Friday, February 8, 2019

code of the clans

So, I'm a sucker for guides. When I fangirl, I FANGIRL. However, this is a guide, not a novel/short story/graphic novel. So I am not going to get all in depth here.

This was an interesting book, clearly geared towards people like me who don't have anything better to do with their spare time then obsess. The book lists the warrior code (of which there are 15 rules) and then switches to Leafpool's (who is still ThunderClan's medicine cat) point of view, as she tells the story behind each part of the warrior code. Each rule came with a very short short story or two that explained how and why this rule came about. ThunderClan alone did not put forward rules (for which I was glad) and any rules put forward needed to be agreed upon by all clan leaders. Most rules were put forward for the good of the clans and to avoid fighting, but some were put forward for more selfish or confusing reasons. Before Leafpool is done telling her stories she touches upon rules that were put forward but never passed.

All in all it was a nice collection of (very short) short stories.

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