Saturday, October 23, 2021

12 books in 12 weeks: block 4

I read books! Okay, so it was mostly Sailor Moon so while the list is semi long it really isn't that impressive of a list. But, if you exclude Sailor Moon, it is more than 12 books. So, I guess there is that win.

We did return to the office for one day a week. This did not increase my reading time as much as I thought it would. The transition into the office via public transportation has actually been pretty stressful. Some days the bus is so packed there are no seats. And, I started getting into audio books - as in I FINALLY read (listened to) the entire Kane Chronicles!!! And since I ended up hooked on those I did that on the bus ride some days (but, this was kind of hard because the bus is loud). We also did not start a new Wheel of Time book. Between returning to work, trying to buy our house from our landlord, and now one of my twins (Vampire Kitten) has tested positive for covid... and my other two kids need to quarantine... while I am supposed to actually go to work... we have a lot going on. I am hoping to start the next Wheel of Time book soon, but even if we do I don't foresee finishing it by the end of the next 12 week block. 

Anyway, my books:

  1. Sailor Moon 1
  2. Sailor Moon 2
  3. Sailor Moon 3
  4. Sailor Moon 4
  5. Sailor Moon 5
  6. Sailor Moon 6
  7. Sailor Moon 7
  8. Sailor Moon 8
  9. Sailor Moon 9
  10. Sailor Moon 10
  11. Sailor Moon 11
  12. Sailor Moon 12
  13. Warriors: Tigerheart's Shadow
  14. The Adventure Zone: The Crystal Kingdom
  15. The Kane Chronicles: The Red Pyramid
  16. The Kane Chronicles: The Throne of Fire
  17. The Kane Chronicles: The Serpent's Shadow
  18. The Green Witch
  19. Everyday Witch Book of Rituals
  20. Spellcraft for Teens
  21. The Book of Spells
  22. Witchcraft on a Shoestring
  23. The Wicca Spellbook
  24. Morgan Le Fay's Book of Spells and Wiccan Rites
  25. Pagan Rituals