Saturday, March 31, 2018

100 books: march 2018

I am glad to say that we have not only reached the halfway point, and we more then doubled what we read last month, but we also reached the three quarters point! Of course, we only needed to read five books to reach the halfway point, but still. We read those five books plus another twenty-six more getting us to the three quarters mark. Actually, when you stop and think about it, we read an insane amount of books this month - ESPECIALLY Vampire Kitten! I'm actually feeling pretty proud of him right now. He fell just shy of doubling what Lone Wolf (my biggest reader) read! At this rate we might actually hit 100 books by the end of April!!! Also, looking at those stats at the end I really need to step up my reading game... Of course I'm in the middle of a Wheel of Time book that I've been working on for a couple of months. I was trying to finish it this month and it didn't work.And, looking at Little Legs's stats, I need to find more books to read with him that aren't story books... We did read two books this month and started a third but I think we need to take a break from story books and broaden his horizon a little.

March's books:
  1. Olympians: Artemis Wild Goddess of the Hunt - Wandering Falcon
  2. Teen Titans Go!: Mumbo Jumble - Wandering Falcon
  3. Olympians: Artemis Wild Goddess of the Hunt - Vampire Kitten
  4. Warriors: The Lost Warrior - Vampire Kitten
  5. Goosebumps: Ghost Camp - Lone Wolf
  6. Minecraft: Redstone Handbook - Lone Wolf
  7. Heroes: Volume 2 - Vampire Kitten
  8. Dog Man and Cat Kid - Vampire Kitten
  9. The Christmas Party from the Black Lagoon - Vampire Kitten
  10. Plants vs. Zombies: The Greatest Show Unearthed - Lone Wolf
  11. The Sisters Grimm: The Fairy-Tale Detectives - Wandering Falcon, Vampire Kitten, Lone Wolf, Little Legs
  12. Dog Man a Take of Two Kitties - Vampire Kitten
  13. Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare - Vampire Kitten
  14. Plants Vs. Zombies: Bully for You - Vampire Kitten
  15. Warriors: Warrior's Refuge - Vampire Kitten
  16. Warriors: Warrior's Return - Vampire Kitten
  17. Warriors: Into the Woods - Vampire Kitten
  18. Warriors: Escape from the Forest - Vampire Kitten
  19. Warriors: Shattered Peace - Vampire Kitten
  20. Warriors: The Rise of Scourge - Vampire Kitten
  21. Saving Xenos - Lone Wolf
  22. The Scariest Places on Earth: Eastern State Penitentiary - Lone Wolf
  23. The Scariest Places on Earth: Transylvania - Lone Wolf
  24. Plants vs. Zombies: Bully for You - Lone Wolf
  25. Warriors: Shattered Peace - Wandering Falcon & Little Legs
  26. Olympians: Artemis Wild Goddess of the Hunt - Lone Wolf
  27. Plants vs. Zombies: Plant Your Path - Lone Wolf
  28. Lucy on the Loose - Wandering Falcon & Little Legs
  29. Saving Xenos - Vampire Kitten
  30. Plants vs. Zombies: Boom Boom Mushroom - Vampire Kitten
  31. Dog Man Unleashed - Vampire Kitten

The breakdown:

Little Legs: 1.25
Wandering Falcon: 3.25
Lone Wolf: 9.25
Vampire Kitten: 17.25

Total stats:

Total books read: 76
Little Legs: 1.75
Wandering Falcon: 16.75
Lone Wolf: 27.25
Vampire Kitten: 30.25

Thursday, March 29, 2018

buffy the vampire slayer: part two

So, relationships? Wow, there was so much packed into these four episodes!

First of all, Buffy and Angel. Buffy is clearly trying to work through her feelings here. She feels something for Angel, only, she admits, she barely knows him. Meanwhile, she thinks she might have feelings for Owen, a kid at school. (Side note: Cordeila also has feelings for him.) All of this causes some serious awkwardness when Cordeila tries to steal Owen on their date, followed by Angel showing up with "work stuff" - followed by Willow and Xander sent by Giles for, yes, "work stuff." In the end Buffy sadly breaks up with Owen. He sees her as a wild person who runs around picking fights - and he wants to join in. She sees herself as performing a sacred duty to the world - and she can't share her secret with him. However, there is something to be said for she won't. Despite seeing a vampire - despite being almost killed by a vampire - Owen didn't see that. He saw a wild time where he felt truly alive - and he even admits to wanting to date Buffy to feel that way again. Despite her feelings for him Buffy says she has to break up with him for his own safety - but she is also hurt by his assessment of her. Willow and Xander know her secret - even Angel who she barely knows knows her secret - but she doesn't even consider telling Owen the truth. A short time later Buffy has to confront her feelings for Angel. They kiss and she discovers he is a vampire. This leads to Darla (who is Angel's ex) trying to pit Buffy and Angel against each other by attacking Joyce. Buffy assumes that Angel attacked her and sets out to kill him. She does discover the truth, and witnesses Angel killing Darla when Darla tries to kill Buffy, but now she has to sort through her feelings for him. She's in love with him yet he is a vampire - her mortal enemy. Yet, Angel also killed his ex in front of her to save her.

Then there is Xander and Willow. Willow is in love with Xander. Xander is in love with Buffy. Buffy knows Willow is in love with Xander and is constantly pushing her to tell the seemingly oblivious Xander the truth. Except Xander is not oblivious. While possessed with the spirit of a hyena, he confronts Willow and mocks her feelings for him. Later on he tries to rape Buffy but she stops him. After the possession is lifted he sees Willow in danger and immediately tries to save her with no worry for himself. Afterwards, Xander claims amnesia and Buffy and Willow forgive him and decide to leave him in the dark about his worst behavior. They tease him about eating the school pig mascot but leave out his cruelty to Willow and his attempted rape of Buffy. Yet, end of the day, Xander knows how Willow really feels about him. Perhaps because he does not return the feelings he instead chooses to ignore them. But despite this, he does very clearly care for Willow - even willing to sacrifice his own life to save hers.

Then there is Angel and Darla. Not much is established now and their relationship is more fleshed out in the future, but a few things are established. Darla is loyal to the Master and she loves Angel. The Master favors Darla and wishes Angel was there with them. And Angel used to love Darla - but killed her to save Buffy. When given a choice between Darla - the woman who turned him and spent lifetimes with him - and Buffy - a woman he barely knows and who kills his kind - he picks Buffy.

Lastly there is Giles. He is firmly established as a father figure to Buffy, Willow, and Xander. When Buffy has to break up with Owen he is there to comfort her. When Xander claims to have no memory of his time possessed by a hyena Giles tells Xander that he knows the truth but will lie for him. When Giles finds out that it was not Angel who attacked Joyce he sets out to tell Buffy before she kills the wrong vampire. His job is to teach Buffy, to instruct her, and to give her the tools to fight the demons of the world but he clearly cares for her and seeks to protect her and comfort her. To him she is not just another weapon in the Watcher's arsenal. And his care even extends to Willow and Xander - and not just because he is trying to care for Buffy. He keeps Xander's amnesia secret. And when Willow is in danger - once from Xander while he is a hyena and once from the demon Willow is dating - he becomes concerned for her and her safety.

My favorite episode? Honestly, "The Pack." This episode was different for quite a few reasons. One, it's the only time (that I can think of) where we see Xander as the bad guy. His cruelty towards Willow? That dodge ball scene where instead of attacking Buffy they attack their own team mate? Eating the pig? All of that. The only other time Xander is a bad guy is in the alternate reality. Yes, he was possessed, but he was the bad guy. Two, animal possession. Buffy is filled with vampires and other demons and the fight against them is never ending. And yes, sometimes a human is the bad guy like in "The Witch." But this episode the bad guys are possessed and need saving, not slaying. Plus, animal possession is weird. Three, Xander redeems himself in the end. After doing all of that shitty stuff he becomes unpossessed and tries to save Willow. Four, we see real friendship here. Between saving Xander, saving Willow, forgiving, and moving on we see the real group and the depths that they care for each other. Five, I like hyenas. Did you know they are actually cats and not dogs? Hyenas are awesome. Probably insane, but awesome.

And now, the four episodes:

Never Kill a Boy on the First Date - Season 1, Episode 5

Synopsis - Buffy tries to be a normal teenager and go on a date with Owen, a boy from school, but a prophesy about an anointed one rising and her slayer duties keep getting in the way.

The Pack - Season 1, Episode 6

Synopsis - Xander, along with a group of kids from school, become possessed by the spirits of hyenas after a field trip to the local zoo.

Angel - Season 1, Episode 7

Synopsis - Buffy discovers Angel is a vampire and Darla tries to pit them against each other. However, Darla's plans result in her death.

I, Robot... You, Jane - Season 1, Episode 8

Synopsis - Willow meets a boy online but he's really a demon. This is also Jenny's first appearance.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

buffy the vampire slayer: part one

Well, it can't be all X-Files, now can it?

Buffy is one of those shows that I didn't like at first. While I absolutely love novels geared towards teens I tend to not like t.v. shows like that. Why? I hate high school drama story lines and that is usually what those t.v. shows offer. The first three seasons of Buffy is like that and those are my least favorite seasons. Plus, out of all of them, season 1 is my least favorite. It is definitely the weakest story arc and is full of too many cringe worthy moments. With that said, yes, I'm starting with season 1.

I wasn't sure what to go with here. With the X-Files there were overreaching themes that spread out throughout the entire nine season story. Even in their stand alone episodes you could find a pattern to them. So much stuff tied together and overlapped in so many ways that even when they stood apart they were connected.

Buffy is not like that. Yes, there is a story arc each season. And yes, sometimes the events of one season directly effects events in later seasons. And there are many moments that are a direct nod to stories that are to come. But pretty much every episode of Buffy involves defeating an evil. Not investigating it only for it to be covered up. There is closure at the end of each episode. And what themes would there be to talk about? Vampires? They appear in pretty much every episode - especially if you are counting Angel & Spike - not to mention Drusilla & Darla. Witches & magic? Again, that's pretty prevalent. Maybe not in the first few seasons but definitely later on with Willow and then Tara. Friendship? That is the underlying theme to every single episode.

But then I was like wait a minute, friendship. And not just friendship, but relationships in general. That is what Buffy is all about. The relationships between a group of people thrown together in the fight against evil.

New shows are rough. They throw a bunch of people together and hope it sticks and works out. The first two episodes were a little shaky and awkward - especially, I gotta admit, Jesse's character - but by episode three things fell into place pretty good. Plus, Jesse was dead.

Willow, Xander, and Jesse are established old friends. Cordeila is the leader of the popular girls and Jesse is in love with her. Buffy is popular girl material but decides she doesn't actually care for Cordeila so she throws her lot in with the others. Giles is the new librarian and Buffy's new watcher. Angel is a mysterious guy that keeps showing up and giving Buffy cryptic warnings and gifts - which actually sounds kinda creepy. At first Buffy doesn't like him but she starts to warm up to him. Xander is jealous because he loves Buffy. And Jesse is dead, turned by Darla and killed by Xander. And Willow and Xander are determined to help Buffy fight the forces of evil.

Now I know that is not delving very deeply into these relationships but it is only the first four episodes and everyone is still in the stage of establishing themselves within their newfound friendships. I have a lot that I want to say but I also want to save it for when it's actually time to talk about it. For now I'll leave things here. I will say it is interesting watching these relationships play out - especially since I already know how they are going to end.

My favorite episode? Probably "Witch." First of all, it's the first Monster of the Week episode and it shows that Buffy's fight against evil doesn't include just vampires and other demons or monsters. As a matter of fact, in this episode it doesn't even include a monster. Her fight also isn't limited to supernatural beings, it includes humans as well. Amy's mother, Catherine, is a very human witch who is very evil. She swaps bodies with her daughter, magically maims any cheerleader who gets in her way, and actually casts a spell on Buffy to kill her. She is selfish, cold-hearted, self-centered, and has no problem with actually taking someone's life to achieve her goals. Yet Buffy stops her just the same. Which is not to say that Buffy is here to stop any evil human. Catherine isn't running around Misery style maiming people. She is using supernatural means to do it. But she is a human, not a soulless vampire. This episode establishes that Buffy is here to stop any supernatural threat, even if it is a human threat. Buffy isn't here to police humanity but she is here to protect it from the very forces that they are unaware of being out there.

This episode also establishes that Xander and Willow are in this for the long haul. In the first two episodes they were trying to save their friend Jesse. Jesse is now dead but they are refusing to walk away and let Buffy fight the forces of evil on her own. They are determined to help her even when they are not sure how to help. This episode firmly establishes their friendship which is the core story line for the entire run of the t.v. show.

So, the first four episodes?

Welcome to the Hellmouth - Season 1, Episode 1

Synopsis - Buffy transfers to a new school looking to put the past behind herself only to find out that her war against evil will never end. She meets Xander, Willow, Cordeila, Angel, Giles, Darla, and the ill-fated Jesse for the first time.

The Harvest - Season 1, Episode 2

Synopsis - Picking up directly after the previous episode, Buffy and Xander try to save Jesse only to find out that they are too late. Meanwhile, the Harvest that Angel warned her about is happening and Buffy must stop it or the Master will be freed. (Side note: Harmony is introduced for the first time.)

Witch - Season 1, Episode 3

Synopsis - Buffy and Amy try out for cheerleading but everyone who gets in Amy's way gets eliminated from the squad by magic. (Side note: This is Amy's first episode.)

Teacher's Pet - Season 1, Episode 4

Synopsis - Xander is in love with the substitute science teacher but she's actually a giant praying mantis.

Monday, March 26, 2018

the x-files: part six

What did I say? A week off? Yeah... it was only Saturday.

Season 2 begins and with it comes Krycek and Mr X as well as the immediate reveal that Krycek works for Cigarette Smoking Man, Skinner's divided loyalties, and Scully's abduction. With so many huge reveals in the first five episodes it's hard to pick my favorite!

First of all, Krycek. If ever there was a supporting character I loved the most it is, hands down, Krycek. Skinner always leaves you feeling frustrated - though he does come through when it matters most even though he knows it could destroy himself. Plus I don't really consider him a supporting character since he eventually makes the move to main character. Then there is CSM and his pals who you love to hate. But Krycek is something else. An FBI agent who works for the government conspiracy and, as is going to be revealed in later on episodes, desperately wants that government conspiracy to fail but feels lost and powerless to do anything. He frequently switches alliances between CSM and Mulder and seems to genuinely like Mulder despite constantly working against him. However, one is left with the feeling that despite Kryek wanting Mulder to win, he wants to save himself more.

However, then there is Skinner. Skinner who admitted to Mulder that the X-Files should not have been shut down. Skinner, who told Mulder that his hands were tied even though he wanted to help Mulder. Skinner, who actually kicked CSM out of his office in an attempt to protect Mulder. Skinner, who starts to show that he actually does care about Mulder even though he knows he is not supposed to. Skinner and Mulder have a serious love/hate relationship that runs through the whole show and until these first few episodes happened to start and build on that it was just a hate/hate relationship.

So my favorite episode of the first five? It was a tough call but I'm going to have to go with "The Host." In the previous episode we had just seen Skinner stand up to CSM on Mulder's behalf (even though, honestly, Mulder only deserved it a little since he was in the wrong but I suppose Skinner felt that Mulder was pushed that way deliberately). And in two episodes we get Krycek. But in this episode Mr X is introduced, we have a human turned into a giant parasite, and we have Scully seeing proof with her own two eyes that there is more to this world then previously known. Of course, we have a parasite/human hybrid because of Chernobyl and not aliens or human mutation or undiscovered species but still, it's a win in my book.

The episodes:

Little Green Men - Season 2, Episode 1

Synopsis - In the midst of a crisis pf belief, a congressman sends Mulder off to South America to see if he can find proof of aliens. Mulder does but the evidence is destroyed making him question if it ever really happened.

Themes - aliens, CSM, government conspiracy

Supporting characters - CSM, Skinner

The Host - Season 2, Episode 2

Synopsis - Mulder gets sent on a case that he believes is punishment from Skinner. However, it is actually an X-File involving a humanoid parasite living in the sewers.

Themes - abnormal human, Chernobyl, MOTW, Mr X

Supporting characters - Mr X, Skinner

Blood - Season 2, Episode 3

Synopsis - Mulder is sent to investigate a case where people go on killing sprees. The reason for this seems to be a combination of illegal pesticides and subliminal messages.

Themes - conspiracy, subliminal messages

Sleepless - Season 2, Episode 4

Synopsis - Mulder and Krycek investigate a series of deaths tied to a military experiment during the Vietnam War which tried to produce super soldiers who didn't need sleep.

Themes - abnormal human, CSM, human experimentation, Krycek, military experimentation, Mr X, telepathy

Supporting characters - CSM, Krycek, Mr X

Duane Barry - Season 2, Episode 5

Synopsis - Mulder and Krycek are called in to help with a hostage negotiation case because the hostage taker, Duane Barry, claims to be an alien abductee. After Mulder exchanges himself for a wounded hostage Sully finds evidence that Barry might be making it all up but after Barry is shot and taken to the hospital Scully finds proof that maybe he wasn't lying after all.

Themes - alien abduction, alien conspiracy, government conspiracy

Supporting characters - Krycek

Guest starring - CCH Pounder

Friday, March 23, 2018

the x-files: part five

Well, season 1 is done. I forgot that Deep Throat dies this season. This is disappointing. I always liked his character. I did, unfortunately or fortunately - your choice, remember that the X-Flies gets shut down at the end of this season. This story line is a massive pet peeve for me and EVERY sci-fi show does it. And I hate it. But, in the X-Files defense, they were first. It is the story line of "The government says they are shutting us down for no logical reason. Yes, they have given us a reason, but it is, quite honestly, a line of bullshit that makes no real, logical, tangible sense. They are really just doing it so the writers can add some friction and drama because that is what sells - friction and drama."

Stargate SG-1 did it. In their case the government wanted to shut them down because maybe then all the aliens we were at war with would suddenly leave us alone.

My reaction: ???!!!???

Fringe did it. Because, according to the government, there is this massive threat out there and we don't know anything about it or even understand it fully and the team working on it isn't giving us fast enough results because we can't even give them a starting point so we are just going to kill the whole project and apparently pretend this threat doesn't exist.

Again, my reaction: ???!!!???

So now here we are with the X-Files doing it. But, like I said, they were the first. And their reason makes slightly more sense. Because while maybe they could ignore Mulder and Scully's investigations into the strange and unknown they couldn't ignore their investigations into the aliens because that would uncover some very uncomfortable truths they didn't want uncovered. Which, in theory, the audience doesn't fully know those truths yet.

HOWEVER, as much as I hate this story line it does make sense here and it gives us Krycek. And I really liked Krycek's character. Far more then that bitch in the later seasons from Mulder's past which lead to a very unsatisfying moment where Mulder abandoned Scully to save his own skin when the aliens invaded. But I'm getting ahead of myself by quite a few seasons here.

(Note: expect a HUGE rant when that episode happens. Like an entire post or five dedicated to me bashing her, Mulder, and her and Mulder. Like they deserve.)

Anyway. Like I said, I finished season 1 tonight and before I get into which episode of these 4 was my favorite I would like to say that after this I unfortunately need to take a break from the X-Files. One, I don't want to get burned out on it. Two, I have other things I need to be working on that I've been ignoring. So I'm probably going to take a week off to catch up on some other stuff in my life.

Oh who am I kidding. It'll probably only be 24 hours.

So my favorite episode? In all honesty I really liked 3 of the 4. "Tooms" had a nice wrap up, "Roland" was very heart wrenching, and "The Erlenmeyer Flask" was shocking. "Born Again" was whatever. Not bad just not phenomenal.

But I think I have to go with "The Erlenmeyer Flask" even though the alien conspiracy theory episodes are, truthfully, my least favorite. This episode, however, I do like. It introduces us to the real story line. Yes, Deep Throat did say "Mister Mulder, they've been here for a long, long time" in a previous episode, but in this episode you realize that the picture is so much more. Not only are the aliens here, but we are doing experiments on humans to make alien/human hybrids. And willing to kill innocent people to keep that secret. And it's not just innocent people. Allies like Deep Throat who are neck deep in the conspiracy (whatever it fully is we don't know) are expendable too. And that is a hard truth to face.

The episode is marred by the shutting down of the X-Files but like I said, this means Krycek gets to come on board so I'm okay with that.

The last 4 episodes of season 1:

Tooms - Season 1, Episode 21

Synopsis - Tooms is released from the psychiatric hospital where he has been staying for assaulting Scully. Fearful that Tooms will kill a fifth victim then hibernate, Mulder becomes determined to stop him.

Themes - abnormal human, MOTW, Tooms

Born Again - Season 1, Episode 22

Synopsis - A young girl seems to be involved in a series of deaths surrounding police officers. Mulder believes she is a reincarnation of a police officer they murdered.

Themes - ghost, possession, psychokinesis, reincarnation

Roland - Season 1, Episode 23

Synopsis - A scientist dies months ago while working on a top secret project. Now he seems to be possessing his disabled twin brother in order to finish his work.

Themes - possession, twins

The Erlenmeyer Flask - Season 1, Episode 24

Synopsis - Deep Throat puts Mulder on a trail that leads to alien bacteria, alien/human hybrids, Mulder's abduction, and Deep Throat's murder.

Themes - alien bacteria, alien DNA, alien/human hybrid, CSM, Deep Throat, government conspiracy, green blood, human experimentation, Pentagon storage room

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

the x-files: part four

I was hoping to get a post up before this, but honestly I'm shocked I got one up this soon! I could have done it last night but after I finished episode 20 I was too tired and went right to bed.

So my favorite episode out of these 5? Miracle Man. I'm a sucker for the X-Files's religiously themed episodes. I am an avid fan of the religious battle between good and evil spilling over into the moral world. But that does not really apply to this episode and in all reality, not to the X-Files. I'm getting off track. I like this episode mostly because of people's determination not to believe that which is right in front of them. And because of the battle between good and evil inside of people's very souls. There is no shortage of proof that Samuel can heal people with his hands, yet people not only refuse to believe in him they go out of their way to hurt him. The local police even go so far as to murder him when they cannot pin the murders on him when proof comes forward that he is innocent. This episode capitalizes not only on people's fear of the unknown, but their determination to remain ignorant when faced with mountains of proof to the contrary. Really, the entire episode is summed up perfectly in the ending scene, which gets me every time. The police sheriff sitting there, reading a newspaper article that speaks of Samuel rising from the dead, while his ill wife panics in the background because he wouldn't let her anywhere near Samuel the "fraud." And then one of his deputy's comes to the front door to bring him in for questioning in relation to Samuel's death. The realization that not only were you wrong the entire time, but that you ignored every piece of evidence, every bit of proof, and committed a horrific crime on an innocent man in the process. The sheriff had a battle between good and evil inside of his soul, and he not only let evil win he wouldn't even give good a chance.

Here are the 5:

Young at Heart - Season 1, Episode 16

Synopsis: John Barnett, a man Mulder sent to prison years before, seemingly comes back from the dead determined to destroy Mulder's life.

Themes: abnormal human, Deep Throat, human experimentation, miraculous medicine

E.B.E. - Season 1, Episode 17

Synopsis: Mulder and Scully try to track down an alien they think the government has captured. Their investigation reveals some uncomfortable truths about Deep Throat and his relationship with Mulder.

Themes: Deep Throat, government conspiracy, gulf war syndrome, local law enforcement conspiracy, The Lone Gunmen, UFO

Miracle Man - Season 1, Episode 18

Synopsis - A young man seems to have the power to not only heal people, but to bring them back from the dead. However, the people he tries to heal have started dying leading him to believe the Devil is tainting his work and the local police to try and arrest him for murder.

Themes - abnormal human, the devil, faith healing, god, local law enforcement conspiracy, the plagues, psychic, psychic healing, religion, resurrection, Samantha, visions

Shapes - Season 1, Episode 19

Synopsis - Mulder believes that a young Native American man shot by a rancher was actually a shapeshifter

Themes - abnormal human, MOTW, Native American, shapeshifter

Darkness Falls - Season 1, Episode 20

Synopsis - Loggers have gone missing in the woods. An investigation shows ties to eco-terrorists and illegal logging that might have awoken something long asleep.

Themes - ancient insects, MOTW

Thursday, March 15, 2018

the x-files: part three

You know what is nice about having a day off? Being lazy and watching the X-Files all day. But that's okay. I don't feel gulity for two posts in two days. I'm probably not going to get to watch any this weekend.

So which is my favorite episode of these 5? I wish I could say "Fire" because, you know, Mark Sheppard, but actually I've always been indifferent about that episode. It's an honest toss up between "Beyond the Sea" and "Gender Bender." I like "Gender Bender" because it's a different take on aliens. Throughout this show many different types of aliens are met and some stories are stand alones while other fit into the over all arc. This one is not only a stand alone it is completely different from all of the others which deal with aliens in a more traditional sense. However, I think "Beyond the Sea" wins - just barely. Why? Because Scully doesn't just want to believe, she DOES believe. Even better is for once Mulder does not believe. Scully's belief shows how when you want to believe you will find the proof wherever you want to find it - whether it is there or not. (And, for the record, I think the proof is there.) and then, we reach the end of the episode, and Scully decides it was all a lie. And Mulder, who doubted the whole episode and doubts still, does not rub it in her face that he was right and she was wrong. Instead he wants her to believe even though he is convinced it's a lie. And he also does not want her to believe because it means a victory for him - instead he wants her to believe because she did believe and he doesn't want her to lose that, to throw that away. He wants her to hold to her convictions even if he doesn't agree with them. And when he asks her why she can't believe - because it is a choice - she admits it is because of her fear. Powerful episode all around.

On that note here are the 5:

Eve - Season 1, Episode 11

Synopsis - The father of a young girl is murdered. While investigating the case Mulder & Scully discover not only that the girl is a clone, but that she is one of multiple.

Theme - abnormal human, cloning, human experiments, psychic, psychic connection, strange death

Fire - Season 1, Episode 12

Synopsis - Someone is murdering people with fire, only no one can figure out who he is or how he is doing it.

Theme - abnormal human, pyrokinesis, satanic cult, strange death

Guest Star - Mark Sheppard

Beyond the Sea - Season 1, Episode 13

Synopsis - Scully's dad dies in the midst of the agents landing a kidnapping case. A man on death row claims to have a psychic connection to the kidnapper - and to Scully's father.

Themes - ghosts, psychic, visions

Gender Bender - Season 1, Episode 14

Synopsis - Someone is killing people with sex and then switching genders.

Themes - abnormal human, aliens, MOTW, rebirth, sex change, strange death

Guest Star - Nicholas Lea

Lazarus - Season 1, Episode 15

Synopsis - FBI agent Jack Willis is investigating a series of bank robberies. During the course he is shot and killed by one of the suspects but when the doctors save him Mulder is convinced that he is actually someone else.

Themes - near death, possession

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

the x-files: part two

You know, I forgot how much I love this show! Whenever I watch the X-Files I just jump around looking for my favorites. It's nice to actually rewatch the whole show from the beginning. yes, it means rewatching some episodes that I don't care for, but it also means rediscovering some I had long sense forgotten about.

So what was my favorite episode from these five? Hands down, "Ice." "The Thing" with Kurt Russell is one of my all time favorite movies, one of my all time favorite sci-fi/horror movies, and this episode not only feels like it, it's even a homage to the novella that the movie is based upon. This episode tries - successfully - to capture everything that movie provided. The parasite infecting people, the knowledge that those infected look just like their normal selves, the fear of not knowing who is infected, the fear of becoming infected, the isolation both physically and psychologically. This episode takes a closed off, remote location and combines it with someone - or in this case, something - not only picking people off one by one but infecting them one by one perfectly. On a side note I've never read the novella "Who Goes There?" but have always wanted to.

Anyway, onto the next five episodes.

Shadows - Season 1, Episode 6

Synopsis - Lauren Kyte lives in fear of a force that seems to be protecting her.

Themes - ghost, military contract, MOTW, murder, psychokinesis, strange death, suicide, terrorists, top secret, visions

Ghost in the Machine - Season 1, Episode 7

Synopsis - An A.I. program seems to be murdering people.

Themes - artificial intelligence, Deep Throat, government conspiracy, intelligent machine, military contract, MOTW, strange death

Ice - Season 1, Episode 8

Synopsis - Mulder and Scully travel to the arctic to find out what happened to a group of scientists, only to find out an alien parasite is infecting people.

Themes - alien life, arctic, MOTW, parasite

Special Guest Star - Jeff Kober

Space - Season 1, Episode 9

Synopsis - Someone is covering up sabotage at NASA. All evidence points to former astronaut Colonel Belt, who is one of Mulder's childhood heroes.

Themes - alien life, dreams, Mars, NASA, NASA conspiracy, outer space, possession, visions

Fallen Angel - Season 1, Episode 10

Synopsis - Deep Throat sends Mulder to investigate a possible downed spacecraft before all evidence is destroyed.

Themes - alien abduction, abductee, cloaking, Deep Throat, government cover up, memory loss, military, UFO

Monday, March 12, 2018

the x-files: part one

So here is my first X-Files post, as promised. It feels odd writing about a t.v. show on what I intended to be a book blog but like I said, I'm branching out. A good story is a good story - that doesn't mean it has to be literature.

So what inspired this? One day, two weeks ago, I was doing... well, I don't remember what, when I suddenly remembered a, for lack of better word, screenshot of an X-Files episode. It was the inside of a house. I suspected that Santanism or Witchcraft was somehow involved - but I wasn't sure - and I couldn't even remember if it was Mulder and/or Scully in the house or even why they were in the house. So I decided to watch some X-Files episodes that dealt with that theme - and actually found it almost right away.

Well, this got me thinking of other episodes and how it would be really nice to have a sort of guide to turn to when wanting a certain episode type. Not a synopsis guide - I could scroll through IMDB for hours if I wanted that (even though it's not always accurate) - but a guide that dealt with THEMES. And, let's face it, the X-Files has MANY themes. Government conspiracy, military conspiracy, alien conspiracy, local law enforcement conspiracy, aliens, strange deaths, human monsters, abnormal humans, abductions, implants, what happened to Samantha? - the list goes on and on.

So which episode (so far) is my favorite? The pilot episode. Normally pilot episodes make me go "okay, this has potential" and make me stick around to watch more. But usually - usually - I don't actually think they are a very good episode. This one, however was phenomenal from beginning to end. It not only successfully set up a very good story line of two FBI agents (one who believes, one who doesn't) investigating alien abductions but it even gave a very good alien abduction episode. And in the end you are left with a feeling of "what REALLY happened?" which sometimes can be very frustrating - and is usually an indicator of poor writing or an episode cut for time - but in this case did not feel that way. Instead it laid the ground work for a show that is constantly in search of answers starring agents who are constantly frustrated not only by the lack of answers but by being thwarted by their own government. Now, granted, you don't know all of this while watching the pilot for the first time so some people might walk away frustrated but this episode paves the way for the two biggest underlying themes (or questions) of the whole show: Are we alone? And what part does our government play in this? And it did it successfully.

So, here are the themes that I think are most important and prevalent for the first 5 episodes. Along with a (brief) synopsis.

Pilot - Season 1, Episode 1

Synopsis - Kids are going missing in a town in Oregon. When they are found, they are dead. All of them were from the same class in high school and all of them have the same marks on their backs.

Themes - abductees, abduction, alien abduction, cigarette smoking man/CSM, coma, government conspiracy, implant, local law enforcement conspiracy, nosebleeds, pentagon, Samantha, UFO

Deep Throat - Season 1, Episode 2

Synopsis - Mulder decides to investigate a case involving missing Air Force pilots. He meets Deep Throat for the first time, who warns Mulder away from the case.

Themes - brain washing, Deep Throat, government abduction, government conspiracy, memory loss, military base, top secret military, UFO, U.S./alien aircraft, wiretapping

Special Guest Star - Seth Green

Squeeze - Season 1, Episode 3

Synopsis - Mulder and Scully meet Tooms (a man who appears to be over 100 years old and who can elongate his body) for the first time.

Themes - monster of the week/MOTW, abnormal human, Tooms

Conduit - Season 1, Episode 4

Synopsis - A teenager goes missing, possibly abducted by a UFO. This same teenager saw one as a child. Meanwhile he brother seems to be picking up signals from the family t.v. - signals that he writes out in binary code and contain government secrets.

Themes - alien abduction, Samantha, top secret government

The Jersey Devil - Season 1, Episode 5

Synopsis - After a body is found in the woods, Mulder is convinced that he has found proof of a Neanderthal man. Scully is not convinced, thinks it is a case for local law enforcement, and instead tries to peruse a personal life.

Themes - local law enforcement conspiracy, MOTW, abnormal human

More to follow!

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

100 books: february 2018

So how is month two looking? Pretty good, I gotta say. Obviously we did not have the same level of success as last month. Last month there was Christmas, new books, excitement, a new project and goal - plus an extra week. Yes, they had a week off from school this month too but we didn't have any of those other factors. Plus, last month I read 9 books, I think? And they were pretty light books except for finishing the Wheel of Time book that I had started last year. This month I didn't stick to just light books. So we also didn't have me contributing a large amount like I did last month. And, end of the day, we are 5 books shy of our half way point. So despite the light number I think we did incredible!

This month's books:
  1. The Last Kids on Earth: Nightmare King - Lone Wolf
  2. Bionicle: Rise of the Toa Nuva - Lone Wolf
  3. Ghosts and other Spectors - Lone Wolf
  4. Dumb Witness - Wandering Falcon
  5. The Last Kids on Earth: Nightmare King - Vampire Kitten
  6. Minecraft: Combat Handbook - Lone Wolf
  7. The Moving Finger - Wandering Falcon
  8. The Heroes of Olympus: The Lost Hero - Wandering Falcon
  9. The Heroes of Olympus: The Son of Neptune - Wandering Falcon
  10. Goosebumps: Stay Out of the Basement - Lone Wolf
  11. Goosebumps Slappy World: Slappy Birthday to You - Lone Wolf
  12. I Survived the Sinking of the Titanic, 1912 - Vampire Kitten
  13. Dog Man - Vampire Kitten
  14. Bionicle: Raid on Vulcanus - Lone Wolf
I have to say, I am not disappointed with this number.

The breakdown:

Little Legs: 0
Wandering Falcon: 4
Vampire Kitten: 3
Lone Wolf: 7

Total stats:

Total books read: 45
Little Legs's total: 0.5
Wandering Falcon's total: 13.5
Vampire Kitten's total: 13
Lone Wolf's total: 18