Sunday, June 30, 2019

200 books: june 2019

The focus this month was catching up on our family reading goal. This meant finishing the Sisters Grimm book we had been working on for months and then taking a break to tackle some other books we have been meaning to read.

June's book:
  1. Legends of Zita the Spacegirl - Vampire Kitten
  2. Science Comics: Robots and Drones Past, Present, and Future - Vampire Kitten
  3. Heroes of Olympus: Blood of Olympus - Lone Wolf
  4. Wings of Fire: Winter Turning - Lone Wolf
  5. Scooby-Doo and the Monster Menace - Little Legs
  6. Scooby-Doo and the Gruesome Goblin - Little Legs
  7. Scooby-Doo and the Snow Monster - Little Legs
  8. Scooby-Doo Comic Chapter Books: Mystery of the Mist Monster - Little Legs
  9. Scooby-Doo and the Cactus Creature - Little Legs*
  10. It - Wandering Falcon
  11. Warriors Dawn of the Clans: Thunder Rising - Wandering Falcon
  12. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth - Wandering Falcon
  13. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever - Wandering Falcon
  14. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hard Luck - Wandering Falcon
  15. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul - Wandering Falcon
  16. Wings of Fire: The Lost Heir - Wandering Falcon
  17. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School - Wandering Falcon
  18. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Double Down - Wandering Falcon
  19. The Sisters Grimm: Tales from the Hood - Family
  20. What Were the Salem Witch Trials - Family
  21. Who Was Milton Hershey - Family
  22. Who Was Ulysses S. Grant - Family
  23. Who Was George Washington - Family*

The breakdown:

Vampire Kitten: 2
Lone Wolf: 2
Little Legs: 5
Wandering Falcon: 9
Family: 5

Total: 222

Vampire Kitten: 74/50
Lone Wolf: 35/25
Little Legs: 22/13
Wandering Falcon: 82/100
Family: 9/12

Total: 179/200

*read with my ex husband, Coffee Hound, who is mentioned in my other blog The Well and The Ash Tree

Friday, June 28, 2019

diary of a wimpy kid: double down

Favorite Scene Honorable Mention: Roderick taping Greg talking in his sleep.

Favorite Scene: The witch in the furnace room and the whole movie they made. I know this is sort of two separate scenes but they tie together.

Least Favorite Scene Honorable Mention: The Maddox playdate. For crying out loud, he accused Greg of stealing a tiny Lego. Then Greg's mom got mad at him for "not hitting it off."

Least Favorite Scene Honorable Mention: Greg reflecting on all the lies people have told him. As funny as all the lies were, it is sad how much people lied then got mad at him for following their example.

Least Favorite Scene: Greg's mom complaining about the scary book he picked out. Let the kid be a kid! Not everything has to be educational or challenging! If you don't let him read things that interest him then he isn't going to read at all!

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

diary of a wimpy kid: old school

Favorite Scene Honorable Mention: Grandpa throwing the party.

Favorite Scene: Greg finding out his dad made up the Silas Scratch story and them keeping the secret together.

Least Favorite Scene Honorable Mention: The mom's plan to have the town go electronics free - though it was funny how her family pretended to not know her.

Least Favorite Scene: Greg having Frew do his homework. I'm surprised he didn't get busted.

Monday, June 24, 2019

the lost heir: part six

The guards bring Tsunami and her friends to their cell. They allow them to stay together so long as they go peacefully. The cells are tiny islands with a waterfall blocking them in. Tsunami looks for Riptide and Webs but cannot find them through the waterfalls. She doesn't understand the cells but Starflight figures it out once he sees the electric eels that shock everyone who tries to enter the water. They work on planning their escape using Glory's venom as a secret weapon. Much to her friends shock, Tsunami doesn't want them to fight their way out - especially since some of the guards are on their side. Sunny thinks she hears something from up above but everyone dismisses her. Anemone arrives, allowed out of her harness for a bit so Auklet can be fitted for one. The dragonets ask for her help in escaping and offer to take her with them but Anemone knows if she leaves Coral and Blister will never stop hunting for her. But she can find out who tried to kill Tsunami so she spells a spear to bring the assassin to her. The spear leaves and eventually brings back Whirlpool.

Things don't go as planned. At first Whirlpool denies attacking Tsunami but then admits to it when he realizes he has been caught. He admits he did it because he didn't want to be forced to marry Tsunami - he figured Anemone would be easier to control. To make things worse he isn't upset that he has been figured out. He feels he can justify his actions to Coral and since Anemone has proven she is a powerful animus he can take the credit for her training. He plans to marry Auklet instead and let Anemone be killed by Coral using her as a weapon. Tsunami is upset because she meant to protect her sisters and now things are worse for them. There is a scuffle over Anemone's spear and Whirlpool falls into the water. The electric eels kill him. Anemone is shocked since this isn't what she meant to have happen. Tsunami wants to go to her and Starflight debates that this might be her only chance to go through the waterfall since the eels just expended their energy - but he fears he might be wrong. Tsunami feels it is worth the risk but puts it to a vote. Her friends are torn and she takes the risk. She goes through the waterfall unharmed. She sends Anemone on her way and figures out how to turn off the waterfall. She gets her friends out and Clay tells her where he saw Webs and Riptide. They locate the dragons near the entrance but fear freeing them will alert the guards nearby. Sunny insists she isn't hearing things when suddenly they realize the SeaWings are under attack. Tsunami alerts the guards.

Tsunami convinces the guards to go fight and let them escape. They free Riptide and Webs but before they can go Riptide admits he is part of the Talons. Tsunami feels betrayed and unsure of her entire relationship with Riptide. Just then the MudWing Crocodile shows up. She admits that she only infiltrated the Talons to get information. Then she convinced Webs to return home so she could follow and stage an attack. She tells the dragonets that Scarlet is rumored to be dead. Glory asks if she knows how Scarlet died to which Crocodile responds she does not. Glory spits her venom all over the MudWing's face. Crocodile runs away and everyone escapes into the battle. As they leave Tsunami sees Coral with her young daughters. She realizes despite her mother's faults, Coral really does love her daughters. Riptide leaves them to join the battle. Tsunami points out that he will just get thrown in prison again but he feels he cannot abandon his home. Blister sees them leaving and tries to kill Webs. She fails but she does wound him badly with her poisoned tail.

Tsunami and her friends have escaped. They are hiding in the trees plotting their next move. They need to get help for Webs but they don't know who to turn to. They figure while SandWings should know how to cure the poison they do not know if they can trust any of them. Starflight suggests the Talons but Webs says he cannot return to them and the dragonets should not trust them. After all if Crocodile was a spy then who knows who else could be. Tsunami suggests they visit the RainWings next. Glory is shocked but Tsunami explains they might know about the poison since they are poisonous themselves and Glory should have a chance to meet her family too. Decided everyone settles down to sleep.

Blister meets with Morrowseer. She reports to him that Webs should be dead, that Coral and her daughters unfortunately survived, and that Coral is now refusing to use Anemone as a weapon. Blister is furious with how events turned out. Morrowseer tells her they have another plan, but warns her she might not like it. He presents a SeaWing named Nautilus, who has a plan to make fake dragonets of destiny. Blister agrees and they plot the death and replacement of some of the dragonets. Blister insists that Starflight be one of the ones replaced as he was an awful traitor. Morrowseer sadly agrees. He says they do not like killing off NightWings but they will for Starflight because he was such a disappointment.

I am glad to see that someone from the group of Shark, Moray, and Whirlpool was evil! And I'm also glad to see that Coral has changed her mind about Anemone's powers. She might be a crazy, lying, and devious queen but her love for her daughters won out in the end. I will even forgive her for throwing Tsunami in prison since I believe that decision was partly motivated by fear of losing her daughter again and not just controlling the dragonets of destiny.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

the lost heir: part five

Tsunami realizes Blister has given herself away. She wants to accuse Blister publicly but stops herself. Lately she has been pausing to assess and question instead of immediately acting on information. She glances to Starflight, who is shocked, and realizes he heard Blister's slip up too. He shakes his head at Tsunami, signaling to wait. Blister asks after the "secret weapon" and Coral agrees to show her. She tells Whirlpool to accompany herself, Blister, and Anemone. Tsunami moves to follow but Coral insists she stay behind, as it isn't very interesting. Anemone insists, however, that Tsunami come along. Coral clearly isn't happy and Tsunami notices the look she and Blister exchange but after Tsunami fawns over the idea of spending more time with her mother she agrees. They head to the weapons room and Tsunami recognizes the armor on the wall that someone who tried to kill her wore. She then sees the demonstration that Whirlpool has Anemone do. As Anemone makes inanimate objects move Tsunami realizes her sister is an animus. Blister asks how long until Anemone is ready. Coral says soon but Anemone says years. Coral and Blister move to the side to talk quietly. Whirlpool stays with the sisters so Anemone sends a pearl necklace flying so Whirlpool will follow it and leave them alone. Once he is gone Anemone begs Tsunami to save her. Tsunami doesn't realize at first what Anemone means. But Anemone explains how they want her to use her powers to cause massive destruction in the war. She also admits she is terrified of her powers because the greater magic you try to accomplish the more likely you are to go insane. Tsunami promises to save her sister by finding out who the assassin is, figuring that once that problem is solved Coral will let her out of the harness and start trusting her. Anemone isn't buying it, though. Tsunami tells her sister her theory that Shark is behind the murders so Moray can inherit the throne. Anemone isn't sure. She feels something is off about Moray but she doesn't think Moray wants to be queen either and besides, Shark has spoken in the past of the possibility of a king instead of a queen. Tsunami tells Anemone to stall for time by making mistakes in her training. Coral comes over to them but before she can give Anemone new orders everyone notices Blister freezing. Then they hear sounds coming from above.

Coral wishes to call her guards but Blister stops her. Instead Blister, Coral, and Anemone sneak up to see who is there. Even though she wasn't invited Tsunami follows them. Blister grabs the dragon and throws him at a shocked Tsunami. Coral recognizes Webs immediately. He begs the queen for mercy but she attacks him, much to Tsunami's horror. There is a loud crack when Coral strikes Webs's head and he falls unconscious. Tsunami flies after him, trying to save him. She screams to Clay to help her and he arrives. Between the two of them they catch Webs and lower him to the floor. Tsunami is upset when Webs doesn't wake up. Coral is furious with her for saving Webs and the rest of the dragonets arrive. Tsunami lies and says she figures Webs might have some information. Blister points out that Webs might know how someone keeps sneaking into the hatchery to kill the eggs. Coral allows Webs to be woken up, however Webs has no information. He admits to drugging the hatchery guards in order to steal the egg. Webs says that now he knows the dragonets are safe he will accept whatever punishment. Coral wants to start with destroying the Talons of Peave from stealing from her. Tsunami feels that this is wrong because even though the Talons stole the eggs they only did it to end the war. Starflight points out that if it wasn't for the Talons then Tsunami would be dead. Tsunami is shocked to realize Starflight is right. If she was never abducted then her egg would have been smashed just like all the others. Another dragon arrives to announce that they have found another intruder. They bring forward Riptide.

Tsunami tries to insist that Riptide is innocent but Coral isn't interested. She orders both dragons thrown in prison for being with the Talons. Blister argues that they must have killed all of her eggs. She offers an obviously flimsy excuse of the Talons killing all the eggs so they can put Tsunami, who they control, on the throne. Coral agrees with her and considers the assassination problem solved. Tsunami is horrified and Starflight tries to point out how illogical their idea is. However Coral and Blister are uninterested in the truth. Coral orders the egg returned to the hatchery but both Tsunami and Sunny object. Coral points out that every queen has been born in the hatchery and Tsunami sees her mother's comment as a dig at how she isn't worthy of the title. Tsunami agrees to return the egg so long as she can stay with it and as long as when the real assassin is caught Webs and Riptide will be freed. Coral doesn't want to make such a promise but Tsunami points out that if Coral is right then she has nothing to lose. Blister is upset by the idea of the bargain. Coral agrees to Riptide's freedom and Blister looks relieved, making Tsunami wonder why Blister wants Webs dead. Tsunami's friends are worried because now they can't protect her if she is in the deep palac but Tsunami is determined.

Tsunami settles down with the egg to wait. She doesn't have long before she hears a scraping noise. As she looks around the room she realizes the statue of Orca has moved. Suddenly the statue attacks her. Tsunami calls for help from the guards her mother promised but no one answers. She places herself between the statue and the egg. She realizes the statue must be enchanted by an animus, but it can't be Anemone because she is too young. As she fights the statue she realizes it is spelled to attack any heir when no one is around to help them. She also figures out that Orca must have been an animus and spelled the statue herself. Even though she is injured Tsunami manages to trap the statue. The egg hatches and she takes her sister from the room.

Tsunami is on the beach, watching her baby sister. Her friends are there and they debate the future queen as well as their next move. Starflight insists that Blister should be the queen but everyone else points out that he once called her the most evil of the three sisters. Coral, Anemone, and Blister arrive. Coral tells tsunami that Orca's statue has been destroyed so no more eggs will be attacked. She is also able to tell her that Orca spelled the statue. Tsunami points out that Coral has to let Riptide go now. Coral agrees but figures she has to banish him from her kingdom and send him to the talons of Peace. Tsunami offers to take Riptide with her when they leave, spilling the news that they are planning to go. Blister is furious with this news, especially after Clay hints they should also meet with Blaze. She forbids them from leaving. Tsunami tells her she can't do that. Blister counters that the Talons of Peace want her to be queen, almost slipping and saying NightWings instead of Talons of Peace. Blister insists they have to stay where she can keep an eye on them. Tsunami is furious, and accuses her of wanting to keep them as prisoners. Coral is disturbed but then Blister starts arguing that all she means is the outside world is a dangerous place. Tsunami appeals to her mother, arguing that if Coral takes them prisoner then she is no better then Scarlet or the Talons. Blister drops a hint that she knows who really killed Gill and Tsunami realizes her secret is about to be exposed. She braces herself but before Blister can say more Starflight exposes her for murdering Kestrel and wanting Webs dead. Unsure who to trust and in fear of losing her daughter, Coral orders Tsunami and her friends locked up.

Even though we now know Coral is innocent I want to cast back to Clay's egg. So remember how Clay's egg was special? It was red which meant he was born with the power to resist fire? I had wondered if animus eggs were special too and that is why Coral guarded Anemone's so closely. That would have lead credence to the theory that Coral is killing her eggs and that she only spared Anemone to use her. Especially since the fact that using large amounts of magic drives the animus insane - and Coral clearly doesn't care that this is Anemone's future if she pushes her too hard. However, we know now Coral is innocent and completely unaware that Orca was an animus as well. 

I am a bit disappointed in the Orca is the bad guy reveal. Too much is left unexplained. Coral having no problem with pushing Anemone so hard she can kill her. Coral lying to Tsunami. The odd behavior of Shark, Moray, and Whirlpool. I feel like something is missing. It is too neat of a turn of events - convenient just like Coral and Blister deciding to pin the murders of Webs and Riptide. Don't get me wrong, I believe that Orca's statue is the culprit, but it doesn't explain any of the other odd things going on.

I do have to say, dragons are not very nice people. They seem to only care about using people. Tsunami and her friends are the only real exception. Everyone else is wrapped up in plots, schemes, trying to get what they want, and justifying their cruelty. 

Saturday, June 22, 2019

the lost heir: part four

Queen Coral grows frustrated with trying to talk to Tsunami and heads for the surface. She demands that Tsunami return the egg to the royal hatchery where it will be safe but Tsunami refuses. She points out that the hatchery clearly isn't safe and insists the egg must stay with her. She asks Coral how she protected Anemone's egg and Coral tells her that she stayed in the hatchery for a year, never leaving the egg. Gill ran the kingdom then but he got caught, making Coral realize she could not leave her post as queen again. Anemone is shocked to find this out. Tsunami wants to return to the summer palace with the egg but Coral says she won't be returning there for some time and the egg will not be safe there. She speaks of the flood coming and Tsunami realizes all of her friends are in danger from drowning. Tsunami insists on a harness and Coral agrees, though she does warn Tsunami that if anything happens to the egg she will have lost two daughters, not one. They return to the deep palace and Tsunami and the egg are fitted into a harness that somehow Anemone can control. When Tsunami asks, in aquatic, about it Anemone responds that they will talk later. Tsunami leaves on her suicide mission to keep the egg safe and to save her friends before the summer palace floods.

Lost, Tsunami tries to find her way back to the summer palace. She tries following the current in the opposite direction but it is exhausting work. She tries flying to the surface to find an island she recognizes but when she gets to the surface she cannot distinguish anything. The water is choppy, the sky gray, the storm violent. She sees some scavengers in the water and saves them, hoping it will give her luck. She then returns to the water and tries to find Riptide by lighting up all of her scales. He finds her and she tries to explain to him she needs to return to the summer palace immediately. He takes her to another current and they follow it. By now she is really worried about her friends and regrets not visiting them. When they reach the palace Riptide tries to leave her but she asks him to come along. They enter the palace and she finds no guards anywhere. Worried she approaches her friends' cave where she sees a large lump in the back and fears it is her friends' bodies.

Tsunami is relieved to discover that the large lump is just her friends piled on top of each other. She asks them why they haven't left the filling cave and discovers Clay is chained up. She is furious and wonders if her mother knows and lied to her about her friends safety. The dragonets are happy to see her but they are also upset that she kept away for so long. She also discovers that they haven't been fed anything but the breakfast leftovers. This upsets her as Lagoon told her mother at the council meeting that the dragonets were well fed. Leaving the egg with Sunny, she leaves to get the key from the guards. They are terrified of her and spill that Shark ordered Clay tied up. At first she considers attacking them to take the key but then thinks on her mother killing Tortoise. She decides to try a different approach. She uses the prophecy - and the prospect of killing one of the dragonets who are supposed to stop the war - to convince them. As the guards talk she realizes they were debating these exact same things. Some want her for queen, others want Anemone, but all of them want the war over. They surrender the key with the request that Tsunami takes care of their families after they are punished. She returns to the cave and frees her friends. Riptide leaves and then Tsunami takes them to a dry cave to rest while she looks for food. She Tsunami leaves her friends she realizes she feels warm inside, like she has come home - and she wonders why she doesn't feel that way around her family.

Tsunami finds food for her friends. She is shocked when they tell her of the theory that Coral is killing her daughters. The theory goes that since Orca almost won when she challenged Coral for the throne, Coral has been secretly having her daughters killed off while acting as a grieving mother. Tsunami is shocked by this theory and insists it cannot be true. She even points out to Anemone's harness but everyone else just sees that as proof that Coral is crazy. Tsunami tells her friends of the attempt on her life and how she believes Shark is behind everything. Clay feels that Tsunami isn't safe and wants everyone to leave. Glory tells Tsunami that she can stay if she wishes. Tsunami feels torn. She wants to go with her friends but she also feels the need to stay. Sunny pips up saying she won't leave the egg. Starflight agrees that they need to stay and meet Blister. Tsunami agrees to stay with her friends - which is what she secretly wanted - and they all settle down. As she dozes off, Tsunami realizes she forgot to tell everyone about Kestrel.

The next morning queen Coral is in a panic over her missing daughter and egg as well as the missing dragonets. This wakes up Tsunami and Sunny. Tsunami realizes someone is in the cave with them so she wakes up her friends. It is queen Blister and she informs Coral that she has found everyone. There is something about Blister that unnerves Tsunami but she can't figure out what it is. Tsunami is even more shocked that Blister knows all about Glory being a RainWing instead of a SkyWing. Coral announces it is time for Tsunami and Blister to join her for breakfast but before Tsunami can insist on her friends joining them Blister does. Blister tells Sunny to leave the egg behind but both Sunny and Coral vehemently refuse - much to Coral's shock. Everyone heads to breakfast and Tsunami realizes she has to do something about the guards quick before they are punished. She loudly announces to her mother that she has shocking news. She tells her about finding out about her friends being starved after Lagoon specifically told the queen they were being fed. Coral orders Lagoon thrown in the dungeon. Lagoon is shocked but Coral tells her to be quiet in aquatic. Tsunami is devastated to realize her mother knew exactly what was going on. Tsunami then loudly talks about how the dragonets of destiny were chained up against their wishes and against the wishes of Coral. She speaks of how the guards had to choose between following their commander or their queen - and of course how they chose their queen. Coral makes the observation that the guards are practically heroes and then orders Shark locked up. Blister is amused by Tsunami's stunt. She then asks the dragonets what they intend to do about the war. Tsunami and Glory stall but to their shock Starflight, very embarrassedly, says he thinks Blister should be queen. His friends are all shocked by his pronouncement and quickly overrule him. Blister seems annoyed by this. Talk then turns to the mysterious dead SkyWing and before Tsunami can stop her Sunny reveals it to be Kestrel. Coral is upset with Tsunami for keeping this news from her but Tsunami counters that she felt she had to tell her friends first, as Kestrel was like a mother to them albeit a poor one. Blister sides with Tsunami remarking that she wished to slash her own mother's throat at times. Tsunami is shocked to realize that Blister knows more about Kestrel's death then she should.

Well here we are. Starflight made a rather pathetic play for Blister like he was ordered to. I am so disappointed in him. And Blister knows too much about Kestrel's death and the dragonets because Morrowseer told her these things.

I like the theory about Coral actually being the one behind her daughters deaths, but I wasn't buying it until it was revealed she knew exactly about how the dragonets were being treated. She knew they were chained up, she knew they were being starved, and she lied to Tsunami about it. I'm not saying she is killing her eggs, but she clearly isn't as honest as she makes herself out to be. Lagoon and Shark will be out of prison in no time. And I am starting to see Coral in a new light. I initially thought she was a bit empty headed and surrounded herself with people who fawn over her without realizing they are lying to her and using her. I mean, take Whirlpool and his ridiculous aquatic lessons. Now I realize this isn't true. She knows EXACTLY what is going on but instead is choosing to play dumb - and to make things worse she is counting on Tsunami not knowing aquatic in order to hide things from her. This means she could actually be behind the murder of her eggs - and it might mean she is not as happy with Tsunami's return as she is claiming.

I just hope for Tsunami's sake that her mother doesn't turn out evil. It is also sad to see that neither Clay or Tsunami found what they were looking for when they sought out their families. Granted, people tend to hope for the best and picture what they need when they seek out long lost family members. But Tsunami and Clay were just looking to be loved and wanted. Clay didn't get that and it is beginning to look like Tsunami might not be getting that either.

Friday, June 21, 2019

the lost heir: part three

After returning to the palace Tsunami debates telling her mother that she knows who the dead dragon is. In the end she doesn't get a chance because queen Coral is too busy with her council members. Tsunami, Coral, and Anemone retire to the queen's room. The next morning Tsunami and Anemone talk in private before the queen wakes up. They talk about their different upbringings and how neither of them like Whirlpool. Tsunami also discovers that Moray is their cousin. They return to the queen before she wakes up. They head to breakfast where there is no place for Tsunami. Coral has her sit in Tortoise's seat since Tortoise is currently guarding the queen's eggs. Tsunami accidentally embarrasses herself by eating before the queen gives permission. She wonders if Coral is deliberately trying to embarrass her publicly or if she is reading into something that isn't there.

The council meeting goes on during breakfast. Tsunami is shocked to find out that the schools exclusively teach Coral's scrolls, causing her to embarrass herself when she comments on this. The war council gives their report and speaks of chaos in the SkyWing kingdom. Everyone is shocked at this news and Tsunami admits she and her friends might have killed queen Scarlet. When Coral finds out that Tsunami was in the SkyWing kingdom she asks after Gill, a SeaWing who refused to fight and her husband. Tsunami admits she saw Gill but that he was insane and had to be killed. Coral is devastated by this news and reveals that Gill was Tsunami's father. Tsunami is upset and keeps her part in Gill's death a secret but she suspects Shark has figured it out.

Queen Coral is devastated at the news of her husband's death. Tsunami can't help but notice Moray (who keeps mumbling that there will be no more eggs) and Whirlpool acting weird. Coral dismisses everyone so she can grieve. Tsunami is in shock over the news that she killed her father. Whirlpool tells her it is time for her lessons. Underwater, Whirlpool has Tsunami copy the things that he is saying, but he refuses to tell her what he is actually saying. Frustrated with Whirlpool's poor teaching skills Tsunami leaves. She heads to the surface and finds a cave to go sit in and think things over. There she finds Riptide. Her first reaction is to be angry at him for lying about Webs being his father, but she has started questioning her first reactions and decides instead to talk to him. Riptide asks about his father - and he asks Tsunami to be honest. Tsunami finds herself forced to find good qualities in Webs and discovers that there actually are some. Respecting Riptide's wishes she also tells him some of the bad. Riptide teaches her some aquatic, including the phrase "I will protect you." Tsunami feels this is an odd phrase but Riptide feels she is the type of dragon who would protect. Realizing her mother is probably looking for her she tells Riptide she has to leave. Before she goes she asks him what something Shark said in aquatic means. When he tells her she realizes her friends might be in danger and takes off.

Once Tsunami gets underwater someone with armor on attacks her and throws a sack over her head. Tsunami fights them off, wounding them, and the other dragon swims away. Riptide finds her but she tells him she cannot stay and leaves to find her mother. Tsunami tries to talk to Coral but her mother keeps interrupting her about unimportant things. Finally Tsunami interrupts and tells her that an attempt has just been made on her life. Tsunami feels that the attacker is probably right there in the room with them and they should look for an injured dragon but Coral is too worried about her remaining eggs. Even though she sent Shark there earlier she wishes to go check on them. She feels Shark doesn't worry enough about the eggs as he seems to feel there is no assassin and that it is all bad luck. She insists they all leave for the deep palace at once and also mentions that Shark is Moray's father. Tsunami gets swept up in the dragons leaving. She remembers her friends might be in danger but finds she cannot go back to them. When they reach the royal hatchery they find Turtle guarding the door, eating. Coral enters the chamber and finds one of her eggs destroyed. Tsunami keeps seeing Moray giving dirty looks to Coral's daughters and wonders if Moray hates them or if she is just really protective of the queen. Tsunami decides she needs to protect Anemone and the last unhatched egg.

Queen Coral leaves and Tsunami realizes there must be a secret entrance into the room. Unwilling to leave the remaining egg alone she takes it with her. Whirlpool tries to stop her and flashes something at her. Mocking her earlier lessons with Whirlpool she simply flashes back the same thing at him, much to Whirlpool's annoyance. She takes off and follows the queen. She finds a furious Coral with Turtle. She is torturing the dragon and speaking to her angrily in aquatic. Tsunami doesn't know what Coral is saying but she can guess. Turtle tries to say something, gesturing to shark, but Coral is uninterested. She kills Turtle. Then Whirlpool swims up to the queen and tells her about Tsunami taking the egg. Coral tries to talk to Tsunami but Tsunami just says "I will protect" in aquatic over and over. Anemone looks upset at this and Tsunami realized what she just offered to do - and if she fails she could be killed too.

Okay. I wasn't completely sold on this book series at first but after these five chapters I am now hooked and cannot wait to find out what happens next. As I'm reading so many things seem obvious to me. Coral is surrounding herself with sycophants who are undermining her kingdom in the name of promoting their queen. Shark is clearly behind the murder of her children, probably so Moray can have the throne. And Whirlpool is in on whatever plot Shark and Moray have going on and clearly has no interest in teaching Tsunami aquatic. The discovery of Shark being Moray's father and that he feels the death of all the queen's children is just "bad luck" cinches it for me.

Meanwhile I am still frustrated with Tsunami, though I am warming up to her. She is clearly in love with Riptide (and since Clay had feelings for Peril I wonder if everyone will meet their future spouse) however she is dropping the ball when it comes down to her friends. But in her defense she did just survive an assassination attempt and is now determined to save her baby sister as well as the unhatched egg. She is doing the right thing by them, at least. And she still wants to be queen but I have a feeling she will come to the same realization as Clay. She might love her baby sister and want to protect her, but it is Anemone who should be queen. Aside from the obvious she was raised to be queen, I think Anemone would be more willing to make the sacrifices that need to be made for the kingdom. Meanwhile, after fulfilling her prophecy, Tsunami would be a wonderful force behind the throne keeping her sister safe.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

the lost heir: part two

The dragon's name is Riptide and he is surprised to meet the dragonets. He tells them they aren't supposed to talk about the Talons of Peace or Webs, who is suspected of stealing Tsunami's egg. Tsunami really likes Riptide but he seems to have mixed reactions to her return. Even odder is when Riptide tells Tsunami that the fictional story of the missing princess is required reading in school. Tsunami makes the private observation that it isn't a historical document so it really shouldn't be. Riptide doesn't want to take Clay along with the others to the palace since the MudWing's are their enemies, but Tsunami insists. In the end it is decided that Clay and Sunny have to be blindfolded and Tsunami will lead Clay while Sunny will ride on Starflight's back. Tsunami wanted to carry Sunny and is a bit upset that Starflight seems to be trying to usurp her. Riptide leads them along and they run into a group of SeaWings led by Shark, the queens brother. He doesn't seem happy with Riptide or the discovery of Tsunami. However he says Tsunami can go to the palace but orders the other dragons put to death.

Tsunami forbids the dragons from attacking her friends and Shark allows that. Then they all go to the summer palace where they do have to swim for short bursts. Riptide allows Clay and Sunny to remove their blindfolds once they are underwater. Tsunami is impatient to get going and meet her mother and is thrilled once they reach the palace.

Tsunami announces to the SeaWings that she is their missing princess and is happy to meet them. Riptide keeps glancing at Shark. Tsunami asks Riptide where they can wait and he tells her, also telling her to bring her friends. Tsunami asks Riptide about the summer palace and he gives her some information on it. She sees her mother's throne and sees a small throne next to it. She wonders if the small throne is for her, kept by Queen Coral all these years in the hope that her daughter would return. Queen Coral arrives and with her is a small dragon attached to her by harness. In shock, Tsunami asks who that is and Riptide tells her it is her sister, Anemone.

Tsunami worries that Anemone might be an enemy when suddenly the queen throws herself on Tsunami, thrilled to have her missing daughter back home. When Queen Coral sees the other dragonets she orders them locked up. Tsunami begs her not to, but Coral insists it is for their own protection. Tsunami asks her friends to please comply and they grudgingly do.

Coral gifts Tsunami with her first treasure. Tsunami asks her mother if they can speak alone so Coral dismisses her council. She also sends Riptide, who she clearly does not like, away. Tsunami learns that Webs is Riptide's father so his bloodline is considered tainted. She also learns that Anemone is never allowed to leave their mother's side and Coral debates making a harness for Tsunami as well. They talk for a bit about Tsunami's life and Coral shows her around. Tsunami meets Whirlpool, who Coral thinks is fabulous and would make a wonderful king one day. Tsunami herself doesn't find Whirlpool that wonderful and she realizes Anemone feels the same. Next Moray comes in to report about a dead dragon. Tsunami is shocked the way Whirlpool and Moray talk to the queen and realizes Anemone also doesn't like them. Everyone rushes off to look at the dead dragon and Tsunami realizes it is Kestrel.

I have to agree with Tsunami and Anemone. Coral seems to be surrounding herself with a bunch of yes people who trip over themselves to tell her how wonderful she is. That doesn't really make for a good queen. If anything, it makes for an easily manipulated one.

Speaking of evil aides, Coral's brother, Shark, seems evil. I wonder if he is behind killing Coral's heirs so he can control his sister.

Meanwhile Riptide seems nice, despite Coral's feelings for him, and I wonder if he will be the Peril of this book - which in turn makes me wonder if every book will have a Peril... Especially since Tsunami seems to have feelings for Riptide after barely knowing him and Clay had very mixed feelings for Peril while barely knowing her.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

the lost heir: part one

Webs is in hiding from the Talons of Peace when they find him. They make him tell them exactly what happened, making sure his answers sound as bad as possible and damn him. Webs wants to rescue the dragonets, but he is told they might have already escaped. They ask Webs where the dragonets will go next, but he honestly has no idea. They tell him not to worry if they did die while trying to escape, they have a backup plan - one that does not involve him. They go to kill him when one of their own - a MudWing named Crocodile - attacks. Crocodile knocks out the other Talons of Peace and tells Webs to ask Queen Coral if he can return home. Webs is unsure, but hopeful, and leaves.

Tsunami and her friends are on the beach planning their next move. They intend to go to the SeaWing kingdom but they have no clue how to find the palace. Clay worries how they will all reach it since it will ne underwater, but Glory and Starflight point out that there is also an above water palace. As they debate what to do next they see some SkyWings coming their way.

Tsunami hides in the water, Clay in the mud, and the others in the trees. The SkyWings fly overhead and Tsunami thinks they are leaving until one breaks away and looks closer at the area they are hiding in. Afriad that he will spot her friends, Tsunami jumps out of the water attacking the SkyWing. Clay comes to her help and Tsunami drowns the SkyWing. But she feels bad and decides to save the SkyWing instead. To her relief Clay is happy with her decision. They bring the SkyWing to the surface so he can be tied up and left behind. Glory is furious with Tsunami. She feels Tsunami endangered them all by attacking the SkyWing. Unfortunately for Tsunami, all of her friends agree with Glory. They tie the SkyWing up as he wakes up. He asks them to let him go and Starflight uses this moment to tell the SkyWing that the dragonets are peaceful and merciful, much to the annoyance of his friends. The SkyWing disposed of, they leave.

The dragonets spend the next few days working their way towards the SeaWing kingdom. Tsunami struggles with the fact that she wants to lead her group and protect them, but they don't seem really interested in her leadership. Lately they have been listening to Starflight over her and that upsets her because she would do anything to protect them and keep them safe. One morning she wakes up before anyone else and decides to go for a swim. She sees another SeaWing in the water and decides to follow. The SeaWing seems to be meeting another dragon in secret. Tsunami waits for their meeting to be over before approaching. However, she is underwater and can't talk. She startles the other SeaWing, who runs away from her. As she chases him he crashes into a whale and she has to save him. She tries gesturing to the surface but he responds by flashing the lights on his scales at her. She tries to mimic what he does and he lunges at her, causing her to attack, panic, and run away. He follows her to the surface.

The other dragon catches up to Tsunami and after they talk they realize she doesn't speak Aquatic - which is how SeaWings communicate underwater by flashing the lights on their scales. As they talk he suddenly pushes Tsunami aside and attacks Clay. Tsunami stops him and Sunny tries to help her. Tsunami tells him they are the dragonets of destiny.

Things seem to be moving along pretty quickly. They have already found a SeaWing and revealed themselves as the dragonets of the prophecy. I do feel bad for Tsunami, though. Even though Webs raised her he never taught her their own language - which is something I imagine she would need to know. I wonder why he didn't. I really can't think of a logical reason.

Monday, June 17, 2019

diary of a wimpy kid: the long haul

Favorite Scene Honorable Mention: Roderick stupidly admitting he toilet papered a house to win the game.

Favorite Scene Honorable Mention: Everything involving the boat.

Favorite Scene Honorable Mention: Greg sleeping in the closet, mistakenly putting Roderick's dirty socks over his face.

Favorite Scene Honorable Mention: Invading the Beardos hotel room.

Favorite Scene: The seagulls and the cheese puffs. I. Was. Dying.

Least Favorite Scene Honorable Mention: The Beardos kids being jerks.

Least Favorite Scene: Manny speaking fluent Spanish to get the pig back.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

diary of a wimpy kid: hard luck

Favorite Scene Honorable Mention: Greg's reverse psychology that got him a cell phone - which he then broke!

Favorite Scene Honorable Mention: The body blankies. Especially in church.

Favorite Scene Honorable Mention: The yearbook picture of Rowley and his ex girlfriend.

Favorite Scene: Everything involving the magic 8 ball.

Least Favorite Scene Hinorable Mention: Their mom taking Greg and Roderick clothes shopping. I mean sweater vests? Really? Really?!?

Least Favorite Scene: Anything involving Rowley's annoying girlfriend (except for the yearbook picture).

Thursday, June 13, 2019

thunder rising: part seven

Ripple wakes up to a new day in the twoleg park. Along with the other cats he greets the rising sun and then washes himself. He is happy and content - and very appreciative of the life he has. His mentor Arc comments to Ripple to be thankful for their easy life, the earth that provides for them, and the sun that warms them. Ripple is confused by this since he feels he is always grateful. They go together to get breakfast. The twolegs feed them every day. Ripple feels that the hard pellets are not as yummy as the occasional mouse that he catches, but he is happy for it. After that he and Arc join the other cats in their morning meditation. As Ripple looks out over the water he is happy.

Ripple dozes until Arc suddenly starts yelling. Ripple looks to where Arc is pointing and sees twoleg monsters destroying the park. They are ripping up the ground and tearing at the trees. Arc sheppards Ripple away. Ripple sees cats being captured in metal cages but Arc won't let him stop. They reach the wall that separates the park from the river and scale it but a noise startles Ripple and he falls off the wall into the river. Almost drowning he grabs ahold of a log floating by. Arc is calling for him but Ripple cannot get to his mentor. He drifts away. The day continues on and Ripple travels down the river, hungry and wet. His log gets stuck once and some Twoleg kits throw rocks at him. He gets away but then it gets stuck again and some beavers attack him. He gets away again. Hungry, unable to reach the shore, unable to catch a fish, and no longer trusting of anyone Ripple continues to float away.

Floating around on the log, night falling around him, Ripple wishes to sleep but feels he cannot out of fear he will fall off of the log. Fish jump in and out of the water and one lands on his log. He kills and eats it. Content and feeling that the river is caring for him like the sun and land did in the park he dozes off. The next day Ripple continues to float along. The water picks up and sees the end of it ahead. Confused, he rides along. He goes over a waterfall and struggles to get his head above the water. He realizes if he works with the current he can swim. He reaches a rock and climbs onto it, falling asleep. He wakes up later and learns how to hunt fish. He gives thanks to the river for protecting him and providing him with a new home. He risks swimming to the other side of the riverbank and discovers that he actually can swim. On the other side he meets a cat named Night. He asks her if he can live here with her and the other cats. Night explains to him that the cats all live alone and that so long as he doesn't steal prey he will be allowed to stay. He becomes upset, realizing that means he has to live alone. Night senses this and explains to him that while everyone lives alone that doesn't mean they can't be friends and hunt together. Ripple is happy to make a new friend and introduces himself as River Ripple, changing his name to honor the river that saved him.

River Ripple is interesting. Having meet largely clan cats and mountain cats (who are very similar), rogues (who are also similar but live on their own or they are like a cross between the clan/mountain cats and a kittypet), and kittypets it was nice to see something completely different. Ripple and the park cats were very different. They had aspects of all of these groups but in different ways. Greeting the sun, morning meditation, their whole day planned out from start to finish in structured routines. It was almost like meeting the mountain cats again only it was refreshingly different.

And Ripple giving thanks to the river like that, and even adding River to his name. That speaks very much like a clan cat or a mountain cat. I wonder if he is the River of RiverClan...

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

thunder rising: part six

Thunder, Clear Sky, and Petal go on the patrol to mark the new border. As promised, Clear Sky has Thunder start. But as Thunder is laying the border they run into Misty. Clear Sky tries to kick her off of their new land but she refuses. Petal attacks her but starts to lose. Clear Sky pins Misty down but she still refuses to leave so Clear Sky kills her. Thunder is worried that Clear Sky will be angry with him for not attacking Misty but instead his father compliments him for his compassion. Thunder doesn't feel complimented, however, instead he feels threatened. Petal leaves to mark the border and Thunder continues marking his section. He finds Misty's kits and realizes that is why she refused to leave. Clear Sky debates killing the kits. Thunder is horrified but Petal returns and offers to raise them. Relieved, Thunder offers to help her. As they bring the kits back to the camp Thunder realizes he doesn't know if Clear Sky would have actually killed them.

Gray Wing wakes up. Some time has passed and he has been working on healing. He and Turtle Tail are also working on healing their relationship. Pebble Heart comes over to him and whispers that he has had another dream. He feels there is something bad on the edge of the trees, past Clear Sky's territory. Just then Wind Runner shows up and jumps onto the rock. Gray Wing can see that everyone is confused since she is acting like their leader. She tells everyone how Frost attacked her and Thunder just watched. Then she announces that Clear Sky has murdered Misty and quite possibly her kits too. Gray Wing is horrified to find out his adopted son is involved in all of this. He asks Pebble Heart if this is what he dreamed of, but the young kit tells him no. The cats want to go attack Clear Sky and Gray Wing realizes things will quickly get out of hand. He asserts himself and calms everyone down while picking some cats to go with him and confront Clear Sky.

The cats enter Clear Sky's territory and find Bumble. She is badly wounded. The area smells of fox - and of Clear Sky. Everyone but Gray Wing decides that Clear Sky did this and Gray Wing realizes this is what Pebble Heart's dream was about. When Clear Sky arrives the other cats want to attack him but Gray Wing wishes to hear his brother's side of the story. Clear Sky tells them he only meant to frighten Bumble out of his territory. When she fainted from hunger he left. When he heard the fox he raced back to Bumble but it was already too late. No one but Gray Wing believes him, and Gray Wing won't speak in his defense. Clear Sky leaves. Turtle Tail and Bumble say their goodbyes to each other. Back at their camp Gray Wing reports on what they found and how they buried Bumble. Some cats - including Wind Runner - want to go attack Clear Sky's group in retaliation. Gray Wing and Tall Shadow calm everyone down, telling them that they cannot do that while worked up over Bumble's death, and that they need to keep an eye on Clear Sky's group. Wind Runner is unhappy but accepts the decision. Gray Wing and Tall Shadow talk aside together. They acknowledge that they are officially running the group together. Gray Wing then talks to Turtle Tail, telling her that he believes Clear Sky when he says Bumble's death is not his fault however he also believes Clear Sky is up to something and he needs to figure it out.

Thunder returns to camp with fresh-kill for Petal and the kits. Then two new cats, Fircone and Nettle, tell him they want to talk in private. They tell Thunder that while they are happy to join a group some of the things - such as killing cats - make them uneasy. They wish Thunder to speak with Clear Sky. They feel he is the only one who can make his father see that some of the cats are unhappy with how out of hand things are getting. Thunder approaches his father and starts to talk about how the land is recovering so maybe they don't need to keep expanding. Silence falls across the clearing as everyone leans in to listen to the conversation. Clear Sky challenges the group, asking if anyone agrees with Thunder however even though many do they are too scared to speak up. Clear Sky calls Frost up and starts to berate him for getting injured. While Thunder does not like the cat he speaks up in Frost's defense. Clear Sky shoves Thunder's face down towards Frost's injury and demands he clean it if he is so worried about it. To Thunder's surprise Quick Water speaks up. She tells Clear Sky that he is supposed to be their leader, not their tormentor. Clear Sky apologizes for not explaining himself better and then orders Thunder to take Frost away and leave him where the maggots will get him. Thunder is horrified that Clear Sky is asking him to abandon someone in their group who has only ever contributed. He refuses. He wonders what he is supposed to do now and then decides the only thing he can do is ask Gray Wing if he can return him. He announces to the cats that he is leaving for good, and taking Frost with him. Everyone starts yelling, either in protest or agreement. Suddenly the fox arrives and Clear Sky blames Thunder for its arrival. He shoves Thunder right into the fox's path and Thunder can't help but wonder if Clear Sky is trying to kill him. Thunder fights off the fox before Leaf and Falling Feather can help him. Leaf has respect in his eyes as he tells Thunder what a good job he did. Clear Sky compliments him, saying a cat taught him well. Thunder coldly responds that it wasn't Clear Sky. Thunder realizes he no longer trusts Clear Sky. He also realizes no one will leave with them. Falling Feather offers to escort the two cats to the border. Thunder and Clear Sky exchange a few more cross words, with Clear Sky telling him if he leaves he can never return. Thunder sees Clear Sky through the trees following them, but his father never says anything. Falling Feather leaves them at the border and the two cats head towards the moor.

Young Pebble Heart is clearly a medicine cat - or at least a future medicine cat. Dreams of the Moonstone, dreams of Bumble's death, plus his knowledge of herbs - these are medicine cat qualities. Cloud Spots might know herbs, but he do not dream. Neither does anyone else who knows of herbs. I wonder if they will in the future?

And I am glad Thunder has left his father's camp. He clearly did not belong there. But that had to be painful and what Clear Sky did to Frost was wrong - however I am shocked no one else joined him. But between Misty's murder, the attempted murder of her kits, tormenting Thunder, and leaving Frost for dead, Clear Sky is clearly a terrible ruler. At this point in time I can't help but wonder if there is any salvaging him.

As for Gray Wing, Tall Shadow, and Wind Runner leadership needs to be clearly defined and soon. It is not fair for everyone else to constantly wonder who is actually in charge. I have a feeling it won't be Gray Wing. Other then the obvious Wind Runner/WindClan, I have a feeling Gray Wing's lungs will never heal.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

thunder rising: part five

Gray Wing wakes up in his den with Turtle Tail and the kits. He realizes now that the reason why she left with Bumble was because he drove her away and is happy that she returned. He goes to hunt and the kits ask to come along so he lets them. He catches a rabbit but again cannot breathe. Scared, the kits climb on him. He tries to gently push them off but accidentally hurts them. The kits are upset and he apologizes. Pebble Heart listens to Gray Wing's chest and gives him a juniper berry to eat. Gray Wing's breathing clears right up and he is shocked. Pebble Heart admits that he has been paying attention to Cloud Spots and Dappled Pelt. Gray Wing is surprised and immediately thinks of Stoneteller. He asks Pebble Heart if he has dreams. The young kit quickly denies it and Gray Wing realizes he is lying. Gray Wing drops the matter and they return to camp. Turtle Tail finds them and immediately realizes something is wrong. The kits blurt out what happened and Turtle Tail becomes angry. She sends the kits back to camp and confronts Gray Wing - upset both with his breathing problems and that he pushed the kits away. Dogs arrive and they climb a tree. A Twoleg shows up right away and takes the dogs away. They climb down and head back to camp, their fight over. Gray Wing thanks her for keeping his secret but she informs him that she promised no such thing.

Back at camp Gray Wing tells everyone about the dogs. He then checks on Moon Shadow, but the cat does not look good. He still isn't healing properly. Gray Wing goes to his den and sleeps. He wakes up to find Pebble Heart curled next to him, dreaming. He holds the kit until he wakes up. He asks after his dreams and Pebble Heart tells him of a cave with a star in it. This is a happy dream that he has all the time. Gray Wing tells him of Stoneteller and how she has dreams too. Then Pebble Heart tells him of a bad dream he has, of cats getting into a big fight and how Clear Sky is there. This dream clearly upsets Pebble Heart. Gray Wing asks him to keep his dreams between them for now. They leave the den to discover that Moon Shadow has finally died. Gray Wing puts Jagged Peak in charge of the kits so the rest of them can take care of Moon Shadow. Wind Runner and Gorse Fur see them and join them in burying Moon Shadow. The cats head back to camp where they find out that Owl Eyes is missing. Gray Wing is furious with Jagged Peak. Sparrow Fur admits that her brother went hunting. Gray Wing divides the cats up into groups (including Wind Runner and Gorse Fur) and gives them all jobs. He takes Tall Shadow and Jackdaw's Cry with him to search.

Gray Wing's group tracks Owl Eyes' scent but they find it overlaid with dog. Worried they push ahead and find Owl Eyes safe. He has caught a vile and is proud of himself. Gray Wing is having a hard time breathing again and a storm breaks out. He has everyone shelter in a burrow but then the entrance caves in. Gray Wing feels he is failing his group as a leader but Jackdaw's Cry assures him it is no big deal. They follow the underground path, figuring there must be another exit. They reach a center cavern that smells similar to fox. It has many paths leading away. From one of them emerges a badger. Gray Wing leads the cats down another path. Behind him he can hear a cat getting attacked followed by the badger getting injured. When they exit the tunnel Gray Wing is upset to see that it was Owl Eyes who was attacked. His kit is fine, but he is bleeding. They reach the camp and Turtle Tail is upset that Owl Eyes has been hurt. She blames Gray Wing, which Gray Wing feels is unfair. He struggles to breathe and Turtle Tail announces to everyone that Gray Wing cannot be their leader when he is still so injured. He passes out.

Thunder, Frost (who still isn't healing from the fire), and Petal are patrolling their territory when they come across Bumble. Thunder is shocked to see her - especially how thin she looks. Bumble informs them that she is no longer a kittypet. Petal and Frost chase her out of their territory. They resume their patrol and Petal and Frost discuss the upcoming meeting and what it could be about. Frost thinks Clear Sky wants to expand their territory but Petal thinks he wants to give more cats responsibility. The two cats dismissively discuss their clanmates strengths and weaknesses and Thunder is shocked by how cold their attitudes are. He says something but Petal comments that he doesn't have to worry about these things because as Clear Sky's son he will move straight to the top. As they move along Thunder spots Wind. He pretends he doesn't see her but Frost spots her and attacks her. Thunder feels torn between helping Wind, who has never been anything but nice to him, and helping Frost, who is in his group. Wind breaks free and leaves. Petal and Frost are upset with him for not attacking Wind. Thunder decides not to answer their questions so they drop the matter, disgusted with him. Back at the camp Clear Sky announces they will expand their territory. After his speech he pulls Thunder aside. Thunder asks him why they have to expand when the forest is recovering just fine from the fire. Clear Sky is annoyed with Thunder for questioning him and refusing to see his logic. He tells Thunder that he will get to go on the patrol and will make the first new mark.

Poor Thunder. So torn between the rogues (who have been kind to him and the group he is supposed to be loyal to. Though, it is worth noting, that he hasn't changed his ways or started to attack the rogues and he continuously challenges his father, no matter how much that angers Clear Sky.

As for Gray Wing, his leadership while solid, is shaky. I do feel that Turtle Tail is a bit too critical of him, but he cannot breathe correctly and I have a feeling this problem isn't going to go away. I do wish he would hurry up and invite Wind Runner and Gorse Fur to the group already. Though I imagine that once they join they will become WindClan.

Monday, June 10, 2019

thunder rising: part four

The next day Tall Shadow announces to everyone that she is stepping down as leader and appoints Gray Wing to take her place. After her announcement Clear Sky tells everyone they are returning to the forest now that it is safe. He thanks Jagged Peak for everything he has done for his group but the injured cat refuses to acknowledge Clear Sky's words. Gray Wing goes to speak with Clear Sky, but they do not part well thanks to Clear Sky's mocking attitude towards their group and the leadership they have. He also informs Gray Wing that he is taking Thunder. Gray Wing goes to tell his nephew goodbye and Thunder insists he will never forget everything that Gray Wing did for him. Gray Wing tells the young cat to say goodbye to Hawk Swoop. He doesn't overhear what is said but he can tells Hawk Swoop and her kits are upset. Thunder is upset to be leaving so soon but Clear Sky tells him they don't have time to be sentimental. The group leaves without Moon Shadow and Gray Wing bitterly reflects on how it is because Moon Shadow is injured and therefore worthless to Clear Sky. He watches his brother and nephew leave, wondering when he will see Thunder again.

Gray Wing heads out of the camp. He wants to be alone and the open air feels good in his lungs, which still hurt. He worries about Thunder and ponders Clear Sky's coldness. Turtle Tail finds him and they curl up together and fall asleep. Rainswept Flower and the kits find them, waking them up. She comments that she is glad Gray Wing figures out what was obvious to the rest of them. The kits excitedly ask if he is going to move in with them.

Thunder wakes up in a hostile camp. Some of the cats are hostile to him but there is a general feeling of tension in the air that isn't just about him. Clear Sky takes Thunder and Leaf with him for the morning patrol. Leaf is clearly antagonistic towards Thunder but Clear Sky acts oblivious to this and continuously complements Thunder, making things worse. Leaf spots prey but Clear Sky declares that Thunder should catch it. Thunder misses, annoying Clear Sky. He takes off telling the two cats to finish hunting. Leaf implies to Thunder that he is being groomed to be leader after Clear Sky. This upsets Thunder, who insists he doesn't want that, but Leaf doesn't believe him. After hunting they return to the camp and Clear Sky excessively praises Thunder and ignores Leaf's catch. Thunder feels that things are more complicated here then they were on the moor.

Clear Sky takes Thunder into the woods to practice jumping from tree to tree. Thunder is worried to do it since this is the exact way Jagged Peak was injured and the trees still haven't healed from the fire. Clear Sky pushes Thunder, feeling that the young cat is too afraid. He tells at Thunder to go faster and be braver, causing the cat to become determined to prove himself to his father. A branch snaps and he falls from the tree and Clear Sky gets angry, calling Thunder reckless. Thunder becomes angry because he feels that no matter what he does Clear Sky is dissatisfied. They exchange words, with Clear Sky feeling that Thunder isn't paying attention. Later Thunder goes out hunting and sees River Ripple with another cat. He knows Clear Sky would not want them on his territory but decides to do nothing since River Ripple helped them during the fire. But a third cat spots Thunder and chases him. They get into a fight and Thunder pins the other cat down. River Ripple and the second cat approach but before Thunder can say anything Clear Sky appears. He and River Ripple exchange hostile words, with River Ripple telling Clear Sky that he can't keep doing this to other cats. Thunder tries to inject himself into the conversation but Clear Sky shuts him down. The rogues leave and Clear Sky congratulates Thunder for expanding their territory. Thunder is upset, his good mood gone. He cannot believe his father was acting like such a bully and even wouldn't let Thunder speak. He begins to regret leaving Gray Wing.

Gray Wing plays with the kits when they accidentally hurt him and he cannot breathe. The kits worry about their father but Cloud Spots assures everyone that Gray Wing will eventually be fine - he just needs to rest. Gray Wing worries that Cloud Spots is wrong and that he won't get better. Gray Wing wakes up to commotion in the camp. He leaves his den and finds Lightning Tail, who tells him that Wind and Gorse are getting renamed. Wind is named Wind Runner and Gorse is named Gorse Fur. Gray Wing hopes that this will help the mountain cats accept the rogues, since he still has plans to invite them to their group. Lightning Tail sighs and Gray Wing asks him what is wrong. Lightning Tail answers him, but it leads to a fight between them over Clear Sky. Lightning Tail feels that they need strong cats to led them and help them against Clear Sky and Gray Wing feels hurt that he just took over as leader and a cat is already talking about replacing him. Gray Wing decides he has to make an announcement, so he jumps up onto the rock next to Tall Shadow. He speaks of Wind Runner and Gorse Fur's new names, but then turns the speech to Clear Sky. He reminds everyone that when Clear Sky took Thunder he said that sentiment meant nothing, but he feels Clear Sky is wrong - sentiment means everything. He ends his speech with asking the cats if they are behind him. They call out that they are. He goes over to Lightning Tail and tells him that is what real leadership is. Lightning Tail agrees and their fight ends.

I have to say, Clear Sky is such an awful leader, father, and cat in general. He mocks Gray Wing becoming leader, he mocks Jagged Peak for his injury, he isn't appreciative of anything Gray Wing's group did for them, he places Thunder's life in danger then criticizes Thunder for being in a dangerous situation, and he publically humiliates Thunder in front of River Ripple. How is it that cats still follow him?!? I was shocked that Thunder was taken in by Gray Wing, but I am glad to see it has only taken a few weeks to make him realize what a mistake he has made.

I do have to say that as hard as Gray Wing is trying, he too is not a very good leader. He is calm enough, but he doesn't respond well to criticism and he has a hard time giving the cats he cares about space. But I would rather follow Gray Wing than Clear Sky, of that I am sure. I wonder if Thunder will return to his uncle or if he will stay with his father?

On a final note I feel that I've read a story about Thunder and Lightning Tail. The problem with reading so many Warriors books is I can't remember if it was a novella or an excerpt from one of the clan books. When I finish this book I think I am going to go back and find that story and skim over it. I remember so much of Firestar's journey even though that was so many books ago, but when you read a short story on cats who are just a vague concept to you it doesn't really stick as much.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

thunder rising: part three

Gray Wing dreams of a rabbit but wakes up when he smells fire. He realizes it is coming from the forest and rouses the other cats. He leads an expedition to find Clear Sky's camp and help them. He gives Jagged Peak the task of watching over and protecting the kits while they are away. They are unable to make it to Clear Sky's camp but they do find Moon Shadow and save him, however flames cut them off and they become trapped themselves.

Gray Wing is despairing and Thunder tries to figure out what to do. River Ripple arrives and tells the cats where to go through the flames to find safety. The cats all get through and Thunder, along with Jackdaw's Cry, go back to get the injured Moon Shadow. Thunder tries to help Gray Wing, but his uncle snaps at him for making a fuss. Thunder feels hurt since Gray Wing isn't acknowledging his bravery.

Gray Wing is in a lot of pain. His feet hurt and he is having a hard time breathing. He is upset that he cannot lead his group and that Thunder had to take the lead. River Ripple helps the cats get to safety but Gray Wing feels he cannot go because he has to help Clear Sky. Based on River Ripple's comments in return Gray Wing senses hostility between the rogue and Clear Sky's group. Gray Wing goes with the other cats to safety and from there calls for his brother. River Ripple joins him and Clear Sky hears their calls. From across the water Gray Wing is able to guide his brother's group to safety. Gray Wing makes the offer for Clear Sky's group to stay with them and Tall Shadow backs him up. He then introduces Thunder to Clear Sky. The cats head back to the moor.

Thunder walks beside his father, happy to finally meet him. Clear Sky suggests they go hunting together, but after catching a rabbit some rats attack them. Clear Sky becomes annoyed with Thunder for not knowing how to attack as a team. Thunder does get cut but they chase the rats away. They head back to the group where Gray Wing is waiting for them. He is upset with Thunder for leaving and not telling him. Clear Sky, meanwhile, is hostile towards Gray Wing. Thunder's good mood over meeting his father vanishes as he feels like he has betrayed Gray Wing.

Gray Wing returns to the camp upset with Clear Sky's hostility and with the rapid relationship that is springing up between Clear Sky and Thunder. He is also upset that Clear Sky never wanted to have anything to do with his son but now is suddenly interested. He watches as the two groups share the camp but keep separate, with a coldness between them. Gray Wing is upset that both the fire did not bring them closer together and that Clear Sky's group are uninterested in repaying them with reduced hostilities. Tall Shadow pulls Gray Wing aside to tell him she is stepping down as leader of their group since she now has to take care of Moon Shadow and because she acted frightened during the fire. Gray Wing is unable to talk her out of her decision. He goes over to talk to Clear Sky and overhears just how close Clear Sky and Thunder are becoming. Jagged Peak tries to approach his estranged brother but Clear Sky verbally attacks him. Jagged Peak tries to defend himself but Clear Sky is uninterested. Gray Wing comes to Jagged Peak's rescue and puts Clear Sky in his place but the damage is done. Jagged Peak refuses to accept Clear Sky's apology and leaves him. Gray Wing hopes that Clear Sky's behavior will drive Thunder away but instead the young cat is taken in by Clear Sky's speeches of preparing for the future and the need for strong cats. When Thunder asks why Clear Sky abandoned him much to Gray Wing's horror Clear Sky insists it was a test of survival for Thunder that he has passed. He invites the young cat to live with him and Thunder accepts.

Well, I knew it was going to happen eventually. Thunder is clearly Thunderstar and his place is in his father's clan, however I don't feel his place is with his father. Clear Sky is cruel and manipulative - his claims of "testing" the newborn Thunder's survival skill was disgusting. And I seriously doubt when Clear Sky leaves he will be taking the weakened Moon Shadow with him. He doesn't have the patience for wounded cats, no matter how much they served him in the past.

I do feel for Thunder. He has always wanted to meet his father. But after seeing Clear Sky treat Jagged Peak like that I don't see how he can want to go with his father. Sometimes you have to acknowledge that the person you want to know isn't worth knowing. I imagine this will be a very bitter lesson for Thunder to learn.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

thunder rising: part two

Thunder and Shattered Ice race back to their group and spot Jagged Peak alone and vulnerable. Gray Wing arrives and distracts the dogs so Thunder and Shattered Ice can help the injured cat. However the dogs eventually realize the cannot catch Gray Wing and turn to easier prey. Shattered Ice takes off, much to Thunder's shock, and he helps Jagged Peak hide in a rabbit den. Twolegs come and take the dogs away and Gray Wing tells them it is safe to come out. He is shocked when he finds out that Shattered Ice left the two cats behind. Thunder exits the den and realizes Wind and Gorse are there too. Gray Wing is upset with Thunder for leaving the camp and Shattered Ice arrives with help, assuaging everyone's fears that he abandoned his friends. Jagged Peak goes to leave the den but is having a hard time maneuvering his way out when the den collapses on him.

Everyone is shocked and Gray Wing desperately tries to save his brother. Other cats help him but he realizes they aren't making any progress. Wind and Gorse tell everyone to stop and they find the correct spot to dig in, saving Jagged Peak. Everyone heads back to camp, so.e making Jagged Peak feel worse for taking off, others making him feel better by standing up for him and letting him take the lead. Gray Wing manages to do both accidentally. Wind and Gorse ask to live with them and Gray Wing says he will speak to Tall Shadow on their behalf. He goes ahead to camp to tell her what has happened and about Wind and Gorse's request. Tall Shadow is not ready to have outsiders live with them, though she does let them stay for a bit in gratitude for saving Jagged Peak. Wind and Gorse are disappointed in her decision when Gray Wing tells them but they accept it. Turtle Tail tells them to be patient. Later Turtle Tail and Gray Wing talk of life on the moor. Turtle Tail is excited to raise her kits there. Gray Wing asks why she left then if she likes the moor so much but she changes the subject.

The cats settle down and Wind and Gorse start to talk about the rabbit tunnels. As the cats listen contentedly, Tall Shadow cuts them off, telling them that they need to leave. Everyone is shocked by Tall Shadow's declaration and after Wind and Gorse leave an argument breaks out. It starts as an argument over whether or not Wind and Gorse should join their group, but it quickly escalates to whether or not Tall Shadow should be their leader. Shattered Ice declares that Gray Wing should be their leader and other cats quickly back him. Gray Wing is dismayed to see that Tall Shadow won't even speak up for herself as the argument spirals out of control. Upset, she leaves the argument leaving Gray Wing to try and calm the cats down, but he knows that she should be doing this as their leader. Everyone wants a change and Jagged Peak is asked how things are run in Clear Sky's group. He is happy to tell the cats and some feel that some of the things Clear Sky does makes sense. In the end Gray Wing gets everyone off to bed but he wonders what will happen now.

The next day Gray Wing and Thunder go out hunting but they end up getting into a fight. Gray Wing because he is frustrated with Thunder's hunting confusion and Thunder because he feels that Gray Wing is always pushing him and doesn't always know best. The two cats make up but before they can hunt more Turtle Tail goes into labor. Gray Wing rushes back to camp and pushes his way into her den after being ordered to stay out by Rainswept Flower and Jagged Peak. She has three kits, much to Gray Wing's joy, but when she hints they need a father he panics and leaves her den. That night as he sleeps he sees Stoneteller. She tells him that change is coming to his future. He immediately thinks of Turtle Tail's kits but Stoneteller says that is not what she means. Time passes and Turtle Tail's kits grow. Gray Wing helps out with them, much to Turtle Tail's happiness, and Jagged Peak starts to find his place in the group. One day Turtle Tail and Gray Wing take the kits out to explore and Bumble shows up, wishing to join their group. Tom blames Bumble for Turtle Tail leaving and has been attacking her. She wants to move to the moor with her old friend. Turtle Tail tries to tell her old friend no but Bumble won't listen. Turtle Tail takes her to Tall Shadow, knowing that Tall Shadow will refuse her.

On the way back to camp they run into Wind and Gorse who are amused by Bumble's belief that she can join the group. When they reach the camp Bumble makes her request and Tall Shadow tries to let her down gently but does an awful job of it. Wind takes over and bluntly tells Bumble she cannot stay. Wind turns to Tall Shadow to back her up and Tall Shadow is put on the spot. Either she has to agree with Wind or find an excuse to let Bumble stay. Tall Shadow elects to do neither and instead offers to walk Bumble home. But before she can Wind and Gorse take over and escort Bumble out. As she leaves Bumble tells Turtle Tail she will never forgive her for this. Tall Shadow asks Gray Wing if she should allow Wind and Gorse to join their group. She then tells Gray Wing that maybe he should be leader. He stands by Tall Shadow remaining their leader, but privately he thinks of his dream with Stoneteller.

What on earth is going on with Tall Shadow? I feel like she is really dropping the ball when it comes down to leadership. She tells Wind and Gorse no when it should have been a (long overdue) yes and then she bungled telling Bumble no, leaving the job to Wind. And she doesn't stand up for herself as a leader and walks away from the fight before things are resolved. She is also unwilling to make basic changes that would be good for the group - look at poor Jagged Peak who cannot seem to find a place and is thwarted from discovering one by Tall Shadow. I feel like she keeps screwing up - and this is such a sharp contrast from how well she led them through the mountains.

I also feel these mountain cats are living in the past a bit. While they all accept the division with Clear Sky they either keep holding onto hope that things will change or they assume that they can ignore the divison and pretend that it doesn't exist. This also ties into Tall Shadow because some cats are tired of the status quo and are looking to Jagged Peak for a change - but Tall Shadow is uninterested.

Friday, June 7, 2019

thunder rising: part one

Young Thunder dreams of his mother. Awake, he can barely remember her, but asleep he remembers her perfectly. He asks after his father, Clear Sky, and why he rejected him. Storm assures him that one day Thunder will make things right.

Gray Wing takes Thunder, Lightning Tail, and Acorn Fur out to practice hunting. The kits play for a bit, with Thunder showing off his stalking skills. Gray Wing shows them how to chase down prey on the moor, explaining that stalking doesn't work out here, just speed. After that the kits try. Thunder tries to get a mouse but Acorn Fur yells out to him to go faster, alerting the mouse. He looses his prey. Lightning Tail tries to go for some birds but he stalks them and Acorn Fur tells him he is supposed to run. She races past him squealing in excitement and scares the birds away. Gray Wing is amused by their attempts but then as the birds take off Thunder leaps up and snatches one from the sky. Gray Wing knows he should praise Thunder but all he can think of is Clear Sky leaping up like that and all the baggage that the memory brings. Turtle Tail arrives, distracting him from his musings. She acts excited for Thunder, causing Gray Wing to congratulate him. Gray Wing sends the kits off to play while he and Turtle Tail talk. She tells him of her life with the twolegs, a third cat, named Tom, coming to live with them, and of how she misses home. While playing Lightning Tail accidentally crashes into Turtle Tail, knocking her over. Gray Wing realizes she is pregnant. He sends the kits away again and Turtle Tail confesses the truth - that the kits are Tom's and she knew something was wrong when he wouldn't plan their future with her. So she begged Bumble for the truth and her friend admitted to her that the twolegs will take the kits away. Feeling betrayed by Bumble and Tom for hiding the truth from her she wishes to leave and come home. Gray Wing feels hurt that she is having Tom's kits, but he is also happy to have her back. They gather the kits and return to camp but not everyone is happy to see her, feeling that she chose the soft life of a kittypet for the winter and can't just return now that things are easy again. Gray Wing tries to speak up for her but Turtle Tail asks him not to, saying she will speak to Tall Shadow herself.

Gray Wing and Turtle Tail reach the camp and see Tall Shadow giving fighting lessons to some of the cats. Jagged Peak looks on unhappily since his injured leg prevents him from joining. Before Gray Wing or Turtle Tail can call out Shattered Ice arrives, yelling about an intruder in their territory and motioning towards Turtle Tail. Tall Shadow welcomes Turtle Tail back and expresses joy at her future kits joining their group. Shattered Ice is displeased with the welcome Turtle Tail is receiving so Tall Shadow tells him to go hunt. Thunder wants to hunt too but Gray Wingtells him not now. Tall Shadow then pulls Gray Wing and Turtle Tail aside. Jagged Peak sits close, unsure of his place in the group. The three cats talk and Turtle Tail expresses fear that she might have nothing to contribute to the group. Tall Shadow tells her that she wants her to keep watch. Gray Wing is worried what she means but then realizes she is worried about rogues. Tall Shadow's request excites Jagged Peak and he asks if he can contribute that way too, but Tall Shadow tells him no. Jagged Peak leaves, feeling dejected, and Gray Wing and Turtle Tail point out that maybe she should have let him help. Tall Shadow cuts them off saying she is in charge then walks away, leaving Gray Wing and Turtle Tail confused.

Gray Wing offers to show Turtle Tail around. Rainswept Flower wishes to go with them and at first Gray Wing is upset because he wants Turtle Tail to himself but then he realizes her moving home means he can spend as much time with her alone as he wishes. Jagged Peak wishes to go to but is told he has to stay behind. They explore the land and talk, running into Wind and Gorse. They do more exploring with the two rogues, who catch a pigeon for everyone to share. A new rogue none of them has met before names River Ripple invites himself over to join them. After the pigeon is gone he leaves and the cats hear dogs coming. Wind and Gorse take off for their den and the clan cats race to the safety of their home - but the dogs follow. They reach camp and Gray Wing tells everyone to hide. They do so as the dogs rummage around their camp. The dogs leave just as suddenly as they came. While looking around to make sure everyone is okay they realize both Thunder and Jagged Peak are missing and that they must have followed Shattered Ice when he went hunting - and now the three of them are in danger from the dogs.

Thunder follows Shattered Ice into the woods, lying when Shattered Ice asks him if he got permission to go hunting. Thunder enjoys hunting in the forest, feeling like it is so right. He catches a shrew but Shattered Ice is still in a bad mood and comments negatively on the size of it instead of giving him praise. Thunder is upset and Shattered Ice notices and asks what is wrong. Thunder doesn't want to tell him the truth so instead he tells him he knows they aren't supposed to be in the trees. Shattered Ice says he knows, that is why they are hunting there. Shattered Ice tells Thunder to go home, but Thunder refuses, insisting he wants to show off his hunting skills. He botches an attempt at a rabbit, causing Shattered Ice to laugh, however after this Shattered Ice does warm up and begins to teach the young kit. Some of Clear Sky's cats catch them in the woods. They are hostile and Thunder is worried about how the situation will go down when Falling Feather arrives and calms everyone down. She tells her former tribe mates that they cannot hunt in the forest but she also tells her clan mates that they cannot attack the moor cats. Thunder asks if Clear Sky would really be unhappy and deny his own son and silence greets him from all of the cats. Suddenly they hear the dogs and Shattered Ice and Thunder race to their camp.

Poor Thunder. Unwanted by his father, and while Gray Wing clearly loves him and cares for him he is also afraid of and for him and reacts poorly. He looks at Thunder and sees his brother. He is obviously filled with fear of losing Thunder and reacts poorly to the good qualities that Thunder shows - the same qualities that Clear Sky has. I have a feeling Thunder will go off to join his father's clan - that is ultimately his place - but as much as Gray Wing won't want to admit it I suspect it will be partly his fault.

I am glad at Turtle Tail's return and I hope that she will find the happiness she has always wanted with Gray Wing - or, at least if not with him then someone else. Gray Wing himself seems really pleased at her return, though I don't think he realizes why.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

diary of a wimpy kid: cabin fever

Favorite Scene Honorable Mention: The whole baby Alfrendo story.

Favorite Scene Honorable Mention: Greg and Roderick bringing the lady to the wrong grocery store.

Favorite Scene: Greg taking the vandalism fall for him and Rowley, even though Rowley ratted them out.

Least Favorite Scene Honorable Mention: Taking everything off of the tree so Manny can hang up his candy cane. I get that this kid is a baby but he is babied WAY too much. It is annoying.

Least Favorite Scene Honorable Mention: Also, Manny turning off all the electricity.

Least Favorite Scene: Bollyball. Sometimes I wonder about Rowley.

Monday, June 3, 2019

diary of a wimpy kid: the ugly truth

Favorite Scene Honorable Mention: Uncle Gary's third wedding photo

Favorite Scene Honorable Mention: Gammie's Easter stunt. She knew exactly what she was doing.

Favorite Scene Honorable Mention: Roderick doing the family meals.

Favorite Scene Honorable Mention: The "extra homework" permission slip.

Favorite Scene Honorable Mention: Greg fixing his grandfather's A to Z book.

Favorite Scene: Isabella getting busted.

Least Favorite Scene Honorable Mention: Greg getting Rowley to pull him in a wagon.

Least Favorite Scene Honorable Mention: Greg's mom cooking his egg.

Least Favorite Scene Honorable Mention: The whole lock-in. What did they really think was going to happen?

Least Favorite Scene: The mom not listening to Greg when he tried to tell her about Isabella.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

200 books: may 2019

So Little Legs and I met his goal for books (which wasn't hard as he only needed one more). So now all three kids are past their goal, which is awesome! I'm only 27 books away from my goal, which is incredible since we are five months into the and I am almost at the 75% point.

The one area we are seriously slacking is family reading, so I told my kids that I think that needs to be our main focus for June. We are still struggling to find the time to finish the next Sisters Grimm book and I think we need to make that a priority (as well as reading an extra book or two) since everyone but me is in excess of their goal. Unfortunately we did not get an opportunity to family read today since Little Legs is pretty sick so I have been busy with that...

Anyway, onto May's books and our impressive stats!

May books:
  1. Diary of an Awesomely Friendly Kid - Vampire Kitten
  2. Plants vs Zombies: Lawnmageddon - Vampire Kitten
  3. Plants vs Zombies: Timepocalypse - Vampire Kitten
  4. Plants vs Zombies: Bully for You - Vampire Kitten
  5. Plants vs Zombies: Grown Sweet Home - Vampire Kitten
  6. Plants vs Zombies: Petal to the Metal - Vampire Kitten
  7. Plants vs Zombies: Boom Boom Mushroom - Vampire Kitten
  8. Plants vs Zombies: Battle Extravagonzo - Vampire Kitten
  9. Plants vs Zombies: Lawn of Doom - Vampire Kitten
  10. Call of Duty Zombies #1 - Vampire Kitten
  11. The 78 Story Treehouse -Vampire Kitten
  12. Plants vs Zombies: The Greatest Show Unearthed - Vampire Kitten
  13. Plants vs Zombies: Rumble at Lake Gumbo - Vampire Kitten
  14. Plants vs Zombies: War and Peas - Vampire Kitten
  15. Zita the Spacegirl - Vampire Kitten
  16. Return of Zita the Spacegirl - Vampire Kitten
  17. Heroes of Olympus: Mark of Athena - Lone Wolf
  18. Heroes of Olympus: House of Hades - Lone Wolf
  19. Call of Duty Zombies # - Lone Wolf
  20. Olympians: Aphrodite Goddess of Love - Lone Wolf 
  21. Olympians: Apollo the Brilliant One - Lone Wolf
  22. Notebook of Doom: Slap of the Super-Goop - Little Legs
  23. Notebook of Doom: Sneeze of the Octo-Schnozz - Little Legs
  24. Scooby-Doo: Curse of the Stage Fright - Little Legs
  25. Science Comics: Dogs From Predator to Protector - Little Legs
  26. Scooby-Doo Mysteries: Scooby-Doo and the Sunken Ship - Little Legs
  27. Wings of Fire: The Dragonet Prophecy - Wandering Falcon
  28. Warriors: The Sun Trail - Wandering Falcon
  29. Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Wandering Falcon
  30. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Roderick Rules - Wandering Falcon
  31. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw - Wandering Falcon
  32. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days - Wandering Falcon
  33. Wicca Candle Magick - Wandering Falcon
  34. Be My Valentine - Wandering Falcon
  35. Picture Tales From Mexico - Wandering Falcon
The breakdown: 

Vampire Kitten: 16
Lone Wolf: 5
Little Legs: 5
Wandering Falcon: 9
Family: 0

Total: 199

Vampire Kitten: 72/50
Lone Wolf: 33/25
Little Legs: 17/13
Wandering Falcon: 73/100
Family: 4/12

Total: 165/200