Sunday, June 9, 2019

thunder rising: part three

Gray Wing dreams of a rabbit but wakes up when he smells fire. He realizes it is coming from the forest and rouses the other cats. He leads an expedition to find Clear Sky's camp and help them. He gives Jagged Peak the task of watching over and protecting the kits while they are away. They are unable to make it to Clear Sky's camp but they do find Moon Shadow and save him, however flames cut them off and they become trapped themselves.

Gray Wing is despairing and Thunder tries to figure out what to do. River Ripple arrives and tells the cats where to go through the flames to find safety. The cats all get through and Thunder, along with Jackdaw's Cry, go back to get the injured Moon Shadow. Thunder tries to help Gray Wing, but his uncle snaps at him for making a fuss. Thunder feels hurt since Gray Wing isn't acknowledging his bravery.

Gray Wing is in a lot of pain. His feet hurt and he is having a hard time breathing. He is upset that he cannot lead his group and that Thunder had to take the lead. River Ripple helps the cats get to safety but Gray Wing feels he cannot go because he has to help Clear Sky. Based on River Ripple's comments in return Gray Wing senses hostility between the rogue and Clear Sky's group. Gray Wing goes with the other cats to safety and from there calls for his brother. River Ripple joins him and Clear Sky hears their calls. From across the water Gray Wing is able to guide his brother's group to safety. Gray Wing makes the offer for Clear Sky's group to stay with them and Tall Shadow backs him up. He then introduces Thunder to Clear Sky. The cats head back to the moor.

Thunder walks beside his father, happy to finally meet him. Clear Sky suggests they go hunting together, but after catching a rabbit some rats attack them. Clear Sky becomes annoyed with Thunder for not knowing how to attack as a team. Thunder does get cut but they chase the rats away. They head back to the group where Gray Wing is waiting for them. He is upset with Thunder for leaving and not telling him. Clear Sky, meanwhile, is hostile towards Gray Wing. Thunder's good mood over meeting his father vanishes as he feels like he has betrayed Gray Wing.

Gray Wing returns to the camp upset with Clear Sky's hostility and with the rapid relationship that is springing up between Clear Sky and Thunder. He is also upset that Clear Sky never wanted to have anything to do with his son but now is suddenly interested. He watches as the two groups share the camp but keep separate, with a coldness between them. Gray Wing is upset that both the fire did not bring them closer together and that Clear Sky's group are uninterested in repaying them with reduced hostilities. Tall Shadow pulls Gray Wing aside to tell him she is stepping down as leader of their group since she now has to take care of Moon Shadow and because she acted frightened during the fire. Gray Wing is unable to talk her out of her decision. He goes over to talk to Clear Sky and overhears just how close Clear Sky and Thunder are becoming. Jagged Peak tries to approach his estranged brother but Clear Sky verbally attacks him. Jagged Peak tries to defend himself but Clear Sky is uninterested. Gray Wing comes to Jagged Peak's rescue and puts Clear Sky in his place but the damage is done. Jagged Peak refuses to accept Clear Sky's apology and leaves him. Gray Wing hopes that Clear Sky's behavior will drive Thunder away but instead the young cat is taken in by Clear Sky's speeches of preparing for the future and the need for strong cats. When Thunder asks why Clear Sky abandoned him much to Gray Wing's horror Clear Sky insists it was a test of survival for Thunder that he has passed. He invites the young cat to live with him and Thunder accepts.

Well, I knew it was going to happen eventually. Thunder is clearly Thunderstar and his place is in his father's clan, however I don't feel his place is with his father. Clear Sky is cruel and manipulative - his claims of "testing" the newborn Thunder's survival skill was disgusting. And I seriously doubt when Clear Sky leaves he will be taking the weakened Moon Shadow with him. He doesn't have the patience for wounded cats, no matter how much they served him in the past.

I do feel for Thunder. He has always wanted to meet his father. But after seeing Clear Sky treat Jagged Peak like that I don't see how he can want to go with his father. Sometimes you have to acknowledge that the person you want to know isn't worth knowing. I imagine this will be a very bitter lesson for Thunder to learn.

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