Monday, March 26, 2018

the x-files: part six

What did I say? A week off? Yeah... it was only Saturday.

Season 2 begins and with it comes Krycek and Mr X as well as the immediate reveal that Krycek works for Cigarette Smoking Man, Skinner's divided loyalties, and Scully's abduction. With so many huge reveals in the first five episodes it's hard to pick my favorite!

First of all, Krycek. If ever there was a supporting character I loved the most it is, hands down, Krycek. Skinner always leaves you feeling frustrated - though he does come through when it matters most even though he knows it could destroy himself. Plus I don't really consider him a supporting character since he eventually makes the move to main character. Then there is CSM and his pals who you love to hate. But Krycek is something else. An FBI agent who works for the government conspiracy and, as is going to be revealed in later on episodes, desperately wants that government conspiracy to fail but feels lost and powerless to do anything. He frequently switches alliances between CSM and Mulder and seems to genuinely like Mulder despite constantly working against him. However, one is left with the feeling that despite Kryek wanting Mulder to win, he wants to save himself more.

However, then there is Skinner. Skinner who admitted to Mulder that the X-Files should not have been shut down. Skinner, who told Mulder that his hands were tied even though he wanted to help Mulder. Skinner, who actually kicked CSM out of his office in an attempt to protect Mulder. Skinner, who starts to show that he actually does care about Mulder even though he knows he is not supposed to. Skinner and Mulder have a serious love/hate relationship that runs through the whole show and until these first few episodes happened to start and build on that it was just a hate/hate relationship.

So my favorite episode of the first five? It was a tough call but I'm going to have to go with "The Host." In the previous episode we had just seen Skinner stand up to CSM on Mulder's behalf (even though, honestly, Mulder only deserved it a little since he was in the wrong but I suppose Skinner felt that Mulder was pushed that way deliberately). And in two episodes we get Krycek. But in this episode Mr X is introduced, we have a human turned into a giant parasite, and we have Scully seeing proof with her own two eyes that there is more to this world then previously known. Of course, we have a parasite/human hybrid because of Chernobyl and not aliens or human mutation or undiscovered species but still, it's a win in my book.

The episodes:

Little Green Men - Season 2, Episode 1

Synopsis - In the midst of a crisis pf belief, a congressman sends Mulder off to South America to see if he can find proof of aliens. Mulder does but the evidence is destroyed making him question if it ever really happened.

Themes - aliens, CSM, government conspiracy

Supporting characters - CSM, Skinner

The Host - Season 2, Episode 2

Synopsis - Mulder gets sent on a case that he believes is punishment from Skinner. However, it is actually an X-File involving a humanoid parasite living in the sewers.

Themes - abnormal human, Chernobyl, MOTW, Mr X

Supporting characters - Mr X, Skinner

Blood - Season 2, Episode 3

Synopsis - Mulder is sent to investigate a case where people go on killing sprees. The reason for this seems to be a combination of illegal pesticides and subliminal messages.

Themes - conspiracy, subliminal messages

Sleepless - Season 2, Episode 4

Synopsis - Mulder and Krycek investigate a series of deaths tied to a military experiment during the Vietnam War which tried to produce super soldiers who didn't need sleep.

Themes - abnormal human, CSM, human experimentation, Krycek, military experimentation, Mr X, telepathy

Supporting characters - CSM, Krycek, Mr X

Duane Barry - Season 2, Episode 5

Synopsis - Mulder and Krycek are called in to help with a hostage negotiation case because the hostage taker, Duane Barry, claims to be an alien abductee. After Mulder exchanges himself for a wounded hostage Sully finds evidence that Barry might be making it all up but after Barry is shot and taken to the hospital Scully finds proof that maybe he wasn't lying after all.

Themes - alien abduction, alien conspiracy, government conspiracy

Supporting characters - Krycek

Guest starring - CCH Pounder

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