClan. Arguing breaks out and some cats feel Rowanstar should step down as clan leader. Things calm down, then Mistystar announces that RiverClan will not be coming to gatherings for a while and RiverClan's borders are closed. She then takes her cats and leaves. When Bramblestar points out they still need to discuss SkyClan she tells them to make the decision without her. Leafstar takes her place beside the other leaders and the debate begins. Sparkpelt says whatshe believes and Tigerheart counters her, suggesting to Rowanstar they should sacrifice some of their land. Rowanstar follows the advice of his deputy and land is set aside by the ThunderClan border. The next day SkyClan prepares to leave and Twigpaw has her assessment, which she passes. But before she can be given her warrior name she tells Bramblestar she wishes to join SkyClan.

Violetpaw dreams of Needletail, who is furious with her. Hawkwing wakes her from her dream and she settles back to sleep. The next day she worries about her dream while trying to settle into her new clan, as she has officially left ShadowClan. She worries about Hawkwing's relationship with Twigpaw and her own place with her kin. Hawkwing tells them of their mother, who is just like Twigpaw, making Violetpaw feel more despondent. But then Hawkwing tells Violetpaw she is just like him, making her feel wanted and accepted for the first time in her life. 

Twigpaw is off with some of the other apprentices gathering twigs for building the camp. She is struggling with fitting in and feels like an outsider. She misses the cats of ThunderClan and the new territory is strange to her - and it doesn't help that Hawkwing and Violetpaw are so alike. As she spends time with the other apprentices she realizes they are more alike than she thought and she starts to open up. On the way back to camp a branch cracks and falls. She grabs Finpaw to save him and the branch lands on his tail. She sends Dewpaw to the camp to get help while she races off to ShadowClan to get Puddleshine. When they return the warriors were unable to move the branch and Puddleshine worries that Finpaw will die from shock, so he decides to cut Finpaw's tail in half. Hawkwing takes Twigpaw away so she doesn't have to see. He brings her back to her nest to sleep. As she dozes off she listens as Hawkwing and Leafstar decide to send a patrol to find missing clanmates.

I can't help but feel Twigpaw should have stayed in ThunderClan. I hope she finds happiness with SkyClan. It is different for Violetpaw, who is a bit needier and who was never wanted in ShadowClan. Twigpaw was loved and welcomed in ThunderClan. She must miss that. However, she is starting to make friends outside of her sister, so that is good. I see Violetpaw being very happy here with her father. Twigpaw, we will have to see. And I am glad space was made for SkyClan, but I am worried about RiverClan closing their borders. 

As for Needletail, who was she meeting with? Why is Violetpaw having a nightmare about her? Is it just a nightmare, or is it a vision? Why would Needletail be hostile if it was a vision? She knew she was sacrificing her life so Violetpaw could escape. I would like to think Needletail is with StarClan now but I doubt it. I don't think she deserves the Dark Forest, though. In the end she chose the right path. But she had rejected StarClan and I don't see her walking with them after everything she did. Is there an in-between place for the clan cats?

Friday, March 5, 2021

shattered sky: part five

Violetpaw, Twigpaw, and the four deputies are sent to WindClan to tell Onestar everything that has happened. The hope is he will listen to the deputies report since they are not clan leaders. But when the party arrives on WindClan land they can hear a fight at the camp. They race there to find Darktail and his rogues fighting the WindClan cats and quickly join in the fight. Darktail and Onestar are fighting and the rogue calls a stop to the fight to publicly taunt Onestar, causing everyone to realize he knows the WindClan leader personally. Onestar tries to act like Darktail is lying but everyone realizes something is going on between the two cats. The fight breaks out again but Darktail quickly calls a retreat. Onestar announces he needs to tell everyone something, but he will wait for the other clan leaders to arrive. Squirrelflight gets Bramblestar, Rowanstar, and Leafstar while Tigerheart gets Mistystar. Onestar confesses to everyone that when he was a young, ordinary warrior he liked to show off to some kittypets claiming he was a great warrior and clan life was perfect. One of the kittypets, Smoke, he had an affair with. One day she came to the moor, pregnant with his kits, wishing to join the clan. Onestar was horrified at the thought of confessing this to Tallstar and he knew clan life was not the perfect scene he had told her it was, so he sent her away. She had her kits on the way back. Alone and with no help only one kit survived. Later, when the kit was older, she tried to give him to Onestar again, but he again turned her away. Furious and hurt, Smoke told Onestar she would raise their son to hate the clans. That kit would grow up to be Darktail. Darktail never found WindClan, but he did find SkyClan so he took his rage out on them. He later followed the ThunderClan patrol home so he could destroy the four clans. During the battle on ShadowClan territory Darktail taunted Onestar, telling him that if he killed his son he would go to the Dark Forest. Terrified, as he is on his last life, Onestar called a retreat. Onestar now agrees to help the clans destroy Darktail once and for all.  

Alderheart and the other medicine cats go to the moonpool. StarClan tells them in order to defeat Darktail they must remember their names. Back at the ThunderClan camp everyoen is getting ready for the upcoming battle but Alderheart is worried as he doesn't understand what StarClan meant. Twigpaw and Violetpaw are talking about the upcoming fight and Violetpaw makes a comment is about Darktail having a thing for water. This gives Whitewing an idea and she races to the clan leaders. Hawkwing tells his daughter that SkyClans specialty is attacking from tree limbs. Suddenly Alderheart realizes what StarClan meant and he runs to the other medicine cats.   

Twigpaw enters ShadowClan territory with everyone. Hawkwing asks his daughters if they want to fight from the trees with him. Violetpaw declines but Twigpaw takes him up on his offer. The fight breaks out with every clan playing their strength. Eventually the rouges are driven to the water where RiverClan attacks them. The fight comes down to Onestar and Darktail, eventually causing them both to drown.

Back at the ThunderClan camp, Violetpaw tells Zelda and Loki goodbye. ShadowClan leaves next and Rowanstar gives Violetpaw permission to stay behind for a bit. SkyClan will be staying with ThunderClan until they find their own territory. Tigerheart and Dovewing are off to the side when Rowanstar snaps at Tigerheart to go with his clan. Hawkwing tells his daughters that he wants them to go with SkyClan but they don't have to decide right away. Now that Needletail is gone, Violetpaw considers going with her father but she worries Rowanstar might not let her leave. Violetpaw hopes the future will be fine,but she can sense change coming.

So, Onestar's actions now make sense. I did think that Darktail might be the son of a leader, but I assumed Brokenstar or Tigerstar - I never would have guessed Onestar.

Now that Darktail has been defeated I am left wondering what the next three books will be about. How does Rowanstar end up with SkyClan? When do Tigerheart and Dovewing run away? I assumed all of this happened with the search for SkyClan, but apparently not.